Author Topic: 1000 times  (Read 2949 times)

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1000 times
« on: February 07, 2010, 08:35:35 pm »
Hello Everyone,

Being this is my 1000 post i thought i would reflect back and give a little
advice to the new members here. It has been a long journey when you consider the original site that i first joined and posted on for quite a while along with the time i have spent here reading and posting. I think i officially joined here in July of last year after reading many posts as a guest.

I am now married and living in China (Guangzhou) with my wife. I actually met here on CLL (chinese love links) after a few dissapointments
with CHL. We married on 9/9/2009 and my arrival here was on 9/4/2009.
during the times before i met Siying i had more downs than ups considering nothing was working out. But i stayed with it and now i have
been fortunate enough to find a lady who is the greatest. (sorry to you guys in relationships) but i feel i have found the best.

Or maybe i should say she found me.:icon_biggrin: So my advice to everyone here embarking on this journey is to stick with it. You will have
the same ups and downs as i did unless your lucky and make a go of it the first time around. But for those with the diappointments-----------
DONT GIVE UP---------because when you do find the lady you will embark on a wonderful journey in life with a lady who is-----------

Kind,Caring,Loving,Loyal,Respectful,Smart,Beautiful, and so much more.

When i tell her  I LOVE YOU  those 3 words dont really seem to be enough to tell her how i feel about her. So much more. And when she tells me its like i am on top of the world. So keep searching because you
dont know nor do you realize quite yet what you will have when you finally find success.I should have done this years sooner than i did as my trips to China over the past 8 years was more for travel and r&r looking but not really looking to hard for a permenant lady. But then again if i had done that i would never have met Siying whom is the lady that i feel is the best.:icon_biggrin:

Looking forward to hearing on here other members who have found what
i have found in China. Wouldnt trade it in for anything in the world.

Ted in Guangzhou

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: 1000 times
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2010, 09:03:45 pm »
Wow.  One of your longest posts Ted.  Specially saved for the mementous occasion and very right in contents.  May take you upon having found the greatest - but shall we say we have found the two greatest women in China - unless anyone knows different.

You are right in your advice.  Never give up.  As many of you know I came here in June 2009 to meet a lady and it did not work out but I was able to stay here and like Ted I am now happily married to the kindest, most considerate person I have ever met.    Every need I have (and many I did not even know I had) are taken care of with a smile - nothing is too much trouble for her.

So if you wish to have what Ted and I have found, and what many others have found on this forum then like he says, 'stick with it'.   We complain about the cost of emfs but really if you was courting a lady in your own country just what would it cost you?  Just a pair of drinks in an ordinary pub in UK will cost the same as an emf.  Dinner for two may well pay for emfs for two weeks!!   And spending money on beer and fancy meals is not going to give you the experience, the excitement, the thrill and the love that Ted and I have both found found, albeit in different cities, in China.

Set your sights too high and maybe you will have disappointments along the way - I know that I, at 60, did before I became more realistic.  But in the end you will find that special person who will treat you like no other you have ever met before.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: 1000 times
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2010, 09:12:45 pm »
Well said also Willy. Yes we are fortunate in that these ladies found us:icon_cheesygrin:
I have had the pleasure to meet yours and she does the same as Siying with you. I guess
the comment is we must have done something right in life to get and deserve what we have

Your still sticking with that 60 yr old mark. but i am sure you told Angel that your really like
Highlander was and have been around for a few centuries :icon_cheesygrin::icon_biggrin:
just traveling in time.


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RE: 1000 times
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2010, 06:21:23 am »
Yes that's a great post Ted. I'm not sure if I'll get to 1000 posts as I'm busy launching new money making ventures - for those brothers who quibble about the cost of an EMF I can only say I hope you appreciate what a gigantic amount of cash this takes.

I guess I might have had the greatest start of all of us - I found my lady after less than 10 days after I signed up for Chnlove. I went to visit her after 2 months, and found she actually existed. We are still together :heart:! I'll visit her again in April or May, and I would think we would then get engaged. My lady is unique, I have no doubt about that. From seeing her profile I knew she would be different to the other ladies, and that is certainly true :icon_biggrin:.

We've faced some incredible challenges. I've been through some terrible moments. But my love for her has got me through these tough times. The advice about not giving up is very good. Being able to cope mentally with this is also essential, and I am glad I started this quest when the rest of my life was comparatively stable.

I've done really well learning her language, and my goodness she is going to be surprised that my Mandarin is almost as good as her English :icon_cheesygrin:. I have found learning the language easier than I thought - I guess you really have to have a good reason for learning Chinese, like having a beautiful Chinese lady to talk and write to!

Anyway, my lady has been to 2 weddings and 1 funeral so far this year. Will she make it to 4 weddings and a funeral ha ha ha :icon_cheesygrin:.

Offline Bee964

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RE: 1000 times
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2010, 07:50:27 am »
Great advise guys!! Keep it coming!:icon_cheesygrin: Wooo Hooo I just realised I passed the 100 mark! I'm catching up to you guys!!

Dave C
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 07:52:14 am by Bee964 »
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.


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RE: 1000 times
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2010, 12:24:24 pm »
Bee just ask and you shall recieve  :icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: 1000 times
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2010, 08:09:59 pm »
Well, in the spirit of looking for love in China, I am on a five year plan, lol. And if that one fails, I'll do another, because quite frankly I am done looking anywhere else I think, given my experiences with western woman and what you guys say about your ladies. I have a loooooong, loooooong way to go, but you guys definitely make it sound worth the journey.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 08:11:07 pm by trwme »


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RE: 1000 times
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2010, 11:12:23 pm »
the journey is well worth it as many have said

Offline falcon

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RE: 1000 times
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2010, 09:25:02 pm »
What a great story Ted, how inspirational, thanks for sharing, I am so happy for your both!

Offline Josh Markley

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RE: 1000 times
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2010, 01:17:58 am »
Appreciate your story guys, gives some meaning and hope to those of us who are trying to accomplish the same.
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