Author Topic: Agencies - my ongoing experience  (Read 22483 times)

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Offline odysseus007

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RE: Agencies - my ongoing experience
« Reply #30 on: February 27, 2010, 02:16:13 am »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='32691' dateline='1267248038'

Yeah it sounds like the translator decided to reply instead of the lady.

I would give them hell, and then some. Definitely an extreme bad rating, complaint to CHN, etc, the works. And post here, or own thread.
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: Agencies - my ongoing experience
« Reply #31 on: February 27, 2010, 03:26:37 am »
Quote from: 'odysseus007' pid='32695' dateline='1267254973'

Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='32691' dateline='1267248038'

Yeah it sounds like the translator decided to reply instead of the lady.

I would give them hell, and then some. Definitely an extreme bad rating, complaint to CHN, etc, the works. And post here, or own thread.

Well, I did everything you mention here except write chnlove. Gave them a bad rating, wrote a scathing comment on why i gave them that rating, and posted here.

The response was worded enough differently from her first two letters (actually one was simply complaining that I wasn't writing back fast enough) that they could say it was a legitimate response, but it isn't-I was very specific in what I asked the lady to reply to, and she touched not one issue I raised. Here is what she wrote;

Hi Roy,

Thank you for your letter, it truly brightened my day!

I am looking for the man who is honest, loyal and responsible. We don't know what will happen next minute, so we should cherish our fates. I believe we would know each other better thought further correspondence. You will prove your feeling of outer and inner beauty. I am also looking for your partner to share everything with you including happiness and sorrow.

I dont play any game here, it will not only hurt anothers person, but also hurt myself. although i am not young any more, i still have a young heart. I like smile, and i want bring my smile to the person around me. The smiling not only can bring me a positive attitude to life, but also give me many happiness. When i am searching my soul mate, i dont mind where he comes from, i just hope he can be kind, honest, postive to life, and responsible to family; i dont mind whether he is rich, i would like stay beside him, love him, take care him, and we together create our beautiful future!

And thanks for telling me so much about you and your sincerity about the view of love. For me, I am so serious to find my soul mate here, which is the only thing I am doing now—of course except my work. ^_^ I do not require my lover is handsome and rich, but he will love me, care me, respect me and help me for the rest of life. And I will do the same to him. We don't know what will happen next minute, so we should cherish our fates. I believe we would know each other better thought further correspondence. You will prove your feeling of outer and inner beauty. Will you?

Looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes

Sincerely yours,


Basically all that is, is an introductory letter. It certainly did not respond to any of the life issues-her life issues-I had specifically asked her to answer in my previous emf.  Some snippets from that:

In my first letter to you, I asked that you read my profile again and then write me back with your thoughts on what I said there. I was dissapointed that you did not do this. You seem like a very sweet, nice young lady, and you are of course very beautiful! But, I am not sure that I am the right man for your future....

From your previous letter, it seems that perhaps you come from some privaleged background?....I know that in China, it is very important to have the family's blessing before marriage, and I wonder if it would be possible for me, a poor western man, to be able to get this from them. Also, I wonder if you really know what marriage is about? You have never been married. I am not saying these things to make you feel bad, I am simply expressing to you the questions I have about proceeding further with you. It is one thing to have observed others, and it is another thing to have lived and experienced the trials and hardships of married life....

Whoever I meet and marry, if this happens, will need to come to my country to live with me. Do you think this is something you could or would do?....Tell me, what does your family think about you looking for a husband this way? What do they think about you looking for a foreigner, and about you possibly moving many thousands of miles away from them? How is your english? You say you wish to have a steady job in the future, you will need to know english fairly well to be employed here. I do not think you are the type of lady who would be satisfied working as a waitress in the local chinese buffet restauraunt.....

Etc. I ended with this;

Please, if you write me back, answer all the things I have talked about here. If you do not, then I will have to make a decision to block further correspondence with you.

I like how 'she' said twice we would get to know each other better through more correspondence. In other words, spend your emf credits here, foolish western man! But there was no response specific to anything I asked or issue I raised in my letter to her.


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RE: Agencies - my ongoing experience
« Reply #32 on: February 27, 2010, 03:31:38 am »
thats a typical form letter as i have recieved a few with very similiar wording in it.
the only way is to keep taking a hard stand and dont tolerate their games. to
many looking for a man to wait out and spend that kind of money.

Offline odysseus007

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RE: Agencies - my ongoing experience
« Reply #33 on: February 27, 2010, 11:48:36 pm »
That letter is as ersatz as the typical elevator music, or Walmart offerings. It is a real insult to be scammed by such an unimaginative idiot, at least give me a full blown creative liar or schizo.....
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Agencies - my ongoing experience
« Reply #34 on: February 27, 2010, 11:55:27 pm »
Quote from: 'odysseus007' pid='32765' dateline='1267332516'

 at least give me a full blown creative liar or schizo.....

You rang M'Lord.:fi_lone_ranger:

« Last Edit: February 27, 2010, 11:55:52 pm by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline odysseus007

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RE: Agencies - my ongoing experience
« Reply #35 on: February 28, 2010, 12:08:21 am »
Quote from: 'Willy The Londoner' pid='32769' dateline='1267332927'

Quote from: 'odysseus007' pid='32765' dateline='1267332516'

 at least give me a full blown creative liar or schizo.....

You rang M'Lord.:fi_lone_ranger:


EGGzactly! You kissed the Blarney Stone, mayhap? Aha, I remember Bill Clinton in his heyday was called "Slick Willy", so maybe it's homage to the Master :icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 12:10:15 am by odysseus007 »
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: Agencies - my ongoing experience
« Reply #36 on: February 28, 2010, 05:09:43 am »
Quote from: 'odysseus007' pid='32765' dateline='1267332516'

That letter is as ersatz as the typical elevator music, or Walmart offerings. It is a real insult to be scammed by such an unimaginative idiot, at least give me a full blown creative liar or schizo.....

Yeah, I pretty much took it as an insult. "Oh yeah? You wanna get assertive with me? Well, I steal your emf credit! So there, uppity western sillyboy!" I was open to letting her have one last chance to explain herself and make her case, so I was willing to risk the credit-I have plenty for now. But she quickly went on the blocked list after I received that.

Offline Oiler1

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RE: Agencies - my ongoing experience
« Reply #37 on: March 04, 2010, 02:50:20 am »
I got a few notes saying the lady would contact me by personal e-mail and they never did. It's just a polite way of saying if you don't want to use the EMF service then forget it.  I gave her my e-mail, QQ and relatives cell in HK and still no response so fellas don't be fooled.

Offline odysseus007

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RE: Agencies - my ongoing experience
« Reply #38 on: March 04, 2010, 06:00:20 am »
Quote from: 'Oiler1' pid='33108' dateline='1267689020'

I got a few notes saying the lady would contact me by personal e-mail and they never did. It's just a polite way of saying if you don't want to use the EMF service then forget it.  I gave her my e-mail, QQ and relatives cell in HK and still no response so fellas don't be fooled.

Yup you're right there, they never did, and if they still don't after a month I'm gonna raise hell. BUT now, I have one lady who actually gave me her phone number, so I can raise hell about the liars. Will update the status of those "will contact yous" later. One even wrote a one-liner asking for my email, well, we shall see how easy it is to steal my credits.
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: Agencies - my ongoing experience
« Reply #39 on: March 05, 2010, 10:28:58 am »
Keep in mind gentlemen that you should keep a positive attitude
 and not think that you will get ripped off all the time because i
 think that it will give you an attitude and will probably leave you
 open to get ripped. subconciesly you will do it and not realize it

 just my 2 cents worth  

 keep positive :icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Bee964

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RE: Agencies - my ongoing experience
« Reply #40 on: March 05, 2010, 10:44:27 am »
Quote from: 'ttwjr32' pid='33270' dateline='1267802938'

Keep in mind gentlemen that you should keep a positive attitude
 and not think that you will get ripped off all the time because i
 think that it will give you an attitude and will probably leave you
 open to get ripped. subconciesly you will do it and not realize it

 just my 2 cents worth  

 keep positive :icon_cheesygrin:

Good point. I am not going into this with a negative attitude. I will be keeping up a positive attitude. It is the only way to build up trust either with the woman or the agency, but I will always stay on my guard.

Dave C

Quote from: 'odysseus007' pid='33127' dateline='1267700420'

Yup you're right there, they never did, and if they still don't after a month I'm gonna raise hell. BUT now, I have one lady who actually gave me her phone number, so I can raise hell about the liars. Will update the status of those "will contact yous" later. One even wrote a one-liner asking for my email, well, we shall see how easy it is to steal my credits.

I wlii be in Singapore the beginning of april. I get there april 1st. My plane lands at 11:35 pm, so there won't be any time for any april fools jokes on me! :icon_cheesygrin: I have my ladies address and the hotel she suggested is near her place. We have had a couple e-mails exchanged and I see a slight difference in whom the letter is written from. She still has the basic attitude towards me though, so I think that the EMF letters are really from her and not generated from the agency. There may be a little of the translator injected into the letters but what the content basically is looks like it is really from her. We will see for sure when I get there but I don't have any doubts. There is internet access at the hotel so I will try to post here how things are going.

I am heading back to florida later today for about two weeks. trwme, I have packed a seperate suitcase with only clean underwear. There must be 40 or 50 pair in there!! I can change my underwear 3 times a day! :icon_cheesygrin: HAHAHAHA  Your ex must not have met any real Canadian men if that was her impression of Canadian men!! HAHAHA :icon_cool::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cool:
« Last Edit: March 05, 2010, 11:12:48 am by Bee964 »
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.


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RE: Agencies - my ongoing experience
« Reply #41 on: March 05, 2010, 12:06:49 pm »

buy your underwear and socks here 10 packs for 20 rmb  lol
more room in your suitcase for other things



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RE: Agencies - my ongoing experience
« Reply #42 on: March 05, 2010, 01:41:44 pm »
Quote from: 'Bee964' pid='33272' dateline='1267803867'

I am heading back to florida later today for about two weeks. trwme, I have packed a seperate suitcase with only clean underwear. There must be 40 or 50 pair in there!! I can change my underwear 3 times a day! :icon_cheesygrin: HAHAHAHA  Your ex must not have met any real Canadian men if that was her impression of Canadian men!! HAHAHA :icon_cool::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cool:

lol, well, she has a feminist streak, so she basically has an attitude about any man, wherever he comes from. Hey, did I mention she is FRENCH Canadian? Don't know if that makes any difference, lol. From Moncton N.B., so if you're ever in that vicinity, and run into a petite dark haired woman in her 50's with semi asian features....look out!

Offline odysseus007

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RE: Agencies - my ongoing experience
« Reply #43 on: March 05, 2010, 02:05:51 pm »
Quote from: 'ttwjr32' pid='33270' dateline='1267802938'

Keep in mind gentlemen that you should keep a positive attitude
 and not think that you will get ripped off all the time because i
 think that it will give you an attitude and will probably leave you
 open to get ripped. subconciesly you will do it and not realize it

 just my 2 cents worth  

 keep positive :icon_cheesygrin:

I also did get 2 direct phone numbers, so it's not all gloom & doom. But still, I got 20 phone numbers at the other site, which is 10x better ROI. Once I get the numbers, boy, things couldn't have gone better.
Quote from: 'Bee964' pid='33272' dateline='1267803867'

Quote from: 'ttwjr32' pid='33270' dateline='1267802938'

Keep in mind gentlemen that you should keep a positive attitude
 and not think that you will get ripped off all the time because i
 think that it will give you an attitude and will probably leave you
 open to get ripped. subconciesly you will do it and not realize it

 just my 2 cents worth  

 keep positive :icon_cheesygrin:

Good point. I am not going into this with a negative attitude. I will be keeping up a positive attitude. It is the only way to build up trust either with the woman or the agency, but I will always stay on my guard.

Dave C

Quote from: 'odysseus007' pid='33127' dateline='1267700420'

Yup you're right there, they never did, and if they still don't after a month I'm gonna raise hell. BUT now, I have one lady who actually gave me her phone number, so I can raise hell about the liars. Will update the status of those "will contact yous" later. One even wrote a one-liner asking for my email, well, we shall see how easy it is to steal my credits.

I wlii be in Singapore the beginning of april. I get there april 1st. My plane lands at 11:35 pm, so there won't be any time for any april fools jokes on me! :icon_cheesygrin: I have my ladies address and the hotel she suggested is near her place. We have had a couple e-mails exchanged and I see a slight difference in whom the letter is written from. She still has the basic attitude towards me though, so I think that the EMF letters are really from her and not generated from the agency. There may be a little of the translator injected into the letters but what the content basically is looks like it is really from her. We will see for sure when I get there but I don't have any doubts. There is internet access at the hotel so I will try to post here how things are going.

I am heading back to florida later today for about two weeks. trwme, I have packed a seperate suitcase with only clean underwear. There must be 40 or 50 pair in there!! I can change my underwear 3 times a day! :icon_cheesygrin: HAHAHAHA  Your ex must not have met any real Canadian men if that was her impression of Canadian men!! HAHAHA :icon_cool::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cool:

Well well, is it the Hotel 81? Haha, inside joke here. Do give me a tinkle at 82007154, yes, it will be interesting. PM me & we shall talk details. Underwear is cheap here, we even have disposables, maybe you might wanna bring more blue pills? haha :icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: March 05, 2010, 02:10:00 pm by odysseus007 »
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin:

Offline mustfocus

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RE: Agencies - my ongoing experience
« Reply #44 on: March 05, 2010, 09:34:44 pm »
Quote from: 'trwme' pid='33299' dateline='1267814504'

Quote from: 'Bee964' pid='33272' dateline='1267803867'

I am heading back to florida later today for about two weeks. trwme, I have packed a seperate suitcase with only clean underwear. There must be 40 or 50 pair in there!! I can change my underwear 3 times a day! :icon_cheesygrin: HAHAHAHA  Your ex must not have met any real Canadian men if that was her impression of Canadian men!! HAHAHA :icon_cool::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cool:

lol, well, she has a feminist streak, so she basically has an attitude about any man, wherever he comes from. Hey, did I mention she is FRENCH Canadian? Don't know if that makes any difference, lol. From Moncton N.B., so if you're ever in that vicinity, and run into a petite dark haired woman in her 50's with semi asian features....look out!

Semi-asian arcadian?  Ouch!  That'll get ya.  I find they tend to go to extremes.  If they're nice, they're really nice.  But if they're bad, they're really bad.  But most are of the nice variety.
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