Author Topic: How much should I expect to shell out on a 2 week visit.  (Read 6461 times)

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Offline zook144

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RE: How much should I expect to shell out on a 2 week visit.
« Reply #30 on: February 14, 2010, 07:24:56 pm »
Gee, Rob!!!!   I could have spent my whole trip looking for that restuarant and worrying about it.:huh:

Just kidding, but thanks for letting us know its NOT there.:icon_cheesygrin:  I'll scratch that off the list of things to see and do!!!

« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 07:25:59 pm by zook144 »
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RE: How much should I expect to shell out on a 2 week visit.
« Reply #31 on: February 14, 2010, 07:31:42 pm »
On my four Trips , I averaged about $ 3,000 to $ 3,500 per Trip .. with Airfare . Shanghai , Beijing , Hangzhou , Hong Kong are not cheap places to Visit and staying at better than average Hotel's and going to Restaurant's with private Rooms all the time . So , I concider this was a bargain for us two . My Visit's were .. 11 - 12 - 14 and 16 day's in that order . This did not include Gift's though , which of course varies between each Person .

Offline JimB

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RE: How much should I expect to shell out on a 2 week visit.
« Reply #32 on: February 15, 2010, 04:15:34 am »
First of all Welcome to the best site on the internet for what you are doing.  Remember this, everyone here just wants to help.  You may get differing opinions and you may not like the advice you get but it is never given to be mean or nasty, it is  not tolerated here.  
I spent about $4000 on each of my first two trips. I stayed about 12-14 days. My third trip I stayed for 3 months so you cant count that and this trip I am staying for a month. David 50 is right.  Exchange your money in China but MAKE SURE IT IS CLEAN CRISP MONEY, the Banks will not take anything that is crinkly or torn or worn.  It was a pain for me the last trip to change money in Beijing.  I really do not know why that was such a hassle most times it is pretty simple. So before you leave go to your bank and change your money to new money.  Now I dont even change anything.  I just put the money in my wifes account and she handles it.  Like Arnold said it makes life easier.  I just keep a little for myself and she gets the rest.  Now I dont recommend it the first time you are going to meet her. hehe But, afterwards if you are engaged and trust her, I would do it.  
My wife is in Beijing and it can get expensive for an apartment or hotel compared to other cities.  I have paid $100 per night and this last time I was paying $35 a night.  But that is out of town a ways.  Going to the Great Wall is not that expensive.  I have done it twice. The first time was on a tour and cost me $50, but that was three places and included lunch.  The last time we hired a car for the day.  That ran about $73 plus lunch for him.  Then we paid for our admissions.  Taxi's are cheap and plentiful in Beijing.  But just be aware that the driving here is nothing like you have ever seen in your life.  No place and I mean No place on Earth is like here.  Even after 3 months I was still jumpy every time we got in a cab.  I have driven in about every major city in the us plus some around different countries, even Australia and nothing compares.  Even Jamaica is not like here.  So be prepared.  Now be warned that if you do not know the driver, always take a taxi.  They are easily identified and regulated.  You pay the meter period.  Private cars can be up to three times what you pay for a taxi.  however going for the whole day can be different and that can be negotiated.  When we do that I usually tip the driver depending on how he does.  We have used the same guy all the time, he is fair and will be there when you want him.  Most days he just sits in the car waiting for us.  He pays the tolls and for gas.  Make sure that is negotiated also.  Usually let your lady do the bargaining.  The minute most of them see a foreigner, the see dollar signs.  They cannot get it out of their head that we are all rich and compared to most of them we are well off.  
Communicating with your lady.  if she has great English skills no problem.  But, if she says her English is fair, i suggest a translator.  the first days I used a guy i know there.  The ones from the agency are usually overpriced. After that we bought a Besta with the pen so you can actually write on the screen.  They run anywhere from $150 upwards.  You can find them on E bay even.  I guarantee you will use it a lot. Also carry a pocket dictionary with you in case the batteries run out.  we still use ours from time to time when trying to get a point across.  
As time gets nearer we can help you even more but these are some things to think about.  Plus read read and read the threads here especially in the newbie area and ask an experienced member area.  you will get plenty of great info there.  I am not an original member here but I came on early in the facebook days and am a married member.  i got the lady of my dreams here and I wish you the same.  One last thing for now, different areas of the country have different customs, my experiences have been in Beijing, Wuhan and Xi'an.  Others have had a little bit different experiences.  
Best of luck to you.

Jim & Gina
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline mustfocus

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RE: How much should I expect to shell out on a 2 week visit.
« Reply #33 on: February 15, 2010, 09:34:27 am »
Hey Jim,

I was wondering if you could tell us where you got the hotel $35 offer?  Was it in Beijing?  I've gotten it down to $30 a night, but that was in a "business hotel" (2-3 stars).  The place is clean and fulfills my requirements, but I wouldn't mind checking out a few other places if I can get better value (as I think we all would).

For those of you who want to want to look at hotel chain I stayed at for $30 a night, click here.  It's called Jinjiang Inn.  Not a 4-star by any stretch of the imagination, but it gave me a clean place to sleep and shower and rest.  Free internet as well.  I'm also considering the Super 8 chain (if anyone has any opinions about them) for my next visit.
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen

Offline JimB

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RE: How much should I expect to shell out on a 2 week visit.
« Reply #34 on: February 15, 2010, 11:27:52 pm »
It is in the N. 4th ring area.  quite a ways out from downtown.  it suits me as it is near my wife's work.  It sounds pretty much like the one you are talking about.  it is nice and clean, big bed, small room. It has KFC, Wal Mart and a number of restaurants right across the street.  The one problem wit h it is it does not take any credit or debit cards.  Cash only.  I prefer to pay with my debit or credit card as i get a good exchange rate plus I have the bill as a receipt.  I think it carries a little more weight with the government because it is more difficult to play with that kind of receipt.  
I have heard good things about the Jinjiang inn's.  So i guess it depends on what you want in a hotel.  I know best value but like i said the first time I stayed in a 5 star at $100 a night plus.  I wanted that feel and the impression it made on my now wife.  (in hindsight that was a mistake.  it gives the impression of money is no object and it took me a little while to counter that).  For me as long as it is clean no smoking and in a decent neighborhood, that is all I care about now.  Oh, yes and a western style toilet is a must!! hehe
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Offline mustfocus

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RE: How much should I expect to shell out on a 2 week visit.
« Reply #35 on: February 16, 2010, 12:05:13 am »
It sounds like it's somewhere near the Bird's Nest and Water Cube.  I'm not sure if there are more than one Walmart in Beijing, but I remember a sign in one of the subway stations pointing out that there was a Walmart nearby on my way to the Bird's Nest (that was a trek in itself when you change lines like that).

The Jinjiang Inn I stayed at primarily (I've been to a few) is located at the Chang Chun subway station.  There's a McD 5 minutes away and numerous small restaurants and markets nearby.  It's also a little inset instead of being directly on the main road so less noise (although during NY, you will still hear fireworks).  Western style toilet is a go.  The only really disturbing thing is that the washrooms are usually raised above the floor, making you feel like you're walking on a sheet of plastic.

I think I will try the super8 next time just to see what they're like.
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Offline ahkiwi

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RE: How much should I expect to shell out on a 2 week visit.
« Reply #36 on: February 18, 2010, 08:34:08 am »
Just for clarification ... for a 2 week trip ...

- $1000 to $2500 (approx) of fresh unrumpled (country of origin) notes stuffed down your pants somewhere
- $50 (approx) RMB in pocket
- plastic (CC for back-up, after advising your bank that you are visiting China)

- book a hotel/motel for a night or two and ask your lady to negotiate better rates or find another hotel/motel for you

At least I don't have to worry about the money not being accepted, it's very hard to rumple our notes :P
World Famous in New Zealand since ages ago.

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RE: How much should I expect to shell out on a 2 week visit.
« Reply #37 on: February 18, 2010, 12:53:51 pm »
That about sum's it up!!!


Offline ahkiwi

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RE: How much should I expect to shell out on a 2 week visit.
« Reply #38 on: February 18, 2010, 03:29:45 pm »
Thanks David :)

I don't usually make lists but in this case I wanted to make sure I understood the information provided.

There are still parts I need to investigate further like gifts & paperwork but they are for another thread.
World Famous in New Zealand since ages ago.

Ali (???)
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RE: How much should I expect to shell out on a 2 week visit.
« Reply #39 on: February 18, 2010, 04:21:55 pm »
ahkiwi ,

Why not ask your lady to book the hotel for you before you come, she'll probably get a rate that you wouldn't be able to get booking yourself or from going through a 3rd party. I don't know what area your intending to visit/stay, but there maybe bros here that can suggest an appropriate and reasonable hotel that your lady can book for you in advance...

One more thing, it's a good idea that you bring a large value pristine note, that you keep locked up in the hotel safe as a back-up/emergency cash.... that you have no intention of ever spending, but it's there for you ''just in case''!!

The 50 dollars, in RMB, is just to cover you, until you can get down to the Bank of China the following day. I said Fifty dollars, because i normally change up 50 GBP. That basically gives me 500 RMB, which is more than enough local currency to see me through until the ''Tommy Tank'' (Bank) opens the following day... I have an account in China, so i'm normally putting money into the account when i visit these days, and use my card for most stuff, but still need cash in my ''Sky Rocket'' (pocket).....

« Last Edit: February 18, 2010, 04:22:56 pm by David5o »

Offline ahkiwi

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RE: How much should I expect to shell out on a 2 week visit.
« Reply #40 on: February 18, 2010, 04:33:51 pm »
Have no fear, once I've decide to visit I'll be on here asking for advise :D

I was trying to clarify what sort of amounts to take/have on me, not having visited there before.

The last lady I was communicating with fell through so I'm starting again (no EMF's this time!!!), I'll have to see how it goes this time :)
World Famous in New Zealand since ages ago.

Ali (???)
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Offline Folsom Mike

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RE: How much should I expect to shell out on a 2 week visit.
« Reply #41 on: February 18, 2010, 05:20:17 pm »
You Gents are a wealth of information and I certainly do appreciate every bit of it. Thanks again Brothers!