Author Topic: Anyone from Montreal here?  (Read 1764 times)

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Offline djal

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Anyone from Montreal here?
« on: December 22, 2011, 08:19:01 pm »
Hi all / bonjour a tous,

I've been dating a Chinese lady for over 6 months. She has been living in Japan for 21 years now...  So I could say she is Chinese but Japanese from  adoption also  :)...  Therefore ,  she is much more "westernized" than my previous GF who was from mainland China. 

 I own a condo in Montreal and go there regularly.  Anyone would be interested to meet me, have a drink and chat while I am in Montreal?  I'll be there from Dec. 28th to Jan 4th...  I'm just wondering if there are men from the greater Montreal area on this site??

Merry Xmas to all and best wishes for 2012!,
