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Online dating through agency's
« on: February 14, 2010, 07:58:31 pm »
By JENÉE DESMOND-HARRIS JenÉe Desmond-harris – Sun Feb 14, 2:30 pm ET
This Valentine's Day, more of us than ever will be looking for love online. And if recent studies are any guide, relatively few women on mainstream dating sites will bother to respond to overtures from men of Asian descent. Likewise, black women will be disproportionately snubbed by men of all races. Yes, even though America has been flirting intensely with a postracial label for some time, color blindness is not upheld as an ideal in the realm of online romance. On some sites, it's not even an option. (See the 25 most important films on race.) requires users to identify their ethnicity; like eHarmony, it considers members' racial preferences when suggesting matches. lets users filter their searches by race. The site's profiles include space to indicate interest (or lack thereof) in various racial and ethnic groups. But after Jennifer House, a black woman in Los Angeles, perused one too many profiles only to find the guys had checked off every box except African American, she changed her strategy. "Now I look at that section first so as not to get my hopes up," she says.

Racial preferences - or, as some call them, biases - are easier to observe on these sites than in offline settings. Behind computer screens and cutely coded user names, people clearly communicate things about race that few would ever say aloud in a bar.

For example, a study published last year in Social Science Research examined 1,558 profiles that white daters living in or near big U.S. cities placed on Yahoo! Personals, which, much like Match, lists 10 racial and ethnic groups users can select as preferred dates. Among the women, 73% stated a preference. Of these, 64% selected whites only, while fewer than 10% included East Indians, Middle Easterners, Asians or blacks. (See a nerdy Valentine's Day guide on

The story is a little different for the men, 59% of whom stated a racial preference. Of these, nearly half selected Asians, but fewer than 7% did for black women. Why? One theory offered by the study's lead author, Cynthia Feliciano, a sociologist at the University of California at Irvine, is that men's choices are influenced by the media's portrayal of Asian women as being hypersexual and black women as being bossy.

The people running have a less nuanced explanation. In October, the free dating site, 80% of whose members choose to input their race, studied the messaging patterns of more than a million users and concluded on its official blog that "racism is alive and well." (See the 50 best websites of 2009.)

After attempting to control for attractiveness (using something OkCupid calls a picture-rating utility) and compatibility (on the basis of answers to questions covering everything from spirituality to dental hygiene), the study found that black women garnered the fewest responses of any female group. White women responded at much higher rates to white men than to men of color. Asian women's and Latinas' response rates showed even stronger preferences for white men. (The site's latest eye-opening study determined which types of profile pictures elicit the most responses. To all the single ladies: the older you are, the more cleavage you should show.)

But do racial preferences amount to racism? Or is overlooking an entire ethnicity as innocuous as filtering out redheads or people under a certain height? "Just because you take race into consideration in your dating preferences and are aware of race doesn't make you racist," says Dr. Nicole Coleman, a psychology professor at the University of Houston. Minorities who prefer to date within their own race or ethnicity - and who look for potential mates on niche sites like and - would probably agree with her.

Even for those who hate the idea of racial preferences, such stipulations can be a useful barometer for finding a person with shared values. Says Bostonian Karen Schoneman: "I tend to have a negative reaction toward a man who indicates race preferences, whether it excludes me as a white woman or not." When she sees evidence online of what she regards as narrow-mindedness, she skips right to the next profile. One click closer, maybe, to postracial eHarmony.

Thought this might be interesting....

Offline Rhonald

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RE: Online dating through agency's
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2010, 10:49:47 pm »
Quote from: 'rockycoon' pid='31736' dateline='1266195511'

Why? One theory offered by the study's lead author, Cynthia Feliciano, a sociologist at the University of California at Irvine, is that men's choices are influenced by the media's portrayal of Asian women as being hypersexual

And that too!...No wonder I married an Asian lady. Beauty, loyality, grace, and now I find out lust. :icon_cheesygrin: lucky me.
Yes Mr. Dirty Harry, I do feel lucky.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 10:51:02 pm by Rhonald »
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances

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RE: Online dating through agency's
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2010, 08:30:08 am »

Very interesting read. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Dave C
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.


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RE: Online dating through agency's
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2010, 08:42:29 am »

Hmmm......  Interesting.  Thanks for putting it out there.


Offline RegnisTheGreat

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RE: Online dating through agency's
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2010, 12:19:22 pm »
Well, there goes my chances as a asian male.


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RE: Online dating through agency's
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2010, 12:32:48 pm »

I wouldn't worry about the article.  There are Asian men on this site that have been successful.  The issue with black people is a joke too.  There is some truth to what is written there but I see way to many people in my line of work that contradict the article.


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RE: Online dating through agency's
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2010, 12:57:16 pm »
Shuan: I was joking, I forgot the :)

here is the OKCupid study they cited, the numbers do not lie. Its not like NO but less in the study.


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RE: Online dating through agency's
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2010, 12:59:03 pm »

I thought maybe you were after I posted it but it was also a vehicle for saying what I wanted to say about contradiction.

I read the link you put on the your reply.  I was OK with it until I saw the bias in it and the point they were trying to prove.  When they referred to the white male as shitty then they exposed their purpose of the article. I am not offended by that I just want to point out the bias in this study.

I do appreciate that you posted it though.

« Last Edit: February 15, 2010, 01:18:09 pm by shaun »


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RE: Online dating through agency's
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2010, 01:00:13 pm »
Yes shaun, but how many are online daters :huh:  also, I tried to consider what Vince was saying about photo shopped pictures being
lightened up so show the white skin instead of the darker skin.  I have
seen the older woman showing more "valley" than usual, to keep up
with the younger ones who already have a youthful valley. :dodgy:

I also wonder that every time I log onto a new site, one of the requied
boxes asks your race, ethnic, etc.  I wonder if they are keeping this in
mind, because on the search, the search engine takes what you put in and matches it up.  But just asking the question, brings this whole thing
up for discussion about race.

I have not seen a single site that does not ask about your race, and E-Harmony is one of the worst.  CLL and CHN also ask.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2010, 01:19:32 pm by rockycoon »


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RE: Online dating through agency's
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2010, 02:23:47 pm »
Here we go again, yet another study!!

RegnisTheGreat, numbers can be made to say just about anything you want them to say, Yes they Can lie, and they frequently DO!!

Like all the other studies that i've ever taken the time to read, i will again take what's been written here with a bloody big pinch of salt.

None of these of studies ever cover ALL the parameters that need to be covered, and few undertake these studies with sufficient numbers of participants, from ALL the categories they are supposedly covering...
Most of these studies/Reports will only publish the results that fits or suits there desired purpose!!

I have never read a study/report of this type yet, that has been totally unbiased or where figures have not been manipulated in one way or another!!
None are worth the paper they were written on to be honest....



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RE: Online dating through agency's
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2010, 03:25:01 pm »
Having had to do a few studies and file the results, I am in total agreement with you.

Studies can and frequently do get manipulated to suit the one who does the study...


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RE: Online dating through agency's
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2010, 06:59:08 pm »
like David said all studies are written to suit the tastes of who is writing it.
you need to take them with a grain of salt when reading them.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Online dating through agency's
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2010, 07:10:44 am »
Serial Conwoman Jailed For Three Years
16 mins ago

 © Sky News 2010
            Buzz Up! Print StoryA serial conwoman who fleeced men she met on the internet has been sentenced to three years after admitting a string of fraud charges. Skip related content
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Enlarge photo .Emma Golightly, 25, was previously jailed in 2007 for two years for plundering the bank accounts of men she met through lonely hearts ads.

Now using the new surname of Charlton, Golightly pleaded guilty to a total of 20 charges at Newcastle Crown Court.

She admitted attempting to fleece her grandmother and fiance out of £150,000 and falsely claiming she had terminal cancer in a bid to obtain the services of a carer.

She used her grandmother's chequebook to obtain goods worth £126,000 which she then spent on organising a charity fashion-show, though the event didn't take place.

Golightly also used £10,000 for a wedding booking and gave friends £50,000 for a house deposit as well as buying various gifts for her fiance with the cash.

She admitted making an online loan-application with Alliance & Leicester in her fiance's name to obtain £8,000 and using his chequebook to buy £28,000 of goods.

She was first exposed as a serial love rat and conwoman when she was jailed in 2007

Golightly met her victims, seduced them and then stole their cash, spending the money on exotic holidays, chauffeur-driven cars and expensive hotels and restaurants.

She told one victim she was a multimillionaire company boss and even told would-be husbands that she was dying of cancer so they would marry her.

The extent of the femme fatale's crime spree, including more than 80 offences, was worth £254,000, including £208,000 on fast cars.

She even ripped off her own family, using her mother and grandmother's credit cards.

Police began to probe the deceptions after her extravagant lifestyle ended in huge bills for the men she romanced.

Quote from: 'Willy The Londoner' pid='33135' dateline='1267704644'

Think I would rather lose the money than actually meet her!!!

« Last Edit: March 04, 2010, 07:13:18 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Vince G

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RE: Online dating through agency's
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2010, 07:47:14 am »
Oh yeah, now I see what they all went after? Are they blind?


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RE: Online dating through agency's
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2010, 08:44:25 am »

I'm definitely with you on that statement, this world is full of dopes that have never met a woman, let alone one that would be interested in them. That's basically how this beauty (haha!!) snags these so-called men.

Now  just imagine waking up next to that thing every morning!!!! Nightmares, ...jeez, i think i'd be having Day-mares too!!  haha!!

« Last Edit: March 04, 2010, 02:21:42 pm by David5o »