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Offline Danny

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Happy days
« on: May 08, 2009, 06:54:40 am »
I began writing to a woman in October 2008. I wrote to her every day and most days she would write back to me. During the time I was writing to her I wasn?t sure for a while if she was really there at all. Her letters seemed to me to be cold and formal. However I persisted with writing to her because she seemed so lovely to me. Honestly, I loved her almost straightaway.

I travelled to meet her in mid January 2009. I didn?t have any confidence about meeting her. I wasn?t even really sure what she looked like. The only pictures I had of her were some bad photos taken a long time ago. But then I met her. I remember seeing her face for the first time. It took my breath away. Such a beauty. Such an angel. And then she smiled, and inside, I just went to pieces.

For about a week we had such a lovely time together. Arm in arm, we went everywhere together. Such a good time. So romantic and wonderful. And then it happened. The next day, it was Chinese New Year and she told me that she wasn?t able to see me because this was a family day and it wouldn?t be appropriate for me to attend this, speaking so little Chinese.

I returned to Australia without hearing from her again. Her phone was switched off, she didn?t reply to my messages and emails. I didn?t understand at all what was going on. I even tried to get in touch with her through her chnlove agency, wondering whether she received my emf mails. I got a note from the translator saying, ?Thanks for your sincere letter. It has been delivered to the lady. She would try to get in touch with you directly. Hope you can understand and wait patiently.?

So over the next three months I waited patiently. I sent her an email or sms text message once a week. I hardly got any replies from her. I wrote to some other ladies, but I felt nothing for any of them.

Today I got an emf mail from her: ?Danny , I applying my vacation from my work this month. I want to tell you today , I want to plan a trip to visit you , how do you think ?? are you get nervous now ?? ~ smiles ~ Big hug for you , I really feel so happy to hear from you today.?

I sure wasn?t expecting that. I don?t know whether she?s serious or not, but who?s to know. All I know is that she seems like to me someone I could love until the end of time. There are other women in the world of course. But this one, I seem to belong her, and she to me. I wonder where it will all end . . . who?s to know, but wonders never cease.

If I died today, I would die with a big smile on my face *laughs*

Good luck to all my brothers here! May we all find love and happiness, and our dreams come true!


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Re: Happy days
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2009, 09:22:45 am »
Wow , that would have driven me up the Wall , that kind of waiting .
Danny , I like to know what reason she had , to put you through all this . I also remember your Post's very well , let's hope this time it's not going to happen again . May be your next reunion be as great as the first one was and of course with many more to follow , without all that Heart stopping nonsence .

Offline Danny

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Re: Happy days
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2009, 10:44:25 am »
Quote from: "Vince G"
Dan, How I remember those days when you came back. If your happy that's great. Was there ever a reason given for her absence?

I've sure had some ups and downs, to say the least.

No, I still don't know. Maybe one day she'll tell me. But I don't worry so much anymore. If I've learned anything along the way, it's to float along with the river. In time I'll know and then it won't seem such a big deal.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Happy days
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2009, 11:22:19 am »
:o  :o  :shock: Out of the woodwork so to speak , I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you , tread carefully , regards Robert .
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Offline China Shark

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Re: Happy days
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2009, 11:57:53 am »
Not to sound negative yet you were pretty torn up over her back on Facebook. I hope you are right and this miracle happens for you. All of the brotherhood is pulling for you in this thing. Life has so many twists and turns who knows what lies around the next corner. Maybe she was unsure of her feelings and only recently discovered what a nice guy you are after all. Just go into this thing with eyes open and try to protect your heart in the process.
China Shark Mike :mrgreen:
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!

Offline Danny

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Re: Happy days
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2009, 06:15:56 pm »
Quote from: "China Shark"
Not to sound negative yet you were pretty torn up over her back on Facebook. I hope you are right and this miracle happens for you.

Thanks, Shark and the others. It's like your question, Shark. If you were acting in a careful and calculated way, it would simply be out of the question. But really if you weren't a romantic and adventurous person in the first place, then you wouldn't be here, and you Shark, out somewhere in the middle kingdom, you most of all.

Offline China Shark

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RE: Happy days
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2009, 08:43:01 pm »
Danny, how right you are. I'm a hopeless romantic and a believer in dreams otherwise I would have never undertaken this journey of mine. Regardless of the relationship outcome this is my new home for sometime. Funny thing is when I start thinking about back home it almost feels like a lifetime ago. Only been here four months yet it seems like so much more. Whatever the case I'm hoping she has had a change of heart and it works out for you both.
China Shark Mike
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!

Offline Danny

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RE: Happy days
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2009, 08:58:50 am »
Hello there Mike

Thanks for the encouragement.

To be honest, she's really changed during the few months we were apart. She is so warm and affectionate and loving now. I'm just quite overwhelmed by it all at the moment.

It's strange how she dropped out of sight after Chinese New Year. I could speculate on the reasons why this happened, but to be frank, I wasn't born yesterday, and I know it could be any number of things.

I think however when you love someone you give them the benefit of the doubt. If there is anything for me to forgive, I forgive her freely.

I know I didn't always treat her very well. I hope she is also able to forgive me. From what she is writing at the moment, and the way she is writing to me, it sounds like she has. Time will tell.