Author Topic: 2nd China Trip. Beijing, Is this the right Path?  (Read 12052 times)

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Offline zook144

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RE: 2nd China Trip. Beijing, Is this the right Path?
« Reply #60 on: March 06, 2010, 12:33:51 pm »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='33261' dateline='1267797137'

Ooooops i'm a bit late, but this time of year you need winter clothes in both cities. If the weather changes, then you can always buy some summer type cothes there cheaply....


Day late and a dollor short, David.  Well, I am in Beijing. Just got booked into the hotel. Its about 1:30am, so this will be short. A few comments so far:
Damn, its a long plane ride here.
Probably won't go the United route again.l
It's cold.
She's fantastic, looks great, a bit shy, though.
More later. I'm going to bed
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RE: 2nd China Trip. Beijing, Is this the right Path?
« Reply #61 on: March 06, 2010, 12:46:38 pm »

Day late and a dollar short,

Yep!!  Could almost be the story of my life just recently too!!!   hahaha!!


Offline zook144

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RE: 2nd China Trip. Beijing, Is this the right Path?
« Reply #62 on: March 07, 2010, 12:08:16 pm »
Another update of sorts,
In short....I think things are going fairly well.   Thats it...end of update:icon_cheesygrin:

No, just kidding.   A few things I can report. Arrived at Beijing airport on time, but it was about an hour or so later by the time I  got through all the immigration and collected baggage. I was looking for Sha all over the place as I made it through each section. Finally I got through all the official stuff and baggage claim and down the stairs I went. Holly crap, there had to be 800 people lined up to meet incoming passengers. i thought "How in the world will I find her in this mess?"  Sha was more or less going down the barrier rails that were seperating passengers from greeters and there I see her. Couldn't miss her!  Biggest brown eyes you ever saw and long hair that gets me going every time I see her photo or her on the webcam. And she saw me about the same time. There she is waving along with her friend she brought along with her. She was also a translator who works on her own. Anyway, we hook up, give each other a hug, do all the "nice to meet you" stuff and its time for pictures. I put my luggage down to do the photos along with my little pouch I was wearing around my neck with a few c cards and a little money. Didn't want to look dorky for the photos with that "thing" around my neck.  Pictures are taken all around....Sha and I,  Jenny (friend/translator) and I, then got someone to take all of us together. Great photos, except for me in it. (I take really bad pictures).  then out to the bus to go to hotel by the train station.  Just about to get on the bus...and here comes someone yelling.....a lot.....:huh:  Turns out this guy was hollering at me.   He rushes up and hands me my little pouch I had taken off my neck to get my picture took. I couldn't believe it.....I couldn't believe I was that stupid, I couldn't believe I was that lucky...I couldn't believe that someone rushed out to give it to me.  I'm 95% sure that would not have happened in the states. My passport was not in it as I had taken it out earlier, but like I said, a couple credit cards and about 2000 chinese cash I had just converted. Oh yea, and my drivers license. I put all that stuff in there, hung it around my neck and thought..."yeah, this will be a lot safer than in my wallet"  Thats what I get for thinking.
Anyway we got to the hotel. And pretty much crashed right after that. This morning...breakfast and then to the bullet train for the trip to Handan. Which I really enjoyed. Haven't been on a train ride for centuries it seems. What I didn't enjoy was sitting at the Beijing train station for 2 hours waiting for the train. We were trying to talk and translate with the station announcer blaring in our ears every other sentence. And people....lots and lots of people. I told you in my short post last night she was a bit shy when we first met. So I thought "hey she's got to get over this". So I initiated the hand holding on the bus in Beijing. Thats been pretty much standard from then on. So I'll take that and a couple of kisses on her cheek I got away with today. After all its only day one. I have done more today than I did on my entire trip the first time I visited a lady in China.  Met 2 more of her friends for dinner tonight. Then dropped them off and went for a Chinese massage. Wow!
I'll tell you about that next time. I'll post some photos a little later. Especially of me getting tortured during the massage.

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Offline JimB

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RE: 2nd China Trip. Beijing, Is this the right Path?
« Reply #63 on: March 07, 2010, 04:08:53 pm »
I am really surprised that it took you that long to get through customs and baggage.  I usually zip right through.  Although I usually go in the middle of the week, not on a friday or saturday. Get used to all of the people.  Everywhere you go there is a ton of people.  Have a good trip and it seems to have gotten off to a good start.

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Offline David E

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RE: 2nd China Trip. Beijing, Is this the right Path?
« Reply #64 on: March 07, 2010, 06:01:38 pm »
So far, so good, Don

Fingers crossed for the remainder of your trip...good hunting :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:



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RE: 2nd China Trip. Beijing, Is this the right Path?
« Reply #65 on: March 07, 2010, 06:05:50 pm »

that is China. for the most part 99 out of 100 will hunt you down to return
something you left or dropped. its really a wonderful thing to see happen.
i have had a few instances like that and it makes you think.
"wow there are some good people left in the world''

and your right in the states someone would have opened it looked in
and thought to themselves   my lucky day   and would have kept it

good to hear its started well and keep us posted

and i know what you mean about the hair  my wifes hair is long and almost
to her waist and i love that. she is letting it grow a little longer till it gets
past her belt line

Offline zook144

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RE: 2nd China Trip. Beijing, Is this the right Path?
« Reply #66 on: March 09, 2010, 08:10:56 pm »
Another update
I am here in hotel room waiting for Sha to come by. We leave Handan today, going back to Beijing.  Arnolds friend, Jonvey, has agreed to be our guide to Great Wall and other sites around the city. Only problem I am having has been caused by weather. Didn't realize it would be this cold here, so naturally I have a cold now. They bought me some medicine that really kicks me in the rear. Sha and I seem to be getting on great.
One thing that took me by surprise, we went to dinner the other night with a friend of hers. So at the restuarant they have private eating rooms. They open the door, and there are 2 guys waiting for us. Friends of Sha's. Both had been in military for 20 years. Now one was a policeman, and the other worked in a bank. Guess they wanted to meet me and see if I passed the test. I would say I passed. They are drinkers. Tried to put me under the table, but I kept up pretty good and walked out upright. (the advice about the white wine proved correct)  Everyone was VERY happy that night. Then went to a club with the karioki (misspelled) And of course they had me singing too. I met the mother and daughter last night at dinner. Cute and sweet little girl. And mother very nice.
I would write more, but my brain is muddled with this damn cold and medicine. So will wait for the webs to clear before giving more details. I did resize a picture last night. I will post it. and add more later.

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RE: 2nd China Trip. Beijing, Is this the right Path?
« Reply #67 on: March 09, 2010, 08:20:16 pm »
glad to hear everything went well with mom and daughter
very important aspect to these relationships.

Don have some more of that white wine it will cure what ails you:icon_cheesygrin:

Offline metooap

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RE: 2nd China Trip. Beijing, Is this the right Path?
« Reply #68 on: March 09, 2010, 08:53:29 pm »
Quote from: 'zook144' pid='33726' dateline='1268183456'

.They are drinkers. Tried to put me under the table, but I kept up pretty good and walked out upright. (the advice about the white wine proved correct)  Everyone was VERY happy that night.


Yes that white wine ` very powerful!!!! Right?

Also do not worry about the cold. They will give you some stuff that will zap that right out - so do not worry about the cold. Just have a great time and keep us posted.

Also, tell me about your translator, did she go back to Beijing with you? Or did you make it back on your own with Sha?


Offline zook144

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RE: 2nd China Trip. Beijing, Is this the right Path?
« Reply #69 on: March 09, 2010, 09:40:01 pm »
Quote from: 'metooap' pid='33734' dateline='1268186009'

Also, tell me about your translator, did she go back to Beijing with you? Or did you make it back on your own with Sha?


I'm still waiting for Sha. She didn't think I had warm enough jeans, so she was going to buy some before she comes over this morning.  So I won't be so cold. I'll probably smother now:icon_biggrin:

Alton, the translator she brought to Beijing to pick me up was a friend of hers. She did an ok job of translating. 26 years old and looking for western husband, by the way.  All her friends seem to be looking.
We are going to Beijing by ourselves. We have done a remarkable job with the electronic translators, sign language, and with what English she knows. So I don't see any problems with communication. She uses  her electronic translator and I have a Besta 7000. Seems to be doing an ok job.
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Offline metooap

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RE: 2nd China Trip. Beijing, Is this the right Path?
« Reply #70 on: March 09, 2010, 10:01:30 pm »
Quote from: 'zook144' pid='33743' dateline='1268188801'

We are going to Beijing by ourselves. We have done a remarkable job with the electronic translators, sign language, and with what English she knows. So I don't see any problems with communication. She uses  her electronic translator and I have a Besta 7000. Seems to be doing an ok job.


Very good job. Really well done. We found that as soon as we could get off on our own the quicker we could sort things out. Really sounds like you are on your way. Congratulations to you and Sha.


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RE: 2nd China Trip. Beijing, Is this the right Path?
« Reply #71 on: March 09, 2010, 11:19:33 pm »
I am enjoying reading about your trip. Good fortune at the airport for you. Best wishes for the rest of your journey :sleepy:
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RE: 2nd China Trip. Beijing, Is this the right Path?
« Reply #72 on: March 10, 2010, 07:39:20 am »
it always better to be by yourself and stumble thru everything
rather than have the third wheel i think. good luck on the rest of the

Offline zook144

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RE: 2nd China Trip. Beijing, Is this the right Path?
« Reply #73 on: March 14, 2010, 11:01:00 am »
Guess its update time.  I had this all written up this morning and the internet burped so I somehow lost it, so hope this works this time.
Last time I updated I think I told you I had met Sha's Mother and daughter. Nice lady and very sweet daughter. (10) The mother did not say much. And a lot taller than most Chinese ladies. Sha told me later she used to play basketball at some time. I now know where Sha gets her height from.
Anyhoo, we had dinner. Also there were her friend the translater, and another close friend of hers.  Of course, they gave me way more than I could eat. No way, can I keep up with a chinese lady when it comes to eating.  So I had to leave some. Probably wasn't a good idea, but when I've had enough, that's it, got to stop. Also, unlike a lot of the brothers, my stomach is not cast iron. Some things just won't go down. So, anyway, dinner over, Sha took me back to the hotel. She drives by the way, and has her own car. She doesn't drive like most chinese, though, she goes slow. So slow I thought we would get run over. I know she would have gotten run over if in the states. Only saw her drive fast once, and that was when she thought we were going to be late for the train.
I had told you the first few days went really well. I mean laughs, meeting friends (they liked me by the way), holding hands, kisses, smiles, she was happy and believe me, I was very happy.  But...then she picks me up for the train from Handan to Beijing. Different lady almost. Acted distracted, a little distant, more a stone faced chinese lady (if you know what I mean). We get to the train on time and head to Beijing. Pretty uneventful trip. We did hold hands on the train, but she covered it up with her coat. I just figured she was cold, because she was always cold.
We arrive in Beijing, taxi to hotel. Lobby looks great, rooms absolutely suck. In my mind anyway. Small room, no window, walls so thin you hear everything going on. If it hadn't been for her, I would not have stayed there.  It's the Hua Fu Hotel, not sure what the street is. I know why she booked it though. Wasn't that expensive, maybe $45 a night. It is convenient to everything. Forbidden City very close, walking distance. Also Tieni mien Square 10 minutes away. And a long line of street food sellers that was very interesting. I'll post a pic of my favorite menu sign I saw, if I can get it on here. Also, every other kind of shop you could ever be looking for. Plus restaurants galore.  So very good location if that is what you are looking for. Several other hotels in area also.And a tour company runs tours out of the hotel. That, I think, is the main reason she chose it. I was going to use Arnolds friend for a tour guide, but Sha thought it was way too much money. And compared to what she had booked it was. Yes, she had already booked the tour and  didn't tell me about it. So, naturally, we took the one she booked. It took us to the Great Wall, and several other places, had lunch and didn't get back  to hotel until about 5 or 6pm.  A full day....the problem was about everywhere they stopped ended up more or less a souvenier shop. One place they even had us go into a room and a girl , then a man, came in with a big speech about whatever they were selling. I didn't understand a word of it and it probably lasted about 20 minutes. A few of us left and didn't even see what they were selling. But we had to wait for everyone else on bus to do the shopping thing. So very boring. Even Sha was disgusted by the time we were through. And a side note on the Great Wall. If you are not a very healthy person or have leg or knee problems, probably not a good idea. I made it to a certain point and then had to rest. Those are way high steps.
Well, that gets you up to a certain point. I'm tired now and my plane leaves tomorrow. So I need to sleep.  Oh yea, it snowed most of the day in Beijing today. Oh joy, Oh joy. I had seen enough snow in Virginia this year to last me forever. But it just had to snow on my last day here.
Will update more when I get the chance.
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RE: 2nd China Trip. Beijing, Is this the right Path?
« Reply #74 on: March 14, 2010, 11:35:52 am »
Hey Don,

Great update.  I am guessing you went to Badaling.  That's where they usually take people who are visiting the Great Wall.  It is DEFINITELY a trek and not for those who are not healthy.  My advice for anyone who is contemplating visiting there, make sure you leave at least 3 hours for your there.  More if you're planning on both wings.  And if possible, do it during a cold period of time (less pollution).  I've never seen an area with more variable steps, changing inclines and uneven terrain in my life.  Great workout, but wow!

As for the hotel, there are a few hotels there that would probably be better for you like Super8 or Jinjiang Inns... They are peppered around there and would been better value is my bet.

Again, great update.
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