Author Topic: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??  (Read 8712 times)

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Vince G

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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2010, 08:58:21 am »
Quote from: 'mustfocus' pid='32106' dateline='1266556646'
Many people might not like windows, however they have to admit, at least if there is something wrong, you can figure it out.  

With a mac, half the issues are cryptic and hard to extract.  How do you figure out what the broken glass sound means? (yes, I know what it means, I'm using it as an example).

For these two things... (only for the readers that don't know) The statement "you can figure it out" that's the difference. If you don't know windows very well you won't figure it out. But a Mac will tell you.

I'll use your example you gave, "what the broken glass sound mean?" a Mac will tell you and not only in a window message but in a voice if you wish. It will read any window you want including error popups.

Graphics? Yes Mac it the best at it. But I also have MS Office in here too. Word and Excel I use all the time. It's not that Mac can't? Lets not forget a Mac can run windows as well. The difference is what programs are made for computers they make them for windows because that's where the market is (was).

Lets take a simple project that needs to be done like putting a new printer in. The Mac has a list of printers so no need to install the printer program, it's in there already, but you can if you want. To make it the default printer (windows does the same) you go to Apple (start), Preferences, (control Panel) Printer, click on the printer icon to highlight and click apply, that's it. No "what port do you want it on" No digging into window to window to get it to work. Just one click.

And then Mac has the "Dock". Where windows has a list also but it changes with what you use the most, where Mac's only changes when you do it. You can have the dock on either corner legt, right, bottom and bring the mouse pointer to that side and it pops up.

Ah!? Just went to check something and it gave me a list (photos 1, 2, 3) lets see windows do this? It explains all the functions. Instead of copy and paste it here I took a photos from the screen.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2010, 09:04:45 am by Vince G »


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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #31 on: February 19, 2010, 02:54:30 pm »
I'm looking for a free software virus program that was listed on here, can you find it?

I'm also looking for a software program that will get rid of a virus program called ZueS anyone heard of it?  I want to get rid of it
not just detect it.

Vince G

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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2010, 05:42:49 pm »

Found it on page...

you have to read what the program does? If it doesn't say it gets rid of it? What i have seen is none of them are good unless you pay for it? and some of those aren't good either.

Offline mustfocus

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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2010, 09:30:45 pm »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='32113' dateline='1266587901'

Lets take a simple project that needs to be done like putting a new printer in. The Mac has a list of printers so no need to install the printer program, it's in there already, but you can if you want. To make it the default printer (windows does the same) you go to Apple (start), Preferences, (control Panel) Printer, click on the printer icon to highlight and click apply, that's it. No "what port do you want it on" No digging into window to window to get it to work. Just one click.

And then Mac has the "Dock". Where windows has a list also but it changes with what you use the most, where Mac's only changes when you do it. You can have the dock on either corner legt, right, bottom and bring the mouse pointer to that side and it pops up.

Ah!? Just went to check something and it gave me a list (photos 1, 2, 3) lets see windows do this? It explains all the functions. Instead of copy and paste it here I took a photos from the screen.

A USB printer?  That's just plug it in and if the drivers are installed, it's done by default.  If it's not, then insert disk and then connect printer... It'll default itself.

You can put the taskbar on any side of the screen you want and the start button list lists the most commonly used wouldn't put rarely used programs on that list anyway...  And with a simple addition, you can have a dock if you really want one.

Regardless, I'm sure you and I could debate mac versus pc til the cows come home and then me, I've heard it all and I'm sure you have as well.  Let's let the others decide... :icon_cheesygrin:
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen


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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #34 on: February 20, 2010, 04:18:42 am »
Vince got the new pc (I'm using it now) it's a HP-DV7-3165 DX, which has camera (when I learn to use it) and comes with a 16x9 led screen (wide) 500 gig hard drive
128k screen cache, and I think he said 4 gigs of memory, but can be upgraded to 8 (he didn't have the upgrade chips).
Anyway, I'm in the process of setting it up and thought I'd let you know.  Pretty fancy machine, lots of lit up buttons to get in trouble with...haha
I bought a copy of "Webroot antivirus and spy sweeper"  and your right, it detects the cookies and viruses, but does not eliminate them, it marks them as no-no's on
the hard drive only.  But it does block cookies that report on your wherebouts and stops them.  I was looking to destroy the viruses on the hard drive and also the cookies
but "best buy" didn't have anything except this and Norton.  And I don't think norton does it ether.  Will try both of those you sent me, but I don't think they destroy
By the way, picked up a wireless mouse.  Damnest thing, but takes up a usb port.  I don't like that.
also, what kind of photoshop program are you using (I know you have a dandy) and what is it's name?  The HP came with windows 7.32 so I am playing with it
now.  (thanks shaun!)  It's different, and will take a few days to get used to.

Thanks for your help Vince and to all the other brothers who put there two cents worth in.  It was a big help.

By the way, it came with a "Blue-Ray" RW-drive, will have to figure
that out also...haha
« Last Edit: February 20, 2010, 04:22:03 am by rockycoon »

Vince G

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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #35 on: February 20, 2010, 08:30:28 am »
The HP was a good choice. Looked at them for myself as well. Most of the AV's put the contaminated into a folder not useable? (something like that?) AS for the spyware (this tracks where you go) and unwanted cookies? Most browsers, (you have most likely IE?) in there preference have a list you could change on accepting cookies. On mine (Mac Safari) I have it where it only accepts from the sites I go to. So a pop up (which is also close off) can't put a cookie in for the second it's there.

I don't know if the browser (like mine) can take out some unwanted cookies? I go through a list and leave the ones I know are needed and take out the rest. What I know of the window is it deletes "ALL" cookies? and then it takes longer to open websites as it reinstalls the cookies. The one thing I liked about the Norton (I don't know if it still does this) is it will erase what has been deleted. After you delete something it's still on the HD. There are other ways of getting it off (cleaned), they have HD cleaners that is suppose to do it.

The RW-drive? Is that a DVD RW? or a CD RW? This is the only thing I did to my computer, I installed a DVD RW drive and took out the CD writer. I had to place a circuit board in called a PCI which I had in my other Mac when I upgraded it back then. So I just needed a new ribbon (wire). But that's it on this one. Ain't computers fun?

Offline mustfocus

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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2010, 10:02:11 am »
All anti-virus programs will do what you tell them depending on the settings (delete, "ask me", quarrantine, do nothing).  Be very careful of the programs which are automatically set to delete everything as (and I've said this before), you can get false positives and if you delete the wrong file, you could disable your computer.

There is a part of spybot which should help protect your system settings (it's called Tea Timer), but be careful of using it because it will generate lots of warnings whenever something wants to change a system setting.

8Gb is a lot of RAM on any computer, most people don't need that much (bragging rights really...unless you're a graphic artist or a hardcore gamer).

Finally, the best thing to do if you want to keep your system up and running is just do regular monthly (or quarterly) maintenance.  Delete cookies and spyware, flush out the cache (temporary storage for the browser or windows) and possibly defragging of your system if you constantly install and uninstall software or move around lots of files...  That'll help keep your system clean...
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen


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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #37 on: February 20, 2010, 12:11:07 pm »
:@yea i found that out last week deleted and disabled

Vince G

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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #38 on: February 20, 2010, 04:12:22 pm »
Rocky, sorry I didn't answer one of your questions? Forgot? :blush:
My Photoshop is the older pro program. It's not the CS you buy now. This one (when new) was a $800.00 program in todays prices it's got to be $1500. now? at least. I had one before this and all the tools are listed. On this one most are listed but you have to dig for the one you want. Exp: there is a pencil, with the pencil you can change the color pixel by pixel. Mine has it too but you have to know where it is. I don't think the new ones has it at all ( from what I'm told?). So there are minor differences to new but I like this one for everything it has and I'm not spending big cash for another.


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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #39 on: February 21, 2010, 01:23:06 am »
I have dicovered correl ware on here, which is the big huge photo shop type program with more buttons than the space shuttle.  If i remember correctly,
correl was way back when, one of the top of the line expensive drawing and picture programs.  Autocad was big back then to, guess it still is if your an
engineer.  But this correl ware even lets you take pictures and copy movies from youtube and all others.  You can even make and download and upload movies with
it.  It's going to take a long time to figure this one out.
I also got the camera working, god it almost broke the lens when my face came up...hahaha  now I really need that photoshop program...haha.  It does everthing
and will put pictures of you live in different hats, locations, etc.  I will have to work with that one also.  So much to learn ( agian).
Does QQ take control of your camera and you can adjust it from qq or not, or do you have to bring your camera on line first then invoke qq  ???

Offline Neil

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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #40 on: February 21, 2010, 02:01:50 am »
QQ will start the camera for you.  Not sure if it will let you add effects though.  Test it out with one of the guys first so you can get comfortable with it.  My qq# is in my profile (click my picture). irresistible as chocolate

Vince G

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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #41 on: February 21, 2010, 09:04:23 am »
Rocky, I had/have Corel (Gallery 2) I haven't used it or loaded into my computer in years. It's good for graphics and a load of other things. I do graphics for fun, as a hobby of a hobby? :huh: One of my hobbies is photography, the graphics is just a sub of it. As for Photoshop? They have a $100. program (CS) that has the basics and some other fun things to do. I bought this for my daughter(s) that are into photography also. (I bought it for one but they both use it). Strange thing that happen was I was looking at my daughters photos she took and they were almost a copy of mine? Same subject and almost the same location where I took mine?

Adobe has many programs from inexpensive to very. For those that don't know, Photoshop is made by Adobe that's why the mention. I've played with most of them and it looks like they are geared for those that need to do different projects. Illustrator is another adobe program, it's a mix of graphic and photoshop. I have that also but these programs use so much space I leave them off.


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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #42 on: February 21, 2010, 01:55:29 pm »
Vince and the guy's,
What I am looking for is the photo shop program that you can put your face up there and it will remove all
the rough spots, like CHN uses for the girls to make them pretty, even if their not..haha :icon_cheesygrin:
or younger.

The one I want is the one that will make a pass and reduce age or add age to a picture.  Hell, I might use it
to get back at CHN...:icon_cheesygrin:

By the way vince, it is a DVD/CD type of drive that does blue ray, in fact I think it does it all, will have to read
the instructions and let you know more. Right now, I'm building
on the house and haven't had time to do anything.  I'll settle down
in a few weeks...:icon_cheesygrin:

Thank you Neil, but do you buy QQ in a store or download it
from the web site?  Will try the web site first, what is the best
way to do it?
« Last Edit: February 21, 2010, 01:59:08 pm by rockycoon »

Vince G

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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #43 on: February 21, 2010, 02:19:57 pm »
Rocky, I think you watch to much TV/movies. No program just changes the photo. You have to do it and know all the tools needed to do t it too. It's a whole library of filters, masks, color adjustments and layers. I've been at it for ten years and still learning. But if anything get the program I think it's called CS Elements? I'm putting pic of the Photoshop window. Notice the menu and the tools on the left. Each tool has a submenu to more tools. Each menu submenu has between 3 to 12 things you can do. I'll put your pic here to with a few different filters.



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RE: Buying a new laptop..any suggestions ??
« Reply #44 on: February 21, 2010, 04:09:40 pm »
Thanks Vince, guess I'll just play with correl for a while see what happens.  Wonder what the chinese on CHN
use?  They seem to really know how to doctor up a picture.

Wow, looks like I'm on drugs (and good ones :icon_cheesygrin:)
in those pictures...that middle one makes me look a lot better..:icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: February 21, 2010, 04:13:20 pm by rockycoon »