Author Topic: North/South cultural question  (Read 3807 times)

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North/South cultural question
« on: February 17, 2010, 10:06:10 pm »
Hi guys,

I know I am making a pest of myself here asking questions. This particular one arises from an admiration email I received this evening. In it the lady talks about being this and that because of her northern upbringing BUT she is 'also smart like those women in the southern area'. The manner in which it is said made me wonder if there is a north/south cultural division/rivalry in Chinese culture? Does anyone have any insight into this? Or am I just reading something into what she said?

Offline Martin

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RE: North/South cultural question
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2010, 10:28:06 pm »
I know I am making a pest of myself here asking questions.
I don't think you are making a pest of yourself.  Good question, however, I can't answer.  I just wanted to say you are not making a pest of yourself.


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RE: North/South cultural question
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2010, 11:35:55 pm »
the cultural differences between the north and south would consist of
these---cuisine,language, and it is a lot faster in the south and more of
a slower pace up north because of the smaller cities there than down
south, dress is a little different also with a more modern flair in the south
but as far as smart like southern women maybe you should ask her that one??


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RE: North/South cultural question
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2010, 11:47:06 pm »
Quote from: 'Martin' pid='32007' dateline='1266463686'

I know I am making a pest of myself here asking questions.

I don't think you are making a pest of yourself.  Good question, however, I can't answer.  I just wanted to say you are not making a pest of yourself.

Well, that's good to know :icon_biggrin: I'm just trying to get as much insight as I can glean here, while trying to not come off like a little kid who asks the constant 'why' question, lol.

Offline David S

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RE: North/South cultural question
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2010, 11:52:34 pm »
Quote from: 'trwme' pid='32006' dateline='1266462370'

Hi guys,

I know I am making a pest of myself here asking questions. This particular one arises from an admiration email I received this evening. In it the lady talks about being this and that because of her northern upbringing BUT she is 'also smart like those women in the southern area'. The manner in which it is said made me wonder if there is a north/south cultural division/rivalry in Chinese culture? Does anyone have any insight into this? Or am I just reading something into what she said?

I'm taking a Chinese class through the local High School Adult Education program.  The instructor said last night that because he was from the north part of China originally he knew he had no hope of ever being involved in the upper offices in the Chiang Kai-shek Government.  Ok, so the guy is 76 years old, but there is still a little distinction between the north and south I think.  We all have that, even in the US there are regional stereotypes, not that they are accurate, but they do have a little basis in being true.  Just not always true.  That's my thinking on the matter any way.


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RE: North/South cultural question
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2010, 11:53:19 pm »
Quote from: 'ttwjr32' pid='32010' dateline='1266467755'

the cultural differences between the north and south would consist of
these---cuisine,language, and it is a lot faster in the south and more of
a slower pace up north because of the smaller cities there than down
south, dress is a little different also with a more modern flair in the south
but as far as smart like southern women maybe you should ask her that one??

Well, if the north is more rural, that might explain it. Maybe fewer go on to higher education? More stay home on the farm, so to speak? To be honest I am a country boy at heart, not a fast paced big city life kinda guy. So I understand a bit about how city folk tend to look down on what they consider 'country bumpkins' and of course the country folk like to talk about the utter lack of common sense of city folk, lol. Maybe I will write and ask her. I haven't answered any of the admirer mails so far, but of the ones I've received this one is by far the one that seems genuine and real, and like she really did read my profile-it's definitely not a form letter, very down to earth and emphasizing some things about herself that I mentioned in my profile. But I digress.

Just trying to get a better handle on the cultural/societal dynamics going on there, because they can impact where to look for the type of lady I'd like to meet.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2010, 11:54:40 pm by trwme »

Offline maxx

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RE: North/South cultural question
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2010, 12:13:51 am »
I think what the lady is talking about.Is the differences.Between the ethnic groups and diferent provinces  Of China.And what there known for.

For example.In  Gaungdong province the women are suppossed to be not pretty.And very good at saving your money.(Not true allot of beautiful ladies are from Guangdong Province).

Jianxia province has the best looking girls.But they also have a bad temper when pushed.They do puff up to be ten feet tall and bullit proof.When there mad there not afraid of anything.

Fujin province.Good looking girls.Buisness oriented.Really thrifty when spending money.They speak a different dialect.That is hard to understand for a native speaker of Manderin.Some beleave total package with Fujin girls.A body that just rocks.Beautiful face.Sweet dissposition.And a lot of brains.

Here is just a few exampels.China is so spread out and ben over run by invading armies.Threw the centuries.And has ben cut off from the western world for so long.That people just got to be known for certain characristics. One province would have Good looking women,Another province would have Tall girls or short girls.Or girls with Vulcan ears.

It is all just generalization of  people from a certain area.I know some women from Jianxia province that are not stone cold killers.I know some really Beautiful girls from Guangdong province.all the ladies from western China are not good cooks or good housekeepers.Not all the ladies of Fujin province have the total package.

I think this is what the lady was trying to tell you.That she has the same qualities.A lady from a different area of China is supposed to have.

Offline Neil

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RE: North/South cultural question
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2010, 12:50:44 am »
I personally find Guandong girls much prettier.  Mind you, I have a good reason for that.

Nina is from the south and my Chinese teacher is from the north.  There does seem to be some serious rivalry between the two groups.  Yang Yang tries (unsuccessfully) to not talk poorly of southern girls.  Nina doesn't talk poorly of anyone, but they aren't friends either. irresistible as chocolate


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RE: North/South cultural question
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2010, 05:37:09 am »
There is a vast difference between North and South China, even the green tea comes in different packaging!

Obviously the prettiest girls are from Sichuan Province, but they have migrated down the Yangtze over the years so Hubei/Hunan Provinces etc. are all great places to find ladies.


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RE: North/South cultural question
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2010, 05:42:25 am »
Well, her profile says she is from Tieling, in Liaoning province.


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RE: North/South cultural question
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2010, 07:58:46 pm »
These are minor differences in all Nations, from one part of that country to another!!, just have to look at the Southern and Northern States of the USA, and even in a small Island like the UK, between the North and the South....

The differences are not ''vast'' there subtle in many ways, but also distinct in China, but mainly to the Chinese themselves.  ...just like everywhere else really!!!

Now if your talking about differences between rural populations and city dwellers in China, sure there are differences, but that would go for Southern or Northern rural populations compared with any city dwellers, ....North or South!!!



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RE: North/South cultural question
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2010, 11:11:40 pm »


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RE: North/South cultural question
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2010, 07:44:00 am »
To add to Maxx's generalizations:

Hunan - Beautiful girls, who like fashion and love to shop.

Shanghai - Love money, and can love a man who will give them lots.

The above are not always true, but the generalizations or stereotypes. I.E. there are plenty of good girls in Shanghai.

But one other difference is that Northern Chinese girls tend to be taller and Southern Chinese girls tend to be smaller. But from Zhuhai to Guangzhou there are so many girls from other places, that it is a mix.

Just this year Mandarin took over Cantonese as the most spoken dialect in GUangzhou do to all the workers from other parts of China.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: North/South cultural question
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2010, 07:57:00 pm »
The Chinese women appear to have athing about staying as white as possible.  Every advert break on TV has at last one advert for a cream that whitens the complexion.  They think that being dark is rural and more backward.

Me I am all for a little colour in a lady as i want to know where she starts and I finish!!!:icon_cheesygrin:

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: North/South cultural question
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2010, 12:04:18 pm »
interesting take on that Willy