Author Topic: Baby steps/getting started.  (Read 14729 times)

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RE: Baby steps/getting started.
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2010, 11:19:19 pm »
Well, on the issue of whether the ladies actually go to the agencies to read the mail and look at the pics, let me offer a thought. Maybe some do, and some don't. Some of them may live too far away from the agency for that to be practical at all. Some may lack the transportation perhaps to do so for every EMF.

Just from my admittedly limited experience so far, I believe the three I am writing right now are seeing the mail I send them. Of course, I am thousands of miles away sitting behind a monitor and a keyboard, so I can't know for sure...BUT...I have the following clues related to the letters and pics I have sent. First off, all three of them live in the city where their agencies are located. One of them (in Chengdu) just asked me to send her more pics-why do that if you aren't seeing them? One of them (from Wuhan) asked me questions specifically related to things in my pics I sent-who is the little girl I am holding, am I performing onstage in the shot of me with the guitar, etc. The other one (from Tieling) made a joke about one of the pics I sent her-I had mentioned that both of my sons are a lot taller than I am. I sent her a pic of one of my sons and I sitting on some steps. She joked that well, since your sons are taller than you that must be why you take pictures with them sitting on steps!

Also, the lady from Wuhan (the one who makes me feel like a little puppy dog, lol), in her last letter, was very focused in answering every question I had asked of her in my previous one. She answered every one in the order they came in, and the letter didn't contain a lot of fluff in between (although a certain amount of flirting was present all through :icon_cheesygrin:). She had also mentioned a friend of hers that had met someone and gotten married through chnlove, and sent pics to me of the lady and her man at their wedding. The one from Tieling has also been very focused in answering my questions, failing to answer only a couple, and always providing some counter questions in response.

So it seems to me that if all this is going on over the phone, they are spending a lot of time on the phone with this stuff. I'm not saying that what Willy and Mpo said isn't true, just that it might be true on a case by case basis rather than as a broad general way things are done kinda way. As I recall, somewhere on the chnlove site it says that the ladies are notified by phone when they have mail. But it also says the following;

"The Chnlove service provider (CL agency) will deliver your mail "As-Is" to the lady. If she encounters any difficulties when reading your mail, free translation service will be provided for her, helping her understand the content fully and correctly."

So perhaps in the case of ladies with internet and computer access, they receive the mail, then call to get translator help if they can't understand something fully. I also recall someone else on one of the other threads I read here stating that they had received photo copies of the hand written letters their lady had sent to the agency, and had them independantly translated and found out the translation they had received from the agency was practically the same.

Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='32433' dateline='1266982706'


No problem at all brother...I knew you were not coming across like that mate.

I was just trying to explain why I had said it to you like that, that was all..

All is good:icon_cheesygrin:

...sigh:heart:...he called me brother...does that mean I belong now?:icon_cheesygrin:

One other note here, which may or may not be relevant. When I first joined chnlove, the very first admirer mail I received contained the lady's personal email address, and an invitation to write her there. I don't know if this was her personal email, or an agency email set up for her there at the agency in her name. We exchanged several emails through this channel. She told me that she received the email, read it herself, took it to her translator for clarification, then wrote a response herself and sent it to the translator who then tanslated it into english, and then either gave it back to her to send me or sent it for her. This wasn't the EMF route, BUT it followed the same basic protocol described at chnlove for the handling of the EMF and their responses to them.

She is a member of Changsha P218, which has the polar opposite reputation of Changsha P216, as far as I could investigate it.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2010, 06:23:08 am by trwme »


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RE: Baby steps/getting started.
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2010, 10:43:50 am »

Sounds to me very much like her agency controlled email address. Which basically give you the same service as the regular EMF'S but  without the cost to yourself. For those that have ladies that can't converse very well in English, this is a good avenue of communication, but it shouldn't be considered as the ONLY communication method. You still need webcam time together, nothing like speaking (albeit limited due to language problems) directly to each other and seeing your lady in real time... lol!!!


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RE: Baby steps/getting started.
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2010, 12:23:52 pm »
Well I will try and add a couple of  bits for consideration here as well. The following is a Yahoo Messenger im that I received yesterday, from a lady I have started talking with through EMF's. We are at about number 28. (which is to say 14 EMF's in each direction)

So to start, the message I received yesterday...... (I am trying to keep this as accurate as possible to what I received)

"Dear Dan:
You may receive another letter saying that I did not receive the SMS you send. In fact, it is because Web sites that would limit the exchange of an intermediary. Because if you and I are talking about marriage, as well as to meet, they will charge high fees. If we are to use private e-mail or phone contact does not need to them, they will lose wealth. So you and most of my communication is through their letters translated. I received a text message to your cell phone, and will also remember your number. They give you the contents of the exception of a small part of the reply on the address, e-mail,telephone and the like are linked by their method of shielding the outside. The basic content of other respondents translated according to what I intended.
" ..... then there is a just a bit more before the message cuts off.

So there is a timely example that in fact, that at least for this agency (GZB) the emails/communications are very controlled. I am now going through the copies of the EMF's I have here, because I am sure I asked a very simple question in one of the earliest ones as to weather this lady played any form of musical instrument. The question went un-answered. Polite enough question I thought, but when it went unanswered I just let it slide. No biggie, but today I received a private e-mail from this same lady, with some pictures attached, and in one of them she is playing a violin, which she is working on as part of some upcoming promotion for the company she works for. :huh: So yes, some things are being lost in translation through EMF's, but now is it to control the flow of EMF money (I am sure that is a great motivator) or is it just a bad translation service, and they couldn't figure out what I meant when I (and I am sure I did) asked about musical ability.

So now I will go back through, and pick out anything else that went unanswered and try again, this time directly to the lady. and see what happens then.

Now yes this lady and I did talk about marriage and to some degree sex ( yes the talk regarding sex so early kind of took me back a bit) but none of it had to do with getting married, or nitty gritty  details of sex, but rather, more the philosophical end of things, level of commitment needed monogamy etc. Kind of personal stuff I guess, but a good honest way to see if the person you are talking with is on the same level as you. Flip side of that is though, sex or marriage talk of any kind must make for a great way to set the hook in a big fat Lowai ( I think that is the right word :icon_cheesygrin: ) and get them tied into the EMF treadmill.

Now that I have gotten the first communications with this lady, I will try more outside of the EMF and see how it progresses there.

This isn't a knock against the EMF idea, I think the concept is great, but may suffer from a lack of quality control, or over site. Thankfully we have here for help with part of that!
Quick update as I read the latest EMF from the lady I am writing to, Second line of the letter .....

 .Again,thank your for your time and efforts chatting with me on Yahoo.I feel happy and excited when chatting with you there.:)Hope our chat doesn't interfere your dinner and sleep.Please let me know if I bother your life or work.I can patiently wait for your letters when you're convenient.

Trying to set the hook now?? :icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: February 24, 2010, 12:29:59 pm by Dan »

Offline odysseus007

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RE: Baby steps/getting started.
« Reply #18 on: February 24, 2010, 01:45:02 pm »
Quote from: 'Dan' pid='32487' dateline='1267032232'

Well I will try and add a couple of  bits for consideration here as well. The following is a Yahoo Messenger im that I received yesterday, from a lady I have started talking with through EMF's. We are at about number 28. (which is to say 14 EMF's in each direction)

So to start, the message I received yesterday...... (I am trying to keep this as accurate as possible to what I received)

"Dear Dan:
You may receive another letter saying that I did not receive the SMS you send. In fact, it is because Web sites that would limit the exchange of an intermediary. Because if you and I are talking about marriage, as well as to meet, they will charge high fees. If we are to use private e-mail or phone contact does not need to them, they will lose wealth. So you and most of my communication is through their letters translated. I received a text message to your cell phone, and will also remember your number. They give you the contents of the exception of a small part of the reply on the address, e-mail,telephone and the like are linked by their method of shielding the outside. The basic content of other respondents translated according to what I intended.
" ..... then there is a just a bit more before the message cuts off.

So there is a timely example that in fact, that at least for this agency (GZB) the emails/communications are very controlled. I am now going through the copies of the EMF's I have here, because I am sure I asked a very simple question in one of the earliest ones as to weather this lady played any form of musical instrument. The question went un-answered. Polite enough question I thought, but when it went unanswered I just let it slide. No biggie, but today I received a private e-mail from this same lady, with some pictures attached, and in one of them she is playing a violin, which she is working on as part of some upcoming promotion for the company she works for. :huh: So yes, some things are being lost in translation through EMF's, but now is it to control the flow of EMF money (I am sure that is a great motivator) or is it just a bad translation service, and they couldn't figure out what I meant when I (and I am sure I did) asked about musical ability.

So now I will go back through, and pick out anything else that went unanswered and try again, this time directly to the lady. and see what happens then.

Now yes this lady and I did talk about marriage and to some degree sex ( yes the talk regarding sex so early kind of took me back a bit) but none of it had to do with getting married, or nitty gritty  details of sex, but rather, more the philosophical end of things, level of commitment needed monogamy etc. Kind of personal stuff I guess, but a good honest way to see if the person you are talking with is on the same level as you. Flip side of that is though, sex or marriage talk of any kind must make for a great way to set the hook in a big fat Lowai ( I think that is the right word :icon_cheesygrin: ) and get them tied into the EMF treadmill.

Now that I have gotten the first communications with this lady, I will try more outside of the EMF and see how it progresses there.

This isn't a knock against the EMF idea, I think the concept is great, but may suffer from a lack of quality control, or over site. Thankfully we have here for help with part of that!

Quick update as I read the latest EMF from the lady I am writing to, Second line of the letter .....

 .Again,thank your for your time and efforts chatting with me on Yahoo.I feel happy and excited when chatting with you there.:)Hope our chat doesn't interfere your dinner and sleep.Please let me know if I bother your life or work.I can patiently wait for your letters when you're convenient.

Trying to set the hook now?? :icon_cheesygrin:

My experience with GZB tells me they have no qualms about even using a fake lady to waste my EMFs. Even to the extent of sending fake photos. Be very careful about GZB. Many brothers had the same experience, as a search of this forum will reveal. With real ladies, as your gal mentioned, they would prolong & add sparks, withhold contact info, make you waste EMFs. I have had other agencies who pass on contact info though, or so they say. I need direct contact to have proof before saying which ones (all in my thread on agencies).
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Josh Markley

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RE: Baby steps/getting started.
« Reply #19 on: February 24, 2010, 07:35:26 pm »
Well I have also had some worries about dealing with agency P558.  I have wrote to one girl from this agency, but it seams she takes some time to write back.  In the mean time ill get 2 AM's from this agency a day.  All of these girls are beautiful and young.  Most of the letters say thin same thing just rearrange not to make it obvious.  It seams they have a good rep, but those numbers are so flawed.  From what I gathered they are just if the translator was understandable.
Dan,  I had one girl who talked about sex a lot during her EMF's.  I had a huge interest in her but I got a weird feeling about it when it continued to progress, after I told her I was more interested in getting to know her as a person.  In my opinion it is just away to bait you into my EMF's but I could be wrong.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2010, 07:42:31 pm by Josh Markley »
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Baby steps/getting started.
« Reply #20 on: February 24, 2010, 07:50:36 pm »
Ok Roy

Nothing you said in your reply will satisfy me that you are talking directly to the lady and not building up 'a relationship' with a translator.

I still doubt if any of the three you refer to have ever been to the agency to read an EMF.

Ok the agency may be located in the same city as each of the ladies in Question - but do you know just how large the cities are in China?  

Travelling from one part of the city to another takes time and money.   Maybe several buses and a lot of time.  Taxis will be out of the question.  Even the shortest taxi fare one way will feed a person for a day and Chinese women are more finanacially accute than that.

If the questions are answered then why cannot the translator answer them?   Your photos probably are never seen by the lady as a translator can make comments on them.

The internet and computer ownership is not as wide in China as one may imagine.

Until you have a face to face meeting by webcam and are able to speak on the telephone then you will never be sure that your lady is real.   Even sending email or using messenger you cannot be certain so get a webcam set up.   They are cheap in China and can be easily done with yahoo messenger.  See and talk with her - even if you do not understand a word each other says.

I arrived in China in June 2009 and the lady I came to see - had no idea about any photos.  She had been told about the photos but had never seen them.  The agencies do not make a copy and send them to the ladies.   That would cost money and money is not gladly spent by agencies.

This lady spoke fairly good English but could not read it - the majority of Chinese ladies cannot read a word of English - from my experience when they say they are learning English that means that they will start learning one day but not just now!!!

There are often reference in various threads to the difficulties the members have with their ladies lack of English even after they have met them once or twice or even more.

We start to learn Pinyin and start using that in letters.  The vast majority have no idea of the difference between pnyin and Ping Pong!

They do not read pinyin. it is a way for foreigners to learn to spek the language not to write it.  You may get the odd Ni Hao or Wo ai ni.

The phone is cheaper in China than travelling - I would think that every women on any marriage site in China has a cell phone.

But even with every form of communication, and I did use them all, it was not until I arrived here that we both realised that within a week we were not meant to be anything other than friends.

Meeting is the key to the relationship - it will unlock the door or firmly leave it closed.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: Baby steps/getting started.
« Reply #21 on: February 24, 2010, 10:22:29 pm »
Quote from: 'Willy The Londoner' pid='32504' dateline='1267059036'

Ok Roy

Nothing you said in your reply will satisfy me that you are talking directly to the lady and not building up 'a relationship' with a translator.

I still doubt if any of the three you refer to have ever been to the agency to read an EMF.

Ok the agency may be located in the same city as each of the ladies in Question - but do you know just how large the cities are in China?  

Travelling from one part of the city to another takes time and money.   Maybe several buses and a lot of time.  Taxis will be out of the question.  Even the shortest taxi fare one way will feed a person for a day and Chinese women are more finanacially accute than that.

If the questions are answered then why cannot the translator answer them?   Your photos probably are never seen by the lady as a translator can make comments on them.

The internet and computer ownership is not as wide in China as one may imagine.

Until you have a face to face meeting by webcam and are able to speak on the telephone then you will never be sure that your lady is real.   Even sending email or using messenger you cannot be certain so get a webcam set up.   They are cheap in China and can be easily done with yahoo messenger.  See and talk with her - even if you do not understand a word each other says.

I arrived in China in June 2009 and the lady I came to see - had no idea about any photos.  She had been told about the photos but had never seen them.  The agencies do not make a copy and send them to the ladies.   That would cost money and money is not gladly spent by agencies.

This lady spoke fairly good English but could not read it - the majority of Chinese ladies cannot read a word of English - from my experience when they say they are learning English that means that they will start learning one day but not just now!!!

There are often reference in various threads to the difficulties the members have with their ladies lack of English even after they have met them once or twice or even more.

We start to learn Pinyin and start using that in letters.  The vast majority have no idea of the difference between pnyin and Ping Pong!

They do not read pinyin. it is a way for foreigners to learn to spek the language not to write it.  You may get the odd Ni Hao or Wo ai ni.

The phone is cheaper in China than travelling - I would think that every women on any marriage site in China has a cell phone.

But even with every form of communication, and I did use them all, it was not until I arrived here that we both realised that within a week we were not meant to be anything other than friends.

Meeting is the key to the relationship - it will unlock the door or firmly leave it closed.


Well, I'll have to bow to your superior experience here Willy :blush:
I mean that seriously. I should have said I think or believe they are real. I have done a lot of thinking and have already considered the things you mentioned. It could be a complete scam. The translator could be receiving the EMFs, responding to them point by point, armed with a boatload of pictures and a well worked out life of details, hammered out over years of scamming naive westerners. It could all be made up bs, with no lady at all on the other end. Just a 'translator' receiving and sending emails from the agency office.

But if that is true, how do they stay in business? There can't be that much EMF money to go around. The most they can cost is a little over $6 per credit. I'd bet most buy them in larger batches, in which case they are what, about $3.85 or so per credit? How many ways is that credit pie split? Chnlove gets a slice, the agency gets a slice, they have to pay the translators, they surely have other overhead costs related to this. I guess volume counts-but the emfs I am exchanging with the person in Wuhan are not short notes. They are quite long. You can ask 007, I showed him most of one of them.

I plan on pushing for a webcam meeting shortly with one of the women, the one I am writing to the most. We (meaning me and whoever is on the other end responding) are sending an EMF to each other everyday. That's the one from Wuhan. The one in Tieling is about an every other day thing. Those are pretty long too. The one in Chendu has only been a couple so far; she says she is still on holiday. If that one is just a translator, why aren't they pushing me to write by sending me a reply to my last EMF, which I sent three days ago.

Here is something I've noticed though, and it has made me speculate what it means. When I send an EMF to the one in Wuhan, I watch the delivery status. It changes to delivered very quickly, usually within a few minutes at the most. That includes the one I sent tonight. On the one hand, that makes me a bit suspicous, but on the other, if this is a scam everything else is so seemless, why miss that obvious detail?

Hell I don't know. You say one thing, Mike seems to back you up, Vince says something else, and others say things in between. There's no real consensus here about this issue, except that some agencies are pretty shady, and others seem to be more legitimate.

You are right, and I agree with you completely without reservation on one thing though. Until you meet, you really don't know whether you have met The One, or someone you'll never see again. But that is true whether you are going through translators or actually swapping emails and im chats and webcam sessions. Case in point, a few months ago I met someone on another dating site, swapped an email or two, chatted for hours and hours on im, webcammed, and talked on the phone deep into the night several times. We then went out on a couple of dates, and while a lot of what was there online and on the phone was still there, something was lacking for me, even though it wasn't for her. We've never gone out again. I haven't even talked to her since a couple of weeks after our last date. I guess the difference is, I only had to go 30 miles to find this out, not halfway around the world.

One other thing too. I can sit here and be cynical about it, and keeping a tight check on my emotions, to the point that I am prepared to be dissapointed when I ever go to China. I take all the excitement away at the beginning, and the lady-if there really is one-will notice this, and interpret it her way. That just increases the odds that I will be dissapointed, because I'll already have it in my head this ain't real or going to work out, and that is not the basis for a first meeting with someone. I know from experience the woman is paying close attention to how you look at her that first time. Just going to have to be prepared for a kitn if and when it comes.

BTW, I already understood that speaking english and reading or writing it are two separate things.

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RE: Baby steps/getting started.
« Reply #22 on: February 24, 2010, 10:23:39 pm »
Very well said Willy. You covered the reality of this very well.

Offline odysseus007

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RE: Baby steps/getting started.
« Reply #23 on: February 24, 2010, 11:01:29 pm »
Valid points Roy. "Delivered" to my mind could mean anything from forwarded email, SMS, short verbal summary via phone, or even printed out & sent by snail mail. I wouldn't worry too much about it, had that before sometimes, and also a 1 liner answer, which normally would be offensive, but in this case is fine - she immediately asked for my direct email. That couldn't be a translator now eh? I think each agency works its own way in delivering the EMF, and also depends how the lady prefers to receive EMF.
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RE: Baby steps/getting started.
« Reply #24 on: February 24, 2010, 11:39:32 pm »
I just met my lady and we did compare letters. She printed them out right before I left for china and I took all of the letters on a flash drive. The letters in this case matched very closely except the first 3. I am talking about the translated letters to her and from her. There where some differences a word here or there but in overall meaning was the same. Except the first 3 letters sent from her. She never actually saw my letters. They called her on the phone then gave her a quick run down of what the letter said then she told the translator the basics of what she wanted to say then the translator wrote me a letter with a lot of fluff and very little of her in them. It worked of course I kept writting to her. All of this took place before I found the brotherhood though. She told me that when she is busy and can't or doesn't want to come to the agency to get my letters she just has them call her and tell her what the letter says. I think I was lucky that the agency my soon to be wife is with was generally honest. They did hold out on contact info asked for by me for weveral weeks, until I wrote that I could no longer write to her unless I could actually see her. Then the next letter contained contact info. By then I was into the EMF coffers for about 50 letters. In some ways I wish I had found this site earlier but it worked out in the end. She did not understand why I needed to see her to keep writing to her untill I explained that a large part of communication was body language and after I explained what body language was she understood why I needed to see her. I will offer this advise to you, If you think she is real then she is until you can prove otherwise. I would have never continued to write my Lady if I would have not thought that way. I do agree that you need to see her as soon as possible so keep pushing for that, but don't give up on her untill you are convinced that she is not real. Now this is just my opinion and should be only taken for that. I don't have the experience that most everybody else does here.
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RE: Baby steps/getting started.
« Reply #25 on: February 25, 2010, 12:03:42 am »
Just want to clarify something here, because I kinda went off in a different direction in my last post than what Willy was really trying to say. As I understand Willy's point, he's saying this is all done by phone, at least for the most part. I can't really refute that being the case with any of the three I am talking to through EMF. I can't even say it isn't the case with the other one I've been in private email contact with either. I still am somewhat mystified about that one.

That being the case, then there is no knowing anything or learning anything about the person you think you're talking to, and this is all an exercise in futility until you are able to meet. A complete crapshoot. You are responding to details that may or may not exist in the other person's life, or things they may never have said. You might just as well get a positive response from someone and head straight on over to China to meet them, because you really haven't established any more of a relationship you can have any real level of confidence in beforehand doing it the other way, as I see it.

I just want to emphasize again that I agree with Willy 100% that until you meet face to face and spend some time together, you can't be 100% certain. Emails, im chats, and webcams can only take you so far.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Baby steps/getting started.
« Reply #26 on: February 25, 2010, 06:24:29 am »
I would just like to add that what we say in these threads are not set in stone.  You have to decide your own direction and just weigh up the advice given for what it is - advice.

Before coming to China I was talking to two ladies and then following advice gleaned from here I decided that number one was too good to be true and settled for number two.  

What a mistake - Number two was not the same person in real life-  the same physically but not the same in character etc we remain good friends but nothing else.

But I did meet number one at a later date.  She was beautiful probably had more sex appeal than her photos showed.  A great sense of human and her English was very very good.  And she told me that she really had liked me.   What a mistake I had made.

 But when asked if she would like to take up where we left off but she politely turned me down and said that if we did she would always consider herself to be second best as far as I was concerned.

But this is for everyone not just for you Roy.  These threads are in black and white but in real life there is a lot of grey in between so use your own judgement and if turns out to be wrong then learn from it.  Do not give up.

I had a couple of failures but  also some great times that I will probably remember forever but which are not for recalling on these pages but just to remain my own pleasant memories.

 I am now happily married and the only advice within these pages that anyone should follow strictly is the 24 hour rule.  Something I know to my own personal cost.

Willy The Lpndoner

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RE: Baby steps/getting started.
« Reply #27 on: February 25, 2010, 07:15:37 am »
Yes what Willy has stated is great - you must trust your own instincts. I've had a helluva nightmare in my relationship, but despite what everyone says here, my own instincts have served me well. The 24 hour rule is good.

All of our ladies are very different and I'll tell you straight up that on occasions some brothers have been dead wrong about what they think they know about China. Actually I'll say that China is a mass of contradictions, so no wonder we're all confused. They can't even standardise the standardised language for God's sake - I am acutely aware that my Chinese teacher and my various books are not always on song :huh:.

I think the key to this is both knowing *exactly* what you want. What I want today is exactly what I wanted when I wrote my chnlove profile back in July. As to my lady, I don't think she knows what she wants, and I suspect it will ultimately kill off our relationship. I haven't seen much talk of this but I am beginning to think that this foreign husband finding thing is a bit of a craze in China at the moment. Perhaps these women get sweet talked into finding a foreign husband without knowing what it *really* entails.

Tread carefully!


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RE: Baby steps/getting started.
« Reply #28 on: February 25, 2010, 07:32:35 am »
Well, I started this thread with three basic things in mind.

1. To get advice and criticism from the more experienced members here. That required being as transparent as possible in revealing my approach and my thinking behind it.

2. To maybe put something on this forum that could help others just starting out. They can learn either from my mistakes or maybe from where I did something correct. Again, that requires me laying it on the line and looking like an idiot, lol.

3. As a kind of ongoing journal that I can look at, and then look at myself, and decide what is working and what is not. I can examine my own thinking, and emotions. That requires me to be honest with myself.

What I've learned so far is this; you can think you are developing and following a good strategy, but in the end you have no real control over any of it, and it is a different animal after you get started than what you thought you had going at the beginning. You can think and think and think trying to figure out what is and isn't real, and in the end you have no solid ground to be confident of any of your conclusions. The only thing you can know for sure is that there is someone out there on the other end. And it is silly, I suppose, to think it is just the lady you believe you are writing to.

I'll continue to post my thoughts and experiences here as I go along. To Willy, I ain't ready to quit yet; I've bought the credits, I'm going to use them. There's no refund, lol.

Maybe I'll just spend them on writing EMFs to the translators and save them the bother of calling the ladies, rotflm*o.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 07:55:15 am by trwme »


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RE: Baby steps/getting started.
« Reply #29 on: February 25, 2010, 07:51:54 am »
Good luck!

Actually I didn't have much problem figuring out who the fake and real ladies were, but it's things afterwards that have been tricky.

I guess my tips are to go for ladies with natural photos, avoid the very young and the eye candy and that certain Changsha agency. If you're worried about EMF cost then don't even consider getting a Chinese wife, this whole episode will cost you a lot of money and EMF cost is insignificant compared to everything else.