Brett, Neil,
Guys, think of this as a challenge. Whether it is life or your ladies, but someone is testing your resolve. I'm sure your ladies love you. But this is also catchup season for them. Because they get a week to two weeks off, they do have to catch up to their quotas. They might not show it, but not talking or seeing you guys is probably taking a toll on them as well.
Trust me, I haven't spoken to my lady for nearly a week. She went to go see some relatives who live a good distance away and then once she returned (yesterday for me), she had to get ready to leave today (well, yesterday) to take a 15 hour train ride to her new job. She's going to need a day to recover and organize herself in her new living space. I do miss her a lot! But I know that she will be back. I sent her an email and I know she will reply once she has a chance.
I've been told that I am very cliched, but I do believe in the saying ... "Good things come to those who wait". Give your ladies the time and support they need and when they get a chance, they will return that in spades to you.