Author Topic: My workaholic lady  (Read 7214 times)

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RE: My workaholic lady
« Reply #30 on: February 27, 2010, 08:27:32 am »
Ha ha ha well someone has made Miss Wu disappear, that's for sure.

Suffice to say that if and when she reappears there will be some serious talking to do. I don't know what the problem is. Maybe her parents are sick again, maybe they've gone off the Western husband idea, maybe her boss has posted her off on some distant assignment, maybe something was organised and decided over the new year, who knows?

I am working on other ideas. I know full well that Miss 100% does not exist. Whichever lady I choose my life will take a completely different path.

I really don't want to mess around other ladies until I have some sort of closure on Miss Wu, so I've been writing down a list of P numbers, and I'll contact them once the Miss Wu issue is resolved. I'll contact scientist lady again, although I'm fed up with this winter so I'm sure as hell not going to Harbin next :dodgy:! Actually it might be OK because the last I heard she was working overseas.

I have a mountain of vacation time to use, so lady or no lady I would like to get away and practice my new Chinese language skills. Maybe I could put Rob in my suitcase and get him to find me a lady on the street :angel:.

I had my Chinese reading test yesterday and I cannot believe that I can now read a whole page of characters - 6 months ago that would have seemed an impossibility.

I have always wanted to go to Shanghai so that is where I will start my next lady search. There are also a few jobs I could do there so it's a good choice. I'm not sure if there is a brotherhood in Shanghai or whether everyone is in the Changsha/Gz camp. Zuhai would have been a potential place to live if things had worked out with Miss Wu.

I just wish my Chinese teacher was 20 years younger, I don't ever think I have met such an enthusiastic person and I can see why you guys adore your Chinese ladies so much! :icon_cheesygrin:.


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RE: My workaholic lady
« Reply #31 on: February 27, 2010, 01:09:28 pm »

Shanghai!!!! .....You really are a glutton for punishment aren't you!!! I'm not saying that ALL the ladies from that area are out for what they can get, but it sure ain't the safest or best place to look for genuine women in China. They have to be the most clued up women on westerners in China, probably because it has always been in the past (even more so now) a westerners area. Your certainly NOT going to be the only western guy walking around Shanghai, that i can guarantee....  

What are you waiting for then Brett?? What sort of closure are you looking for, or Need??
I wouldn't mind betting, if you didn't contact her again, you wouldn't hear another word from her!!


Offline jeffm

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RE: My workaholic lady
« Reply #32 on: February 27, 2010, 03:11:21 pm »
Brett I’ve read your last several posts.  I wanted to tell you to cut and run.  You are giving way too much excuses for her.  The sick mother thing was used on me last summer and come to find out when I scanned my laptop a couple of weeks ago she actually got a visa to Belgium and stayed there for 3 months lol.  She too said her mother was sick in fact her mother had a hysterectomy and would be in bed for 3 months, and she would have to take care of her mother’s business LOL.  Oh do I have a story to tell how I was played.  I so will not let myself be this nieve again.  

One thing to remember the one who The power in a relationship lies with the one who needs it the least.  For me I have embraced this philosophy again.

Oh and David she was one of those Chinese princesses.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2010, 03:12:52 pm by jeffm »
Watch what people do not what they say


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RE: My workaholic lady
« Reply #33 on: February 27, 2010, 05:34:47 pm »

I dont know either what kind of closure your looking for and why you want to wait until
you start talking to another. This woman used you and is probably to busy getting more
money from another variety of men out there. I mean come on you send her money for
her mother's bills and she spends it on a new outfit??? for herself!!!!! Any chinese lady
that was interested in you and wanted to have a relationship with you would have put
that money away and waited for your arrival to give back. No contact!!!!!  Instead of
walking into the wall on a continuos basis move a little to the right, open the door and
move on.  holy cow there are to many genuine ladies out there. And Shanghia is full of
to many princesses, you will be right back in this mess again. Especially with the younger
ones there.



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RE: My workaholic lady
« Reply #34 on: February 27, 2010, 07:25:01 pm »
You know ... you Guy's bashing the Shanghai Lady's , makes me want to scream sometimes .. because my Wife's from there . But on the other Hand how right you are . As I met a 30 year old from there before I found my other half and to think " I " wasn't good enough for her . Ha ha .. guess my Wallet wasn't big enough as my Heart was . What a fool ? Well she found a English Gentleman that got her to England in three weeks time . He never told anybody how he did it so fast and she still has not said thanks for the B-day Cake I send her . What a Bi*** !!!


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RE: My workaholic lady
« Reply #35 on: February 27, 2010, 08:02:04 pm »

im not bashing women from Shanghai just saying that they are a little more wiser to the
western ways and really know how to play the man if this is what they choose and there are
a lot of these situations that happen from this area and also Nanning. just from my observations,
experience over the past 8 years and from what i have heard from people in general in
conversations that have also stayed in these areas and then moved on to other parts of China.
so its not meant to be bashing from me just words of caution. and the women who do this are the
much younger ones meaning 20 ---- 30 range.  the men looking for eye candy will be burnt quite
a few times before they find a good one a majority of the time. i can introduce you to may expats living
here in GZ who tried that route before they finally got one a little older to be with them and are
now happy.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: My workaholic lady
« Reply #36 on: February 27, 2010, 11:34:06 pm »
Quote from: 'brett' pid='32719' dateline='1267277252'

Ha ha ha well someone has made Miss Wu disappear, that's for sure.

Suffice to say that if and when she reappears there will be some serious talking to do. I don't know what the problem is. Maybe her parents are sick again, maybe they've gone off the Western husband idea, maybe her boss has posted her off on some distant assignment, maybe something was organised and decided over the new year, who knows?

Lots more maybe's Brett.

Just one more.

Maybe it's time to 'Ditch the ...........'!!!! and get on with your life.  

You are going nowhere with this one.   Lets face it you can find dozens more that will show you they are interested in Brett as a person.  Not just a possible ticket to the West.  

I told you of my suspicions long ago when this Miss Wu did not want to marry you in China but wanted you to get her to the UK to marry you there.

I like most others on here think she just wants a ticket out of China.  

The mystery of her name and the difference in her address and the address of the agency and her leaving the agency suddenly and making no contact with you.  No physical contact with you when you were here  - not even a kiss and you travelled thousands of miles!  She is definately a Chinese puzzle!!!!!!

Probably it was her request not to mention her name on here!!  That started a red flag flying for some.

You probably frightened the life out of her by telling her that maybe you would come and live in China.

HANDS up those who think he should still wait for this women!   (LONG PAUSE)     As I thought not one hand went up Brett.

I think everyone on here except one person knows that this relationship is at at end - no contact, no nothing from her.    She justs wants you quietly to forget her - she is like many Chinese ladies - she does not want to tell you directly but just hopes that you will take a hint and fade away but is at the same time willing to take cash from you to buy clothes to attract other men.

Forget about moving here to live - your place is in UK  -but do not waste the rest of your holiday entitlement - the spring weather is on us in the South and every day is pleasant now.  Make the most of it.

Finance is no problem for you to get over here and meet up with some of the brothers.  Let them point you to places where you may well find what you are hoping for.

I like the rest of the Brothers want, no not want, i think need is the right word - NEED to start reading a thread entitled - Brett Reloaded and that way you can definately help us by reducing our blood pressure!!!!

« Last Edit: February 27, 2010, 11:35:50 pm by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: My workaholic lady
« Reply #37 on: February 27, 2010, 11:55:14 pm »
Ted , I know how you and other are only warning Guy's about the younger ones from there . I seen it with my own Eyes on four Visit's . They look at you with Dollar sign's in their Eyes , but the older ones I've met while with Qing are very much honest with you and like you for you .. not your ATM in your pocket .
David 51 ( he should be getting older too ) has mentioned so many times , go with the more Mature Woman , not the Eye Candy or Beauty Queen .

Willy ... love your Profile Photo . Looking at your Box of Eggs there ... your one at a time now , instead of 10 . Thinking back in Time , after seeing Cool Hand Luke ... I told my late Wife I can do this too ... fifty Egg's in one Hour . Yeah ... after 13 in 8 minutes it was all over and I could not look at another Egg for a very long time .:icon_eek:

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RE: My workaholic lady
« Reply #38 on: February 28, 2010, 12:00:46 am »
Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='32768' dateline='1267332914'

Willy ... love your Profile Photo . Looking at your Box of Eggs there ... your one at a time now , instead of 10 . Thinking back in Time , after seeing Cool Hand Luke ... I told my late Wife I can do this too ... fifty Egg's in one Hour . Yeah ... after 13 in 8 minutes it was all over and I could not look at another Egg for a very long time .:icon_eek:

I thought that I could do the Cool Hand Luke bit - but eggs are high in Cholersterol.   Look what happened to Paul Newman - he died a mere forty odd years later!!  

So maybe better to talk eggs than eat them!!!


PS anyone want to go for the record - I have more than 75 left!!!!!
« Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 12:01:53 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: My workaholic lady
« Reply #39 on: February 28, 2010, 12:20:37 am »
Willy that makes for one hell of an omelette.

20 lbs mushrooms
10 lbs green onions (chopped)
10 lbs chopped sausage
1   lb   celantro
1   lb hot peppers (chopped)
10 lbs chopped tomato's
75 eggs

mix everything except eggs, fry eggs and put chopped goodies in middle, fold very very carefully (use a shovel)
cook a little while until firm, turn over with shovel.

call the brothers or your wife or the neighborhood for breakfast.....:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: My workaholic lady
« Reply #40 on: February 28, 2010, 03:02:30 am »
breakfast or early lunch at Willy's now that Rocky sent him the recipe

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RE: My workaholic lady
« Reply #41 on: February 28, 2010, 05:29:25 am »
Hi Brett,
it does not usually work the first time.
But it sometimes works the second time.
Like you, I am English, I am learning Chinese in a Chinese class, for almost as long as you, but I think you are learning faster than me.
I went to China last May and was scammed, but I learned a lot. I learned to love China.
Now I am hoping to be married next month to the second lady I met who is real. I met her and the physical compatibility was present immediately. Without that, the best you can hope for is a penpal.
I calculate that there are about a hundred million Chinese women who would appreciate you, be wowed by your Chinese speaking and want to get to know you. Don't waste time.
I hope your ex and her hamster bag will be very happy together. Start writing to someone else, pick someone who floats your boat, get onto webcam as soon as possible, you will get a feeling for what you have in common and you may get a flutter when she smiles at you, and you may start to miss her when you don't see her for a few days.
Go to China. You are very lucky to have generous holiday entitlement, a luxury some others don't.
Then when you visit China, learn about how much you are attracted to each other with the same dedication that you show to learn Chinese. You will know by the way she looks at you. Take her hand at the earliest opportunity. There is nothing quite like holding the hand of a beautiful Chinese lady as she shows you around her city. If my lady wanted to read me the entire contents of the Chinese telephone directory while holding my hand, I would be happy as a pig in shit.
Go to China and make contact.


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RE: My workaholic lady
« Reply #42 on: February 28, 2010, 08:41:56 am »

This is just like pulling teeth!!!'s the ''Don't take a Suit to China'' episode all over again!!!
Just what does it take to convince you Brett???


Hahaha!! ... That is one of my long time favourite sayings, It's just So Descriptive, with that touch of humour... haha!!


Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: My workaholic lady
« Reply #43 on: February 28, 2010, 09:19:37 am »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='32801' dateline='1267364516'


This is just like pulling teeth!!!'s the ''Don't take a Suit to China'' episode all over again!!!
Just what does it take to convince you Brett???


Hahaha!! ... That is one of my long time favourite sayings, It's just So Descriptive, with that touch of humour... haha!!


Mind you I did admit to Brett that during the cold spell here I was glad I did take a suit as I wore that under my leather jacket all day.


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: My workaholic lady
« Reply #44 on: February 28, 2010, 09:25:50 am »

No thick jeans or jumpers in your wardrobe there??  Got to be more comfortable than wearing a suit all day.... Surely!!!!

Plus, ....There's always the ''All -in-one'' undies to keep that chill out, and protect the crown jewels from frost bite!!  lol!!

« Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 09:26:02 am by David5o »