Author Topic: Flying to Changsha tomorrow... need agency contact info  (Read 5681 times)

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Offline ChinaPositive

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Flying to Changsha tomorrow... need agency contact info
« on: March 09, 2010, 03:33:45 pm »
Leaving tomorrow at midnight, my first time to visit with a CHNLOVE gal, but I guess I wasn't as prepared as I need to be... I saw some alarming info online about the Changsha Love Bridge agency last night, so I sent my gal an EMF asking about translators writing emails, success fees, etc... here is her reply this morning ~ "In order to guarantee the quality of service in the agency, I signed an agreement which is about learning English, visa consulting and culture consulting, these expense is small which i could take care of it, you don't need to pay, so please don't worry about that." ~ kind of avoids the success fee question, doesn't it? ~ Anyway, I asked when she could meet me in the lobby of my hotel (near Love Bridge) and she replied, "When you arrival hotel, you can call the translator, she will arrange a good time for our meeting." BUT, no phone number for the translator was included, nor any contact information for Love Bridge, and I can't find any online... can any of you please provide me with a phone number or address? Thank you in advance!!! I have sent them a note (client feedback) and an EMF, but I am worried I won't get a reply before I leave tomorrow.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 04:09:31 pm by ChinaPositive »


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RE: Flying to Changsha tomorrow... need agency contact info
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2010, 04:27:20 pm »
Andrew , throw Martin a PM and some Dumplings and I think .. he can help you with the Agency address and phone number . What are ADMIN's for ?:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: Flying to Changsha tomorrow... need agency contact info
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2010, 04:38:25 pm »

You can safely say, that reply was Agency generated!! lol!!
Have you not got any other form of communication going between you and your lady ????  So how are you going to let your lady know you have arrived, if you don't have any way of contacting her or her agency???  
I hope your taking a laptop with you, or you could find yourself out on a limb!!  Also, you might think about getting a Besta electronic translation device if your lady has little or no English...

Yes, you are unprepared for your visit, your going to have a lot of catch-up to do, ...very quickly!!

« Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 04:39:40 pm by David5o »

Offline ChinaPositive

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RE: Flying to Changsha tomorrow... need agency contact info
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2010, 04:50:46 pm »
gawd, the more I browse these forums the closer I am to cancelling... in her email was also this, "I cannot meet you at 8PM, working overtime, maybe tomorrow afternoon, OK?" and then the part about calling the translator... I am imagining a scenario where I wait in the hotel room for a call that never comes (I sent them an EMF with my contact info), or, I get a call the next day, "sorry, your lady unavailable because of work, we have an ugly old woman who is interested in meeting you in one hour" ~ Ugghhh.


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RE: Flying to Changsha tomorrow... need agency contact info
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2010, 05:03:53 pm »

Whatever you do, ''DON'T'' stay in your hotel room waiting or moping!!

Get out and explore, enjoy yourself. There are far too many good ladies in Changsha, and few are fat and even fewer ugly!!  lol!!  So if you get all this crap from your lady, about working overtime or gives other reasons why she can't see or meet you.... start looking elsewhere!!  You have traveled 1000's of miles to come to China to meet HER!! if she isn't prepared to put her self out to meet you in a reasonable time,  .....Don't hang around waiting, or you'll be waiting a very long time... These Chinese ladies go out of there way when they are interested in a man and can see a future together, ...they most certainly DON'T fob them off with excuses.....


Offline Philip

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RE: Flying to Changsha tomorrow... need agency info
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2010, 05:21:11 pm »
as I posted in the agency addresses thread, here is the address of the Changsha Love Bridge Agency (well it was last May)
5th floor,
Southern Pearl International Hotel,
498 #1
Past Fu Rong Middle Road,
Changsha, China

The hotel phone number is :

I was royally scammed by this agency, so my advice to you is
1. Don't sign the piece of paper they give you. Don't sign anything
2. If they're picking you up from the airport, they will probably charge you 300 yuan for the car. Just to let you know. If you feel like it, you could take a bus for 16 yuan to the Civil Aviation Hotel in Changsha and then get a taxi to the hotel (can't write the Chinese name, but you could just ask at the Civil Aviation hotel)
3. Be prepared for the lady not being who you thought, not being there at all or suddenly not being available. They may then try and palm you off with someone else.
4. Have a back-up plan. Ask the hotel reception to contact the Mei Yin agency. A representative from that agency will be round like a shot to your hotel door. This agency is only 5 minutes away by taxi). In the hotel there are computers in the rooms. Browse the Mei Yin ladies on Chnlove - they are mostly in their 30s, 40s and 50s, as opposed to 20s and 30s, but they are real.
5. the Southern Pearl hotel rooms are about 400 yuan a night. Not bad, but you can get cheaper. The translator will cost 400 yuan a day. Not bad again, but dates with ladies at the Mei Yin will cost you nothing for a transltor, just the cost of a few cups of coffee.

Good luck

Offline ChinaPositive

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RE: Flying to Changsha tomorrow... need agency info
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2010, 06:16:58 pm »
Well, as luck would have it (or maybe not lucky, we'll see), my booking is at the Southern Pearl, so maybe I'll give them a call tonight and try to get some of this squared away, including my gal's availability for the weekend. Thank you again for all the help. Will definitely not sign anything... plus, I have week #2 planned out with a back-up in Shenzhen (not affiliated with CHNLOVE)... met her on

Offline Philip

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RE: Flying to Changsha tomorrow... need agency contact info
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2010, 06:28:59 pm »
Why don't you browse the Mei Yin ladies now? Maybe send out a few cupid notes. Could be worth your while rather than having the best part of a week twiddling your thumbs


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RE: Flying to Changsha tomorrow... need agency contact info
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2010, 06:39:33 pm »

If your going to Shenzhen, i think Ted our Forum Ambassador in China lives there. Perhaps it may be worth contacting him here for a meet, he can give you the lot's of useful tips and imformation, may even know a few ladies that are looking suitable men!!

Anyway, have a good trip tomorrow and wish you luck on your adventure to China....

« Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 06:39:59 pm by David5o »


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RE: Flying to Changsha tomorrow... need agency contact info
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2010, 06:40:40 pm »
China positive,

keep us posted on the turn of events and let us know how it goes.
also if it doesnt work out in either place come to Guangzhou we can
find you a nice lady to meet here and as david said dont stay in the
hotel get out and about


Offline maxx

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RE: Flying to Changsha tomorrow... need agency contact info
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2010, 06:57:17 pm »
Question is Chinapostive lady guilty of a scam by association?With Changsha love bridge agency.I think there is a couple of members here.Who married ladies out of that agency.Or maybe it was on face book.The name R C Cambell sticks in my head.And I think abiggbutt wife is out of this agency.

Chinapostive does need to go with his head up and his eyes open.And a back up plan.But he needs to have a positive attitude.about this.If he goes to China.Looking for a scam.He is going to find a scam.Weather it was by the agency or the lady.

I have a idea lets let Chinapostive get his feet on the ground.And feel around for a little bit.Before we declare the whole trip a scam.And are righteous indignation gets the best of us.I don't believe there is any reason yet to hang the lady or the agency yet.Once in a great while these agencies do get it right.Or close enough that we can fix it.Or the lady can fix itSo lets give it a chance first.


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RE: Flying to Changsha tomorrow... need agency contact info
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2010, 07:15:13 pm »

I don't think anyone has labeled this lady as a scam just yet, or in this instance the agency as yet!!
Just pointing out that, the ladies, especially on first visits tend to go out of there way to meet there men coming to meet them, and make arrangements for that meeting prior the the visit.

Now, knowing that Chinapostive was arriving on a certain date at a certain time, it wouldn't be unreasonable to expect to see her at the very latest the following day. I don't know about you Maxx, but i'd be really pissed if i had to hang around waiting to find out, when i was actually going to see her....

Having said that, i would have had all this sorted out long before i was due to fly. Leaving these things to the last minute is always fraught with danger, and suspicions can start to overtake reality!!!



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RE: Flying to Changsha tomorrow... need agency contact info
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2010, 07:20:53 pm »
it seems she is communicating so as Maxx said wait and see what
happens. she just might not be able to meet him at first because
of work but then maybe the next day after he gets there which
will give him time to rest from the flight.

Offline ChinaPositive

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RE: Flying to Changsha tomorrow... need agency contact info
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2010, 07:36:34 pm »
I had told her of my exact date and time of arrival a month ago, and hotel 2 weeks ago... but some of this was not relayed to her by the translator as she asked 4 days ago if I had booked a hotel... I did receive real-life photos of her, so I know she's not just a photoshop fantasy... plus, she's 42. I'm 50, so maybe the odds of a scam are less.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 07:37:09 pm by ChinaPositive »


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RE: Flying to Changsha tomorrow... need agency contact info
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2010, 07:40:37 pm »
sounds like the agency just didnt give her the info
on a timely basis so even though a little problem i
think she will make the time to get there as they
are quite resourseful when need be