Author Topic: Jim and Gina  (Read 7450 times)

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Offline Jim

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Jim and Gina
« on: November 04, 2012, 08:33:22 am »
It has been a long time since I was here.  I have actually been a member since the old facebook days but for whatever reasons, I have not been here much the last 2 years.  I just wanted to update whats going on with my Laopo and I.  I will do a quick synopsis of the past 3 years.  I met YunXang (Gina) on China Love. Most of what was written to me was lies from them. I went to China the first time and met Gina and we hit it off really well. We started communicating via QQ, instead of thru China Love as at least I knew I would be getting the truth from her. I went back again about 8 months later and we were married in Wuhan. She is a nurse and works in Beijing. She has a daughter that was 17 when we were married and what a problem she turned out to be. We rented an apartment for 4 months in Beijing and we mostly got along great.  I was a very happy guy. I went back again for Chinese New Year and spent time with her and her family. Again great time. But, I noticed money was becoming a big issue with her.  I sent her money each month but it was never enough and to make a long story short. I told her I wanted a divorce.  She agreed. Even to the point of sending the papers here, but it went to the wrong address.  I tried to get that corrected but by that time she had decided that she no longer wanted a divorce.  I was pretty adamant about it. She kept telling me that she wanted us to be a family etc, etc. I still had trust issues with her. She even went so far as to get a visitors Visa to come here.  I kept telling her not to come.  But in February of this year I developed Blood clots and if it weren't for a brilliant surgeon I would have died.  The next thing I knew Gina called me and said she was getting on a plane that morning and coming here.  I again told her not to but she came anyway.  She quit her job and bought her own ticket to come here and take care of me.  As i said she is a nurse with over 25 years of experience.  She said it was her responsibility as my Laopo to take care of me.  She stayed 4 months and we really got to be together and she took great care of me.  My whole family fell in love with her and she with them.  My younger sister and her share a love of shopping so they hit it off. And my mother would come and get her just to take her out to get to know her better and Gina started calling her Mama as well as my mother calling her her daughter. It took us 3 years to get this far.  I have been having dizzy spells for some time and 2 months ago I passed out, fell and broke my right ankle in two places.  4 weeks later it happened again and this time I broke the same ankle in two more places and cracked my left knee cap and tore ligaments in it. So I am in a wheel chair with a cast on my right leg and an immobilizer on my left leg.  When I told her she just broke down crying saying that she should be here to take care of me.  I know she means it. So we are working on her Visa.  Because we started the process for her visa she no longer is eligible for a visitors Visa.  So we just have to wait it out.
I wanted to tell this to everyone here especially the new guys so you know that it is not all peaches and cream but if she truly loves you and you her, you can work anything out.  I took a lot of convincing but when she quit her job and bought her own ticket just to come and take care of me.  It meant a lot.  I hope none of you have to go through the illnesses to be sure of her love but just remember that the culture differences can really be misinterpreted.  Sometimes it is funny but other times it can be serious.  So remember to always keep the lines of communication going and of course there is always the 24 hour rule. (I hope everyone knows what that is.)  Sometimes these marriages don't work out.  It is difficult to really know a person just from QQ and Skype.  sometimes you need to go to a different country to find your soulmate.

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: Jim and Gina
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2012, 09:52:05 am »
Jim, some story mate but well done for persevering, sorry to hear about your illnesses etc

But good luck and hope you too live happily ever after

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" Winston Churchill

Offline shaun

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Re: Jim and Gina
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2012, 08:42:50 pm »
Jim I am sorry to hear about your troubles but am glad that you are back on the site.  I am also happy to hear that you and Gina are moving forward with your relationship.  Hopefully she will be with you soon.

Offline Chong

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Re: Jim and Gina
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2012, 11:10:41 am »
Thanks for your story.


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Re: Jim and Gina
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2012, 06:03:48 pm »
Sarge, most of us long-timers... know how hard your Journey was from the beginning. Now, you deserve much better in every aspect.. including your Health. I know you can work through this now with support of your lovely Gina. Best wishes for a fast recovery and be careful with them Bones!

Offline Jason B

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Re: Jim and Gina
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2012, 06:54:45 pm »
Jim, I remeber reading about your relationship troubles and the daughter just as I was setting out on my journey.  From the encouragement, understanding and friendship offered to you from the people here I know I was in the right place to help with my journey, in a sad way it helped me to understand what pitfalls there are in the journey with another woman from another country.  Your brutal honesty in all that has happened to you and your trials throughout that you unselfishly shared with everyone is a credit to you.  Now I wish you all the happiness and a speedy delivery of the visa for your wife so she can be with you forever.  If there was ever anyone on this forum who deserves it more than you I do not know who it would be.  Take care, here's to a speedy recovery, rest up and prepare for the future with your wife by yourside.
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Offline joeswuhandream

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Re: Jim and Gina
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2012, 12:51:23 am »
a truly amazing  story Jim , i wsh you and gina well for the future. 
The love gina is showing you ,is very powerful indeed, enjoy your future together you both deserve it .
regards  joe and sophia

Offline Jim

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Re: Jim and Gina
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2012, 02:35:27 pm »
Thank you all for your support.  Other than fighting with the VA and now they say there are kidney issues everything is good with Gina and I.

Offline JohnB

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Re: Jim and Gina
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2013, 07:50:27 pm »
Jim has been absent for a few months, but I give it my thoughts. I took a walk down memory lane this morning and Jim's thread,790.0.html
caught all my attentions. It is rather long read, but so interesting about what is so right with China loves and what can go so wrong. Looked all good than he kinda disappeared for a few years.
Kind of odd, I stumbled on this thread just now. Jim had re- entered the arena with his latest personal issues. Sounds like love has found it's way.
I hope he is okay.

Offline yvictor

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Re: Jim and Gina
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2013, 07:31:37 am »
Thank you for sharing your story, Jim/JimB!

I read the old JimB thread, and I was totally shocked and sadden to read the last JimB post, when you announced the divorce :-(
It was so sudden...

Only today I read this and found that you two have got over those issues and are still together.
I am so happy for you!
Hope your health issues are getting better!!