This has been a topic I have thought about, often for many months. It is a topic as real, as the very ladies that we have taken an interest in. However, I don't know if we have discussed enough, the importance of the language barrier, and its effects on our relationships.
Lately, there have been some issues within the brotherhood. One issue I have seen come up a few times, is the issue of common language. I will admit here, that some of the issues I know about, while coming from the brotherhood, have not always been posted on this forum. Some I have heard about on MSN, at least one instance that I heard about from my wife (regarding a brother), and some of it is my personal experience.
The problem (well, one of many) with chnlove, is the use of translators. I feel that this service kind of lulls us into a feeling that the woman we are writing to, are proficient in the English language. Even though we know that we are using a translator, I think its easy to forget that the woman at the receiving end, may not speak English.
Then we travel to China, and we meet these wonderful women, who have revealed so much to us. And we can convince ourselves that the language barrier is only a temporary problem. After all, you know her heart. Her words were so beautiful. So you jump in and get married. Maybe you are one of the lucky ones who gets to bring his wife to your country quickly...or maybe you are like the rest of us...waiting. But somewhere along the line, you are going to realize that you don't speak the same language as your wife (or possibly girlfriend).
You will find that this gets frustrating. How can i be married to someone that can't understand me? And there will be a lady in China asking herself the same question. Or maybe you are living together...arguments ensue. Arguments, and frustration, from both of you, because you just can't freely speak your mind, and speak from your heart. Everything needs to be explained...and re-explained. And then you will have to change your words around. Maybe try speaking Chinglish.
The fact is, there is going to be a language barrier, unless your lady is fluent in English, or you are fluent in her language. This is the reality. With everything else being discussed on this site, I felt that this needed to be discussed, and guys need to know what is in store. This issue should not be under estimated. Does this mean you should give up while you are ahead? No, this is not what I am suggesting. I am just warning you, so you can be better prepared.