Methinks his highness has to sleep on the balcony, because the queen would send him to the guillitine if he didn't....hahaha:icon_cheesygrin: You see it's those 1,000 year old eggs that do the way, if you stay on the balcony
look to see if the paint is peeling, and you'll know for sure.....haha :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:
Kim-Chee anyone

lol, lol
Willy, any chance of getting this live on CNN or wide world of Sports?
Contest Rules:
1. The one eating the most amount of eggs loses wife and all friends, and is banned from all pubs for a period of one week.
2. The one eating the least amount of eggs gets to keep wife and saves face...well sort of...
3. Foul air contest, the one fouling the air the most is declared the winner, but with no one around to award prize.
4. Prizes are awarded for , the loudist, the sneakyist, most longest lasting, most musical, biggest blow out, paint peeling ability, scaryist, lingering ablility, and knock out power.
5. Any one trying to pass bad gas, but crapping their pants disqualified.
let the games begin....