Author Topic: Help??  (Read 5022 times)

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RE: Help??
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2010, 10:54:39 pm »
lol...she didn't bite.....

My dear, haha.. you are a wise man to choose to be a host. So if you would like to be a host, I would give you this permission. But you should promise me that you would be a good host and treat my friends very well. haha.. Will you give me this promise?

....or maybe she did bite? Or maybe I bit off more than I can chew?? lol



Offline David E

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RE: Help??
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2010, 01:40:16 am »
Quote from: 'trwme' pid='34214' dateline='1268452479'

lol...she didn't bite.....

My dear, haha.. you are a wise man to choose to be a host. So if you would like to be a host, I would give you this permission. But you should promise me that you would be a good host and treat my friends very well. haha.. Will you give me this promise?

....or maybe she did bite? Or maybe I bit off more than I can chew?? lol



What on Earth does she have in mind when asking you to make special sure to treat her friends well !!!:huh::huh:...the mind boggles....

Ps...When you bite off more than you can chew.....chew like hell :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:



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RE: Help??
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2010, 04:38:22 am »
this is interesting lets see where this leads lol


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RE: Help??
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2010, 05:05:47 am »
Quote from: 'David E' pid='34226' dateline='1268462416'

Quote from: 'trwme' pid='34214' dateline='1268452479'

lol...she didn't bite.....

My dear, haha.. you are a wise man to choose to be a host. So if you would like to be a host, I would give you this permission. But you should promise me that you would be a good host and treat my friends very well. haha.. Will you give me this promise?

....or maybe she did bite? Or maybe I bit off more than I can chew?? lol



What on Earth does she have in mind when asking you to make special sure to treat her friends well !!!:huh::huh:...the mind boggles....

Ps...When you bite off more than you can chew.....chew like hell :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:


Yeah, it kinda leave me scratching my head.

Wondering if I a.) need to borrow the brotherhood's collective bank account or b.) borrow the brotherhood's collective supply of viagra?

Maybe I'll ask her what sort of treatment her friends need to be completely satisfied?
« Last Edit: March 13, 2010, 05:06:32 am by trwme »


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RE: Help??
« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2010, 05:13:13 am »

what city is she from? i dont have a supply of viagra you need to see Willy on that.
im still a young puppy  lol  but i can show up to give you a hand as long as my wife doesnt know
hahahahhaah  yea that would get me in trouble


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RE: Help??
« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2010, 05:18:02 am »
lol, she's from Wuhan, Ted. What happens in Wuhan stays in Wuhan?

007, when you read this, have you been over there spreading the word or somethin'? Seems my reputation preceeds me, lol. (inside joke between 007 and me)

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RE: Help??
« Reply #21 on: March 13, 2010, 02:10:17 pm »
Quote from: 'trwme' pid='34240' dateline='1268474747'

 or b.) borrow the brotherhood's collective supply of viagra?

Or b.) you can buy it here in Changsha! :icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: Help??
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2010, 02:46:17 pm »
Quote from: 'dude' pid='34294' dateline='1268507417'

Quote from: 'trwme' pid='34240' dateline='1268474747'

 or b.) borrow the brotherhood's collective supply of viagra?

Or b.) you can buy it here in Changsha! :icon_cheesygrin:

lol....with the P216 agency there, in theory that's a prime marketing spot.....


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RE: Help??
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2010, 05:37:13 pm »

they have the same signs all over Guangzhou but for 99rmb on all the doors
walking into the drug stores.  

also have many ads for the male hospital of Guangzhou which one sign i
thought was funny and it was in chinese and english

" dont be have problem get fixed"
 male hospital of Guangzhou

as good as the bus anouncement

" please exit the rear door and dont get stuck"

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RE: Help??
« Reply #24 on: March 14, 2010, 05:32:53 am »
Quote from: 'trwme' pid='34296' dateline='1268509577'

lol....with the P216 agency there, in theory that's a prime marketing spot.....

Yes...unfortunately the agency isn't a good one and P218 agency is equally as bad! This creates a problem for the women that sign up with these agencies. The translators from both agencies fill emf's full of romance from some cheap novels they read and don't understand that they could be breaking somebodies heart(many lonely men out there)!

Most of the women that sign up with these agencies are good women(unlike Wuhan...where the agency is decent and many of the women are bad!).

Funny I read much what people write about P216/women and most write from heresay...never coming here to experience whats going on! The 20 something age group from any agency is where most will have problems with...especially guys that are 10 years or older than woman. Most haven't been married and most of their parents would prefer them marrying Chinese man! On the other hand we can encounter the problem with woman not being interested in you and agency/translator luring you in. You come here and woman isn't available. They will then proceed to hook you up with another....I will say the women signing up with p216 are much better than women signing up with p509(Wuhan).  Somebody over in Wuhan is teaching women to sign up and lure men in for money/visas...kind of sad and pathetic! I will not say 100% of any of this is completely true but often is the case!

Being lonely and naive doesn't help most men...they become infatuated with great romantic novel'ed emf's and infatuation sets in! This isn't always the case but often is!  Some of us here say: Keep eyes wide open and be prepared if things don't go the way the infatuation/anticipation wants it to.

I have met two men in the past week, here in Changsha, that were writing women from both agencies p216 and p218...both were told lies! NOT BY THE WOMEN BUT BY TRANSLATORS...these women here are good and if somebody is going to put down p216, they are also putting down many good women that are looking for love! I've and others here have suggested...GET DIRECT CONTACT WITH LADY(WEBCAM) BEFORE COMING HERE!!!...even then nothing is guaranteed!


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RE: Help??
« Reply #25 on: March 14, 2010, 07:47:40 am »
Quote from: 'dude' pid='34383' dateline='1268559173'

....I will say the women signing up with p216 are much better than women signing up with p509(Wuhan).  Somebody over in Wuhan is teaching women to sign up and lure men in for money/visas...kind of sad and pathetic! I will not say 100% of any of this is completely true but often is the case!

Now that's interesting. Care to elaborate and share any evidence you have about this?

Offline Philip

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RE: Help??
« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2010, 08:00:53 am »
I wonder if the dude has a big butt:dodgy:

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RE: Help??
« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2010, 08:23:18 am »
Quote from: 'Philip' pid='34394' dateline='1268568053'

I wonder if the dude has a big butt:dodgy:

LOL...the answer is YES!:icon_cheesygrin:[/u]

I will not say all are bad there and if your communicating with a lady there, I wish you the best! I've been thru the chats with a lady from Wuhan and boy did she win my heart over, before I visited Wuhan, then played stupid games later! There are a few others that I know that have had problems with ladies there too! I also know a lady, from Wuhan, that married a man from Cali and she doesn't know the meaning of being monogamous! The population there is very large and there are good ladies there...just need to be careful not to fall for any games/traps! I've never been to Shanghai but what people say about Shanghai is often happening in Wuhan and many foreigners visit Wuhan.  I've met the boss and her assistant at agency P509 and they are great ladies! The agency is very small and maybe about 6 to 8 translators working there. I stayed at the Sentosa hotel there and it's walking distance from agency!

I guess you can say I have a little experience there, so this is the base of my elaboration!:dodgy:
« Last Edit: March 14, 2010, 08:51:24 am by dude »


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RE: Help??
« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2010, 11:01:41 am »
Well, it seems to me that you can say the same things about women from other areas of China, including Changsha, from what I've read here. But I tend to keep my eyes open, so I'll continue to do so. There aren't any guarantees in life, and certainly not in love either. Until you meet, you just won't know for sure, no matter how it seems over the net or the phone-this is something I'm well aware of from past experiences elsewhere, and which I am keeping in mind here also.


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RE: Help??
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2010, 11:39:34 pm »
Ok, here is the answer you wanted...

The guest - gets served
The host  - serves the guests

Perhaps she is expecting that shirtless model guy "fabio", to serve her and "all" her girlfriends....good luck with that one...hahaha