Hi everyone, I recently joined the forum and this is my first post

I've been communicating for the past 3 or so months with a girl on Chnlove, the last 3 numbers of her profile id are 236. She doesn't speak more than a few words of English so we've been talking via EMF's, which yeah are pricey.
Before about a month ago, she always turned away my requests for her normal email address or to talk on QQ or webcam or for me to send her a text msg, she said she wanted to keep using the translation service so the "meaning of our conversations isn't lost", and says she doesn't use messaging like QQ or msn. When I asked her if she could go onto webcam with me (this was a couple days before Chinese New Year started), she said she was too busy due to work and the upcoming New Year, and might have time after it. She hasn't mentioned it since though.
Then I joined the forum here and read about various scams by translators or agencies, and because I already thought it odd that she didn't seem like she wanted to move away from the EMF's, I sent her a message asking her to send me an email from her normal address, and asking her for a couple "natural" photos, since all the ones on her profile and all the ones she has sent me appear to have been done by a studio. She sent me a normal email with a couple words, which was fine, and told me she doesn't own a camera, and that she'd already sent me a "natural" photo of her.. the one to which she was referring was one she'd sent me a couple weeks before, of her at work, which to me looks like it was posed but I can't be certain.
I asked her if she had any pics of her family, she said she has none, because her family doesn't like their pictures being taken due to a superstition.
Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but does anyone else think it strange for her to not have a camera? Or for her to not have any pics of herself out doing things with friends, etc? The messages I get from her are ok, although usually don't contain much new information. From what she says in her messages, it sounds like it's really her, and not the translator, communicating with me. We've talked about me going over to China this summer to visit her, and she seems fine with that and even suggested a couple places she'd like to go with me.
On one hand I feel she's genuine, on the other I can't shake the feeling that I'm being played with.
Does anyone have any suggestions on things I might ask her so I can be certain? Or advice from your own experiences? Anything would be appreciated, the EMF's are starting to take a big chunk out of my pay, I don't mind paying them if she's genuine, but again.. I'm not certain.