Author Topic: Changsha / Love Bridge impressions from a Chnlove rookie  (Read 8086 times)

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Offline ChinaPositive

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Changsha / Love Bridge impressions from a Chnlove rookie
« on: March 15, 2010, 07:13:34 pm »
I arrived Friday at 6PM, taxi from the airport to the Southern Pearl Hotel was 200yuan, about 30 minutes. Called our interpretor, Mary, to set up a meeting time for the next afternoon or evening, no answer. Saturday morning she called, "Miss Luo cannot meet you today, she is working overtime again. Maybe meet you Sunday afternoon, OK?" I'm thinking, overtime 2 days in a row, won't even meet me for an hour late in the evening, worst fears confirmed, I've been scammed. Then she says, "Do you want to come into the agency and choose another lady?" Bait and switch, at best. What do I have to lose, at this point. So she meets me in the lobby at noon, and takes me up to the 5th floor. Big room, about 8 translators working or having lunch. I shake Peter Wang's hand and Mary makes me a great cup of coffee. I browsed about 10 profiles using my previous search criteria, chose 4 and told Mary, "Show my profile to these ladies, and if any of them are interested let's set up a tea date downstairs." Got a call an hour later, "One lady would like to meet you" and an hour after that... wow... unbelievable, a total angel with a heart of gold, and she speaks some English to boot. 2 hours with Mary filling in the gaps as our translator, then we set up a museum and dinner after date for the next day.

Next morning, I'm in the breakfast buffet line and I hear, "Andrew!" It's the new gal. "Come sit and eat with us!" Turns out she is a friend of a friend of a much older woman who is dating a man from Boston... their interpretor is in Hong Kong so they asked her to help. The amazing turn of events continues, as we're eating and getting to know each other I find her English is far better than I had experienced the day before. The last 2 days we all hung out together, then last night I went to dinner and a nightclub with just my new lady. Had a fantastic time ~ you would not believe the nightclubs in this city, like a 3 ring circus on steriods. We weren't in the place (packed, and it's that way every night according to my friend) more than 2 minutes when a guy at the table next to us thrust a beer into my hand and another guy puts a smoke in my mouth, while a 3rd pulls out his lighter. It's like there was a unified commeradarie in that place, totally electric.

My advice for newbies... webcam and QQ before you make travel plans, but still, be prepared for anything. If you have the time and money, just jump into the fire, you won't regret it. I got extremely lucky, but I have a feeling you won't ever be shut out of a really good time. Maybe have an informal back-up set up with each of the 2 other agencies just in case. Hotels... the Southern Pearl is more than adequate. Free breakfast buffet on the 2nd floor, KTV madness on the 3rd floor, massage on the 4th floor, Love Bridge agency on the 5th floor. Free computer use and internet in the business class rooms. If you want an ultra swanky stay, across the street is the Sheraton... I checked out a room, sweet... pool, exercise room, spa, for twice the money. Also... knowing a little Mandarin will go a very long way and open many doors for you. Put in the effort.

PS - Massage on the 4th floor... skip the Chinese and Thai massages (70yuan) and go straight for the Japanese massage (168yuan)... if she likes you, be prepared to be asked about extras ~ for a price. I'm sure it's the same anywhere in the city.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 10:02:55 pm by ChinaPositive »


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RE: Changsha / Love Bridge impressions from a Chnlove rookie
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2010, 07:28:27 pm »

Yes, ... there was always going to be a strong chance of a scam senerio of the type you described. But as you say, if your prepared to move past that situation, there is normally another door that opens and 9 times out of 10, ....things work out far better than you imagined they could. ...Enjoy yourself!!!   haha!!

Oh, just one more point, there is no other massage than an Original Authentic Thai Massage. I'm not talking here about the extras just the straight no frills massage. You will always leave feeling genuinely refreshed and reinvigorated!!

« Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 07:29:45 pm by David5o »


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RE: Changsha / Love Bridge impressions from a Chnlove rookie
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2010, 07:45:06 pm »
great turn of events  if i was there i would talk with Peter Wang about the
bait and switch tactics they employed and get some resolution and compenstion for
it  and dont forget get her contact info while there so when you go home you can
by pass the agency

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RE: Changsha / Love Bridge impressions from a Chnlove rookie
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2010, 09:36:57 pm »
I was just down in the lobby... saw translator Mary with a newbie, a guy from Portland... same thing happened to him, but she's helping him meet other ladies and it seems to be working out for him as well. Love Bridge: the bait & switch agency.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 10:09:59 pm by ChinaPositive »

Offline Chong

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RE: Changsha / Love Bridge impressions from a Chnlove rookie
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2010, 09:53:21 pm »
How many EMFs did you send before coming to China ?  Did you ever hear from the lady you were suppose to meet originally ? If not, ask for a refund of your EMFs spent.

Based on your story and others, The CLB agency's hoping that brothers don't come to China ... and if they do ... bait & switch. I continue to support a boycott on CLB.

As others have said, continue to make the best of your trip.

Offline odysseus007

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RE: Changsha / Love Bridge impressions from a Chnlove rookie
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2010, 10:34:03 pm »
Quote from: 'ChinaPositive' pid='34555' dateline='1268703417'

I was just down in the lobby... saw translator Mary with a newbie, a guy from Portland... same thing happened to him, but she's helping him meet other ladies and it seems to be working out for him as well. Love Bridge: the bait & switch agency.

Hahaha.... they should rename themselves Changsha Love BAIT agency :icon_cheesygrin: I hope Miss Luo was not working overtime on the 4th floor giving Japanese massages cum extras to the poor starcrossed clients of Changsha Love BAIT agency :exclamation:

Presumably Peter Wang is the agency boss? So is Peter a Wang, or is Wang a Peter? :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 10:53:42 pm by odysseus007 »
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin:

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RE: Changsha / Love Bridge impressions from a Chnlove rookie
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2010, 12:03:26 am »
Quote from: 'Chong' pid='34557' dateline='1268704401'

How many EMFs did you send before coming to China ?  Did you ever hear from the lady you were suppose to meet originally ? If not, ask for a refund of your EMFs spent.

Based on your story and others, The CLB agency's hoping that brothers don't come to China ... and if they do ... bait & switch. I continue to support a boycott on CLB.

As others have said, continue to make the best of your trip.


I agree with your view on the agency, but doing this your also boycotting the women that sign up with agency. Most of the women are good! It's the agency that screws everything up! They dictate how the translators should deal with their women and men clients(this is where 98% of the problems exist). As we all see many beautiful women sign up with agency! If they are aware of you writing them and like you, they will go to any length to have communication with you. This same problem exists with other(P218) agency here too!!! They practice the same thing! If you come here it's a whole different ballgame...the best way to deal with this is come here and visit the agencys...DON'T WRITE THEM STUPID TRANSLATOR'ed EMF'S!!! This is how the boycott should be and with BOTH agencys! As you see chinapositive found a beautiful woman through agency(I seen her) and chinapositive is happy!

I think this boycott should be with most agencys , through chnlove, here in China...these are NOT isolated problems!:idea:

Offline Chong

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RE: Changsha / Love Bridge impressions from a Chnlove rookie
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2010, 02:22:52 am »

You hit it on the dot. My implied message was to boycott the wasted time & EMF(s) revenue. Boycott this step and just make the trip to Changsha. As you wrote, this agency tactic can apply to any ChnLove agency ... not only CLB.

The amount of money one spends on EMF(s), gifts and specially the "time" ... you might as well buy a airfare ... meet numerous ladies and/or numerous agencies in select cities face-to-face. Maxx and others have always avocated a trip to China ... just for the experience of a lifetime. I, among others, are living proof that Chnlove isn't the only avenue to meet ladies once I got here in China.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2010, 02:32:34 am by Chong »


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RE: Changsha / Love Bridge impressions from a Chnlove rookie
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2010, 09:49:43 pm »
After reading on this site, and paying attention to the admirer mails I got from that agency, I just put them on my blacklist. My profile said the age range I was looking for was 32-50, and I got a.m. letters from 25 year olds! Some of the others were blatant sexual baiting. And every pic I saw from there were photoshopped to death. Maybe there are some nice ladies there, but I just refused to waste emf money with that agency.

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RE: Changsha / Love Bridge impressions from a Chnlove rookie
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2010, 10:21:20 pm »
Quote from: 'trwme' pid='34730' dateline='1268790583'

After reading on this site, and paying attention to the admirer mails I got from that agency, I just put them on my blacklist. My profile said the age range I was looking for was 32-50, and I got a.m. letters from 25 year olds! Some of the others were blatant sexual baiting. And every pic I saw from there were photoshopped to death. Maybe there are some nice ladies there, but I just refused to waste emf money with that agency.

Do you actually read admirer letters from any agency? They all want you to buy EMF's(WHICH IS A BIG WASTE OF MONEY) and send letters to their women. Assuming that this agency is the only agency that sends admirer notes with what you term as: "blatant sexual baiting" is a ignorant way to look at this! I would say over 90% of the agencys do this! Refusing the possibilty of a chance with a very beautiful woman, in Changsha, is your choice! If you prefer the women in Wuhan, this will be your choice too! I wish you the best of luck, with Wuhan women...YOU WILL NEED IT!!!

P.S. If you really want to take good advice, which is all over this forum, you will just come to China and meet women this way! If you want to waste money on fantasy and infatuation, keep purchasing those EMF's!:idea:


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RE: Changsha / Love Bridge impressions from a Chnlove rookie
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2010, 10:28:50 pm »
i would assume that some agencies are worse than the others but i wouldnt
think they are all like that. i still wonder how it is after writing a lady for 3 or
more months and you go to meet and find out she doesnt exist or doesnt want to
meet you. what is it that you have been emf ing about??? you should have picked
up on it long before i would think. so if you are naive and continue in this manner
then part of the problem exists with you and how your approaching it. there has been a
lot of talk lately about scams but also is it maybe what your talking about and how your
approaching it and when the lady loses interest then it is automatically considered a
scam??? just a thought so dont get all upset and get the feathers ruffled just trying
to help


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RE: Changsha / Love Bridge impressions from a Chnlove rookie
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2010, 11:03:15 pm »
Quote from: 'dude' pid='34735' dateline='1268792480'

Quote from: 'trwme' pid='34730' dateline='1268790583'

After reading on this site, and paying attention to the admirer mails I got from that agency, I just put them on my blacklist. My profile said the age range I was looking for was 32-50, and I got a.m. letters from 25 year olds! Some of the others were blatant sexual baiting. And every pic I saw from there were photoshopped to death. Maybe there are some nice ladies there, but I just refused to waste emf money with that agency.

Do you actually read admirer letters from any agency? They all want you to buy EMF's(WHICH IS A BIG WASTE OF MONEY) and send letters to their women. Assuming that this agency is the only agency that sends admirer notes with what you term as: "blatant sexual baiting" is a ignorant way to look at this! I would say over 90% of the agencys do this! Refusing the possibilty of a chance with a very beautiful woman, in Changsha, is your choice! If you prefer the women in Wuhan, this will be your choice too! I wish you the best of luck, with Wuhan women...YOU WILL NEED IT!!!

P.S. If you really want to take good advice, which is all over this forum, you will just come to China and meet women this way! If you want to waste money on fantasy and infatuation, keep purchasing those EMF's!:idea:

Well, I'll tell you this, Dude; that agency sent me by far the most a.m. letters, and they were by far the most suggestive ones. All I can go by is what I got from them. If the ladies there aren't , they sure made them look like  from the a.m. letters and photos I got from P216. I got some from other agencies too, but they weren't in the same league as the ones I got from 216.

Secondly, I'll disagree that the a.m letters are all bogus. I met Xin through the a.m. she sent, and I was talking to another woman (from Tieling) that I met through her a.m. letter who I also liked a lot and who I am pretty certain was real. The a.m. letters I got from both were different than virtually all of the rest. There were a couple of others I thought were genuine too.

Just jumping up and flying off to China might work for some, but it probably ain't going to work for all. Contrary to what my profile pic looks like, I ain't a party animal (at least not anymore) and I don't care to meet women at a bar or club; I learned a LONG time ago you are just inviting trouble that way. I'm not looking for a party girl, or a 20 something year old. The night life in Changsha or anywhere else in China might be great, but it is NOT what *I* am into, I've grown out of that phase of my life. I spent 20 + years of my life around drunks playing in bars, and I got sick of it. I don't drink, for one thing.

And it seems that some of the brothers here went through the emf route and ended up doing pretty well for themselves.

You almost sound like a recruiter for Changsha sometimes, no offense. There are other ways of meeting women from China no doubt, but I chose this one, for the time being. And from what I've read here on this site, there is no one size fits all answer to how to go about it. Whatever problems you've had in Wuhan, I've read others having problems in Changsha too. Why are you so intent on promoting Changsha so vigorously? Methinks you doth protest too much. If you've found what you are looking for in Changsha, more power to you, but consider that someone else may be looking for something different.

One last thing; I don't prefer 'the' women from Wuhan, I prefer *A* woman from Wuhan, at this point in time.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2010, 11:16:40 pm by ttwjr32 »


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RE: Changsha / Love Bridge impressions from a Chnlove rookie
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2010, 11:19:26 pm »

i do believe dude likes it there because he is there and found success
Quote from: 'ttwjr32' pid='34750' dateline='1268795966'


i do believe dude likes it there because he is there and found success
« Last Edit: March 17, 2010, 12:03:10 am by ttwjr32 »

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RE: Changsha / Love Bridge impressions from a Chnlove rookie
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2010, 12:57:33 am »
Ted, this is great that you wrote them.  We tried this before, and I think people should continue to put pressure on chnlove.

On another note, some of us have met and married our ladies going through EMF's (as well as web came, QQ, MSN, etc)  But caution should still be exercised if things are not progressing past EMF's after a couple months.

Other members have been scammed in this exact way.  Ask Sarge about it...he was a victim of sending many EMF's back and forth to a translator.  Somehow, he managed to still meet his lady, and they worked through this.  He is happily married now.


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RE: Changsha / Love Bridge impressions from a Chnlove rookie
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2010, 02:10:02 am »
not sure who Sarge is but glad he managed to make it thru all that as others have done
what did you think of the response??? same as you got??