Before you two continue and take this to a level that it does not need to go to i
would like to add something. are there and will there be a scam once in a while SURE
but for the most part its all good and when it doesnt work out then people tend to
think that or say that WOW IVE BEEN SCAMMED. i think what we have with some of
the agencies is poor business practices that lead people to believe that they are being
taken advantage of. then the first assumption is SCAM, after that happens. When you
are trying to accomplish what we are trying to here on the net it isnot going to turn out for
the best the first go around. you have to treat this like you would with a lady in your hometown
that you would go out with and nothing develops. is that a SCAM?

NO so we just need to move
on and continue the search. and we dont need to bad mouth every agency and every lady when
it doesnt work. there is no fool proof way of going about this other than use your common
sense and see what happens. i have been coming to China for 8 years now and i now reside here
but during that time i enjoyed good times and bad times dating the women here. but i never once
thought i was scammed. scammed to me is when your asked to send money after a few chats. and
i have never had that. go on dia and there its free and many of the women after 2 or 3 emails will ask
for money for something they need that to me is someone trying to scam you. have you really been
asked for that from these agencies i think not. just chalk it up to either a bad choice because the
two of you didnt hit it off or the agency didnt really have a good business sense and let a potential
payday of a SUCCESS FEE slip thru thier hands and move on. so lets get back on track here and put
some constructive comments that would benefit all the brothers here who are in the journey of
looking for a genuine and wonderful lady. REMEMBER we are not these ladies salvation from a life
of misery so when their is no spark or we are rejected for whatever reason dont cry SCAM SCAM
just my 2 cents on this