Author Topic: Translators getting in the way?  (Read 14722 times)

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Offline Peter Arnold

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Re: Translators getting in the way?
« Reply #30 on: March 21, 2012, 12:05:20 am »
Sounds good Steve. It is always amazing at how easy it is for us to get our visa processed. trying to get the ladies oput of China is like pulling teeth. Expensive and painful. I was told that most Chinese nationals are processed in Shanghai, and there are huge line-ups down the street for people waiting to submit their forms.
All the best buddy
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Re: Translators getting in the way?
« Reply #31 on: March 21, 2012, 12:51:54 am »
All the best for your trip Steve, I have not been there but smart booking your trip when winter is finishing in the northern hemisphere.  I was there last February and it was way too cold for me even then.  I am looking forward to your updates.

Pete, it all depends on where your wife is from as to where the forms are to be submitted.  Check the Australia Chinese website it is all there.  There maybe also some info in the Oz requirements section on here.
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Offline Robertt S

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Re: Translators getting in the way?
« Reply #32 on: March 21, 2012, 07:41:12 am »
Hi all,

Things are progressing nicely for me and I am all booked for my first trip to China in early May to Guangzhou then Chengdu. If anyone is interested in tracking my story and chipping in with much-needed advice I'll maybe start a new thread in another forum (suggestions welcome).

Originally I was going to do like Gerry (until I read his story), and try and visit all the women I had on my short list. But now I have one special woman to visit, and a vague backup plan if there are any show-stopping issues between us there.

My visa to get into China was all done inside 2 working days. After reading here about all the problems in getting wives out of China, I sure hope it will be easier for me bringing her into New Zealand but that is way down the track at this stage. We have to get past this short trip to meet each other first. Then there's the small matter of my divorce...


   I do not know about New Zealand, but meeting potential fiancees or future wives before your current marriage is terminated has caused problems and sometimes denials for Americans that were seeking visas for their new wife or fiancee. Not trying to rain on your parade, but if you are really serious about this woman you may want to investigate New Zealand's immigration policy/regulations further concerning your current marital status during your first meeting before you and her actually meet in person!   Good Luck and Best Wishes, Robert

Offline shaun

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Re: Translators getting in the way?
« Reply #33 on: March 21, 2012, 05:25:37 pm »
Listen to Robert.  Resolve that issue.  Don't take the chance.

Offline kiwisteve

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Re: Translators getting in the way?
« Reply #34 on: March 22, 2012, 09:02:23 am »
oh shit - really?

I have to wait more than another 12 months before a divorce, unless I can get get the ex to agree earlier. Slim chance as we can not agree on anything, how unusual!

I'm booked to go. I love her. I'm going - to hell with it. I'll face the issues later. We are both aware of a long wait until we can be together permanently, but I hope this trip does not stuff that up too much.

Is there a better forum/topic to start boring you all with my story?


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Re: Translators getting in the way?
« Reply #35 on: March 22, 2012, 09:10:03 am »
I thought I was in love too but I stayed put in the USA until I got the final divorce decree. It just made better sense. While I was waiting I discovered a lot of truth about chnlove, translators and swindles. I am glad I waited. I ended up many months later with someone else.
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Translators getting in the way?
« Reply #36 on: March 22, 2012, 10:17:10 am »
Am I not glad that my last marriage was my first and last. 

 No problem of divorces or who get the kids, the house, the money the legal bill!! And then you add to this the trauma and cost of getting women back to your own homes.

Ok either you are all nuts or have I been missing out on a great deal along the line.  You all seem to be so happy doing it or is that the preliminaries before you are all carted off to the funny farm?

My sisters think I am the mad one but after three years on here I really am not sure. ;D ;D


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Offline David E

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Re: Translators getting in the way?
« Reply #37 on: March 23, 2012, 05:58:32 pm »

I would be just about certain that all of Guys here who had a failed mariage would have preferred that the marriage was the first and only one.

I would be equally sure that none of the Guys got married on the basis that "This is the first, I look forward to the second, third etc etc."

It is the most natural and normal thing on the Planet for young people to form associations, fall in love, get married, have kids etc when they are young...that's how Nature intended it.

You, on the other hand,  never had the need, desire, opportunity (or whatever) to get married until you were much older.....that was  your choice and you are the one "out of step", not the rest of the World.

Many, many of us went through painful, difficult, expensive divorces because circumstances changed...NOT because we simply wanted the thrill of another marriage !!!! The custody/property/money issues resulting are unfortunate but inevitable collateral damage.

To suggest that everybody who gets married young has some sort of mental abberation and is prelude to committment to a Lunatic Asylum is juvenile, offensive and just plain nonsense...

At least we were not scared of the committment and responsibility of children, mortgage, sharing and all the other stuff that goes with a marriage........unlike some people I could mention

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Translators getting in the way?
« Reply #38 on: March 24, 2012, 01:04:18 am »

It is very rarely that I ever write anything serious on here.

The piece you are refering to is a bit tongue in the cheek.   

 Not sure about where the 'married young' came into it.   Me I left home at 16 and I have been in love with woman in at least 32 of the countries I have been to!  Ok may not have lasted till the next morning in some cases but others continued for several months.  Even made me stay in Nigeria for four months, one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Now that had to be real love!!! Taxi where you get wetter inside when it rained than outside.   You think some Chinese food is bad then try eating giant black snails wrapped in newspaper from roadside traders. Forget dog and chicken feet these snails take some chewing. But I viverse.

But never ever wanted to have kids.   I thought it was best that my lineage ran out with me and as far as I am aware there are no multi-racial Willys in the world.

Not scared of a commitments. To me there was not a need for it. Just as well not many like me in the world otherwise it would be a much smaller place. (No not a dig at you Robbie)   Maybe my needs were different to others.

But far from downcrying anyone I was admiring the fortitude of guys on here for what they have gone through in their lives and others just starting on the road who having read this forum are still determined to go forward.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline David E

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Re: Translators getting in the way?
« Reply #39 on: March 25, 2012, 12:39:10 am »

It is very rarely that I ever write anything serious on here.

 Not sure about where the 'married young' came into it.   Willy

OK Willy...but you often write stuff that is serious...please check back on some of your posts... ;D ;D ;D

However, the point I was trying to make is that it is very usual for MOST people to marry when young, have their kids, mortgage.....and all the rest of it !!!, You obviously had many, many liasons that did NOT lead to a conventional marriage as above...and that was your choice, but you gotta agree that it is not typical. The fact that over 60% of these first marriages crash and burn, is unfortunate, but it is very rarely part of anyone's plan to marry many times...unless they were, as you say, completely loopy....but, sh**t happens !!
