Author Topic: Still getting dividends in China, even after marriage?  (Read 4748 times)

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Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Still getting dividends in China, even after marriage?
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2010, 04:44:09 pm »
Quote from: 'Voiceroveip' pid='35643' dateline='1269806677'

Yes it's complicated ... at least for July you have plenty of time to get her paperwork together. You should get some good input on Bonjourchine . You'll see that the tourist Visa is not without hassle, although France does not seem to be too bad.

Check with the Maire because if he is not nice, he can block your marriage just like that.

Frank, just to confirm, but, to you, fiancee visa = tourist visa :huh:
I'm just asking because I'm still looking for fiancee visa but I don't see anything related to that on
Anyway, tomorrow, I hope to have some more details and news about all that is required, because for sure, if Liyan can come in July one week and if we can marry on that week, that just would be GREAT ^^
But related to the "bans" (where man can read in his hometown that wedding will be celebrated), I hope we won't have to "use" it, because it must last at least 10 days :s and if so, we then could marry on the 11th...

Frank, you know, I envy you to be able to marry in china...^^
please bring me back some dumplings ^^ (i know you may need some money, but as life is cheaper over there.... :icon_cheesygrin: )
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RE: Still getting dividends in China, even after marriage?
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2010, 06:33:34 pm »

It seems you are being reluctantly pushed into a corner, with all these obscure deadlines about when you should marry and where. There are ''no Real''  deadlines, so stop jumping through the loops trying to achieve what's not realistically possible!! ...Just exactly what is the rush??

Sly, stand-up to this sort of pressure, Tell her that if she's wants to be married in France, you will arrange the visa to accommodate her wish, but it's not going to happen as quickly as she is expecting. ....Like China, France has rules too!!

One other thing, ...Once you have been excepted by the parents (and it seems that you have been) They rarely change their mind, and especially over something as trivial, as what you have mentioned above. So go through the motions of getting her a visa to enter France methordically, and get everything you need in a package together, in order for you to get married in France.... Rush things, and you could screw the whole thing up!!!


Offline Irishman

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RE: Still getting dividends in China, even after marriage?
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2010, 07:26:22 pm »

Why not have the best of both worlds?
Marriage in China is just a civil service, if she wants a church wedding in France why not do that afterwards? France is a Schengen country so it should be a mere formality to bring her over to France after the service in the registry office/police station in China..
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Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Still getting dividends in China, even after marriage?
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2010, 04:20:11 am »
i'm back from town hall.. and some good and "bad" news...
Good ones : ok for wedding in July, and documents are not "hard" to fulfill.
And wedding is ok...
The town hall MUST meet Liyan one month before, because of ceremony, music, arrangements and many other things, plus, a few other documents to fulfill...

Now, I have written to Liyan, saying all the town hall told to me, and that she would need a longtime visa to come in France.

Actually, I know that Liyan may could not have "one month holiday" to come in France and to stay with me, just to go to the town hall and to make everything ok, and then, one month later, we can marry.
And I think that having one filght in June for one week, just to go to the town hall to fulfill some papers and to meet the mayor, then, going back in China, and coming one month later, just for wedding... that would be lot of money to be spent.....
So.... I need talking more with Liyan about it, and to "make" her understanding that we are launching the process for wedding in France, so that she can say it to her parents, and they can see we really want to marry this year, as soon as possible.

I clearly understand that she wants to marry quickly with me. That's also what I want. To live with her everyday. And give her happy life & love.

Irishman, Liyan doesn't want to marry in China, because if so, then she would lose her dividends from chinese govt each year. That's why she wants to marry in France.
And when I told her recently that maybe "later", she could lose it anyway, she replied "don't worry about it"...
She also told me she needed to talk to someone who had 2 nationalities and that maybe she could do the same...
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Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Still getting dividends in China, even after marriage?
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2010, 10:42:18 am »
Liyan just wrote me back, she says she can't apply for any passport until I send her an invitation letter...
And from what she told me, on the invitation letter, I MUST write her passport number :huh:
Anyone heard about it ?
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RE: Still getting dividends in China, even after marriage?
« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2010, 10:54:54 am »

NOT SO, .... Anyone can apply for a passport in China, they just go to the Police station and ask for the passport application form. When she has filled the form in and has all the relevant documentation, they take it all back to the main area police station and submit for there passport. Depending on everything being in order, they will receive their passport within 7 to 10 days, ...It's a very quick turn-around in!!!

« Last Edit: March 29, 2010, 11:10:00 am by David5o »

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Still getting dividends in China, even after marriage?
« Reply #21 on: March 29, 2010, 11:07:35 am »
Ok, thanks for the quick reply, as "always" in fact, David ;)
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Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: Still getting dividends in China, even after marriage?
« Reply #22 on: March 29, 2010, 11:16:51 am »
Yes wrong information, my fiancée is getting her passport end of the week (2 weeks for her), nothing particular was required for that.

The letter of invitation is usually for a business visa ... maybe she is confused about passport and visa, this happened a bit to me, maybe passport translates as visa?
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Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Still getting dividends in China, even after marriage?
« Reply #23 on: March 29, 2010, 11:49:27 am »
Frank, I don't know either :)
I just know Liyan will ask again tomorrow about her passport to be applied, but I suppose she will need her hukou to get it.

The town hall said me it was ready to help and that anyway, they needed to see Liyan twice. Or maybe that Liyan could only one time, then, she would need to go to the French Consulate in Gz, to have many questions asked and so on....
tomorrow at morning, I'll go to town hall again to ask about that, because this morning, another woman told me that we could not do that...
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RE: Still getting dividends in China, even after marriage?
« Reply #24 on: March 30, 2010, 04:48:26 am »

there is no such thing as dual citizenship in China its one or the other

Offline joeswuhandream

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RE: Still getting dividends in China, even after marriage?
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2010, 06:34:12 am »
Hi  evryone well i think this thread is very interesting ,
as i am to be married in changsha in  august
i put this question to my future wife ,
i asked when you arrive in England, will your pension be protected as
I-:E frozen till she retires , as we will not return to live in changsha till i retire in 13 rys time , and she tolde me  
that she will loose her pension  completely , she wont get  a penny
which of course is of concern to me and my future wife ,
as a footnote she works for the government .
i would be interest to get everyones views on this matter
as she and me are only working class people you can understand our concerns , i have  not replied as yet because i got her email around I hr ago and as this as got me hot under the collor, i am taking the 24 hrs rule  so guys what do you think ???

regards joe :icon_mad:

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Still getting dividends in China, even after marriage?
« Reply #26 on: March 30, 2010, 06:46:20 am »
On another forum (french one), a chinese woman said me that she is married with a french man, and they married in China.
She still gets dividends each year, has a card for hospital and pharmarcy, and has no problem since 6 years.
Actually, they live in France, and the chinese woman says that her card for hospital and pharmacy is useless...
Some other members also say the same, they don't understand why a chinese woman would lose that if she marries in China....

Maybe some of the brotherhood here, who are married in china and live in US, Canada or anywhere else could also confirm?
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RE: Still getting dividends in China, even after marriage?
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2010, 11:06:52 am »

As Ted said, there is no dual Citizenship in China. I can assure you that this Chinese lady you spoke to will not get any benefits back in China if she married in China to a Foreign National!!
It is obvious that she is unaware of the rules in her country, and many are !!! The Government will steel any dividends that she might have accrued, and that is a FACT!!

The only Pension they will still be entitled too is any PRIVATE pension they may be paying in too.....

« Last Edit: March 30, 2010, 11:08:42 am by David5o »


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RE: Still getting dividends in China, even after marriage?
« Reply #28 on: March 30, 2010, 06:29:45 pm »
in Guangzhou or i should say Guangdong Province if the lady doesnt surrender her house book
 or i should say city citizen book then she will and can recieve her pension if she marries a westerner.
 Its something that is only here in GZ and maybe a few other cities but i am not sure. We have 3 people
 in our family here that 2 live in the USA and 1 lives in Canada and they all get their retirement put into
 their chinese bank each month. one thing they were asked when they were leaving was that :do you want
 to give up your house book;  they of course said no. GZ seems to have quite a few different policies or rules
 than other cities in regards to some matters. teachers here also need a special certificate from the city govt
 to be able to teach which is really just checking your credentials. like my brother in law said as he works for this
 branch when i get my permanent residence card and buy a house we should still keep Sisi's house so she can keep
 her city citizen card and book. so we will have mom and dad move into it and let them stay there for free and get
 them closer to us.  it also depends on the classification the lady has in her book as from what i know there are 3
 classifications that can be put in there with only the first one entitling her to benefits. but for the most part many
 or i should say far to many do lose there retirement if they marry and or move out of china


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RE: Still getting dividends in China, even after marriage?
« Reply #29 on: March 30, 2010, 06:46:02 pm »

This is the very first time i've heard of anything like this.....

I have a couple of questions here. ....1) A couple get a hukou when they marry, If they then divorce the man will normally hold onto that hukou, so very few women will have a hukou to give up!! 2) If the Woman getting married is single or have never been married, she also has no hukou to give up, she will still be under her parents hukou. So how do the GZ authorities get around these couple of situations??
