Author Topic: My Trip to China  (Read 13550 times)

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RE: My Trip to China
« Reply #60 on: April 04, 2010, 08:11:04 pm »

Glad to hear everythings going well for you in China. As many have already said to you, Keep enjoying yourself, your trip, and Peggy, .....because the time will just fly by, it always does when your enjoying things that much!!!! Already your halfway through your first trip, so make the rest of it count more than the first half, ....if that's possible haha!!

Best of everything to you both...



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RE: My Trip to China
« Reply #61 on: April 04, 2010, 10:30:32 pm »
Glad to hear all is going well for you Shaun! Good luck the rest of the way on your trip.


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RE: My Trip to China
« Reply #62 on: April 05, 2010, 01:14:01 am »
Shaun, hey buddy, party your ass off, because you have to come back here and deal with the rest of us....:icon_cheesygrin:  I have two
questions for you, first is what are you making with the cloth ??? or are you buying ready made items to sell here?

I'm really sorry to hear that your holding up in a hotel and your sick, at least youve got a good nurse....:icon_cheesygrin:

Since you've eaten REAL chinese food, do you feel a urge to "wag your tail" lol......:icon_cheesygrin: stay away from the fried
bugs or you'll be "climbing the walls"....:icon_cheesygrin:

I am so glad you and Peggy are getting along so well and that your getting engaged, be careful that wont be a visa your signing,
probably a marrage licence....ha

Take care bro and have a wonderful time, we will rake you over the coals later.......:icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: My Trip to China
« Reply #63 on: April 05, 2010, 11:47:21 pm »
After viewing the pictures, it does look like he shaved, their all white, you can hardly notice them...:icon_cheesygrin:

Chinese version of "just for men" -- a can of black shoe polish and a small wire brush....shaun...:icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: April 05, 2010, 11:50:57 pm by rockycoon »


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RE: My Trip to China
« Reply #64 on: April 08, 2010, 06:01:55 am »
Yea Don, whatever.

Day - 5 began great.  Breakfast with Ted and Sisi and off to the Embassy but it turns out they are closed due to Chinese grave cleaning holiday.  Rats!!!!

Peggy went back to the motel to pack and leave for Shaoguan.  Peggy as we are getting out of the taxi rips out the driver.  I mean up one side of the wall and down the other. I thought good greif but ignored it.  We went to the bus station and headed for Shaoguan.  Peggy has told me for quite a while that the trip is 1 hour.  Try 3.  I remember what Ted told me a dinner the night before.  If they are crabby ask them if they are hungry.  If they say no then tell them to take a nap.  So on the bus I tell her to sleep.  She did. Problem solved.  Well???  Not so fast.

We walk to the hotel in Shaoguan, check in and go to eat.  Before we went to eat I have a little talk about spending money.  It is going out too fast and I want it to slow down.  We go to the restaurant, order the food, it arrives then suddenly she is all over the waitress.  Yelling and insulting.  I ask Peggy to calm down.  She says OK but goes right back at it.  She acknowledges she is wrong but continues.  I try to calm her down some.  I am not sure what is wrong but we continue.  She mutters through most of dinner but all smiles at me.

Later that evening she finally wants to talk about red envelope and how much money goes inside.  We are far apart from each other.  So I attack the big one; engagement money.  I tell her I will pay 1000RMB.  She enquirers USD and not RMB?  The $#&% hits the fan.   We argue back and forth and I learn that her brother-in-law gave her mother the equivalent of $3000.00USD of course mine was an insult.  Mine is not even $200.00USD.  

She goes to bed angry and does not want to talk to me.  I am left dazed and confused.  I began to realize her anger earlier in the evening was because she wanted everything to be perfect when meeting her family so she had been hypersensitive about everything.  It is good to know but I am thinking our relationship is over.  My head swims with details as I lie in bed wondering what will happen next.

I asked on the forum what would be a proper amount of money to give but I never thought of asking the brother-in-law.

Day – 6

I get up early as usual having not slept well.  I am on the internet when mpo4747 Mike signs into yahoo instant messaging.  We talk a little and I tell him what is going on.  Then Peggy’s sister signs in just as Peggy is beginning to wake up.  She still really isn’t talking much and goes to take a shower.  I talk with Peggy’s sister a little then Peggy comes in.  They have a long discussion.  Of course I cannot understand a thing because they are speaking Chinese so I am on pins and needles.

Then Peggy tells me her sister wants to talk with me.  To my amazement her sister is supporting me.  She told Peggy that the amount of money was up to me so she needed to live with it.  Then her sister tells me to not leave things with Peggy open ended.  Always come to agreement then it avoids argument later.  Finally Peggy’s sister tells me the most important thing to do right now was to get an engagement ring on her finger.  This will have the most value and the first thing mom will look for when she arrives at the motel.  All is well in paradise again.  Way to go sister.

So off we go to find a ring and more money.  So I feed Peggy pancakes at McDonalds, she loves them, we find a ring, hit a bank, I mean hit the bank and back to the hotel to find her mother, brother and family waiting.  Peggy gets real nervous.  As we are getting into the elevator I ask Peggy if she is going to introduce me to her family?  She is embarrassed but introduces.  On the elevator ride up mom notices ring and smiles.  Mom brings food she made from grass, peanuts, and a few herbs.  She is calling them cakes.  I am thinking grass? Until I bite into one.  They are incredibly good.  Forget dumplings it is all about the grass cakes guys.  Her brother is a farmer and brings tangerines that are vine ripened.  Unbelievably good.

Peggy children and granddaughter arrive and we go to lunch.  It is a huge affair.  I’ve seen the pictures but didn’t realize.  Peggy is disappointed that two of her sisters did not come.  The other brother had to leave on a business trip but was very happy with the events of the day which of course made me very happy.  Mom approves of me.  Brother approves so I guess it is a done deal, I will become a grandfather very soon.  Again, all is well in paradise.

Days 7 and 8 being composed.   SO many pictures and so little time but will get to them.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 06:04:58 am by shaun »

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: My Trip to China
« Reply #65 on: April 08, 2010, 06:48:02 am »
sometimes, I don't really understand why people "need" to compare, when talking about money, for weddings and so on...
3000.00 $ just seems to give me blinking eyes, like $$ inside my eyes... even for my own wedding, I find it a little bit "expensive", because most of us know that life is china is not "so" expensive.... and if that amount of money is not for my own marriage, I just think I would be more than confused...
I know Liyan told me, one of her friends's boyfriend had to pay more than 40.000 RMB's for his own wedding. but well, maybe that some weddings include more than 200 persons... i don't know...
(sorry for that)

but well, it seems you could solve "that problem" fast, and that things have turned on a very good way for you, Shaun, and that's good news ;)
So, what's next? ^^
- Let's Rock -

Vince G

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RE: My Trip to China
« Reply #66 on: April 08, 2010, 06:48:32 am »
Whew!!!  For a minute I thought you were on a roller coaster at Six Flags? Glad it's working out now.


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RE: My Trip to China
« Reply #67 on: April 08, 2010, 08:52:04 am »

I thought the communication was great but now I realize it is not very good.  She understands much less than I thought.  The tools she has on the computer work so well you really do not notice but we are working through those issues.  Once I got off cloud nine and realized we were having small issues then have been working on her English.

Day 7 - was rather uneventful.  We took mother to breakfast at a restaurant in the center of Shaoguan.  It was packed on a Wednesday.  Breakfast was extremely good and cheap.  We took mother back to the motel and Peggy and I went to KFC for a cup of coffee and hot milk.  :s  Then we went to get bus tickets to travel back to Shenzhen.  Peggy didn't want to go back to Guangzhou, she was exhausted.  She slept most of the way back.  I enjoyed her sleeping on my shoulder.  Quite touching.  Once back home Peggy asked her neighbor and told her every last detail of the trip.  Lisa and I am now calling her asked me many probing questions about the trip.  Peggy cooked and we had a good time.

Day - 8

I normally wake up somewhere between 5am and 6am which was the case this morning.  I went out to the internet and read and typed a little.  I noticed that I was still a little sleepy so I laid back down.  I was awaken a little while later by a scream from Peggy.  She yelled at me get up Shaun get up.  We late as she ran into the bathroom to bathe.  She thought we were lated to a 10:00am appointment with an owner of a sewing factory.  We had plenty of time but wound up late anyway.

Peggy, Lisa and I spent 3 grueling hours in his office hammering out a deal to manufacture some clothing for me to sell in the US.  All I can say is that these Chinese are some of the best bargaining people I have ever seen.  We walked to the factory in the rain and back home again.  We had duck for lunch and it was quite good.  Came home and took a nap.  When we woke up she started with this do not go, stay in China.  I can tell that leaving is going to be very difficult for both of us.  I will have to come back in July to finalize the clothing angle.  Rats!! Gonna hate that. :icon_cheesygrin:

Today I learned more about the filing for a fiance Visa in Guangzhou.  Ted listen up because I didn't realize all of this.  If you want an easier time in getting the visa you need to set an appointment for the both of you to see the consulate general many weeks before you go.  You will need to give the dates you will be in China and they will tell you when the appointment is.  Also you need to include a copy of your fiance's visa.  If you do not request a seat and send a copy of the passport he will not see her.  You will need to ask as many questions as possible about the process.  But here is the real reason you have the appointment.  You want to get a photo with you, your fiance and the consulate general.  This photo will go withe the photos you need at the interview.  I am told it carries a lot of weight.

Tonight we are relaxing.  Life and love is good here in paradise.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 11:12:26 am by shaun »


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RE: My Trip to China
« Reply #68 on: April 08, 2010, 11:27:40 am »
Ahhh .. those up and down Story's of Love from China , are getting to me . Here I thought , Peggy had a bad day because you forgot to Shave :-/

More than ones ... a Family member to the rescue .
Great updates Shaun and can't wait for the Photo's .

Offline Martin

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RE: My Trip to China
« Reply #69 on: April 08, 2010, 02:21:04 pm »
WOW Shaun...this has been one heck of a story.  You write it our so well.  I am happy to hear that things have worked out for you.  In the future, can you start your posts with...everything is great, we had a minor mishap.  This way, the rest of us here are not sitting on the edge of our seats reading your story. heehee


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RE: My Trip to China
« Reply #70 on: April 08, 2010, 07:03:05 pm »

I was aware of that and was going to suggest you do that on your next visit. you can do that
on line when you know the next time you will be here. I had a couple of people from the states
set up their appointment before they left the states and they had the meeting. but they talked
with other officials there and one of them did meet the consulate general in the office but i dont
think he took a pic with him. I will have to ask the next time i speak with him.  I just wanted you
to get the papers when we went their so that you had evrything you needed to fill out. here is a
thought for you--- when you get home go to the immigration building and tell them what your doing
and they will also give you a packet with everything you need. I have 3 freinds who did this in
sacramento calif and they had everything they needed at one shot.  Also call Terrence and ask him
as he might be able to fax everything to you and possibly do everything for you he is a good guy and
will not ask for lots of money. Also give him my address and phone number should you call him. email
address also.  Anyway glad to hear its working out and your right when you leave that will be very
hard for the both of you. HAPPY to HEAR that the family is on board i am sure that is a big relief for
you to get that portion out of the way. July isnt that far away my freind and its to bad Peggy didnt
live in Guangzhou as i could have helped teach her some english everyday for a couple of hours to
help you guys out. NO CHARGE of course for her. Just a few more bags of jerky when you came back
that would be my fee  hahahahahaha    so dont forget next visit set up your seat with the consulate
general and not just a seat to speak with an officer. maybe he will be more than helpful in helping you
as he sees that you two are a genuine relationship and the process will move along faster. keep us posted
as we are all wishing the best and send the pics of us to my email box when you get a chance upon your
return home.

Ted & Siying

Offline maxx

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RE: My Trip to China
« Reply #71 on: April 08, 2010, 07:55:08 pm »
Shaun I have a question? Did you learn your lesson well this time?That's the second or third time.The sister saved you and Peggy from yourselves.Shaun the reason I bring this up.Is because you and Peggy were about 2 steps from this thing  blowing up in your face.Then where would you of done.Hung your head like a whipped dog.Wrote on here how bad a person Peggy is.Or how bad you think she is.Over a simple misunderstanding.The lose of your cool.

Do you read what is posted on this forum.Or are you caught up in your own story.And forget what has ben written here before.This sister has showed you the way.I have showed you the way.279 members have showed you the way.But you don't seem to get it.When you have a Allie like the sister.Use it to your advantage.

Peggy doesn't know anything about being with a western man.Her sister does.When this happens again.And it will happen again.Use the sister for a intervention.Use the 24 hour rule.Use the different country different custom rule.Use what ever is at your disposal.If you don't you and Peggy are going to be just another statistc.

And I will have to read your sad sack story on here.



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RE: My Trip to China
« Reply #72 on: April 08, 2010, 08:04:46 pm »

Am i somehow missing something here, can you include a copy of your fiancee visa, when that's the reason for going for the appointment/interview, ...To acquire the fiancee visa???
Or have i got the wrong end of the stick ...Again???  hahaha!!



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RE: My Trip to China
« Reply #73 on: April 08, 2010, 09:06:16 pm »

when you go to the seating you can take the copies of what you have done so far and ask
any questions you might have and they will help you along the way. take a notebook and pen
as they just advise and dont do anything for you. just tell you the further steps and papers you
will need to proceed. if you havent started they will go thru the process step by step


Offline Buzz

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RE: My Trip to China
« Reply #74 on: April 08, 2010, 09:20:20 pm »
Ted, I am just about as lost as David in this.   I am not sure what you can show anyone until after our HomeLand security department gets done with their review.  and in order to get that review, you need divorce records, birth records, passports, proof of income, established lines of communication and history of communication, pictures of couple with family and etc.  So I am at a loss as to what the appointment would accomplish until after the Homeland security department is complete.  And on thank you for your help with Ms. Cindy Gao.  She is looking forward to your help.  I owe you a couple bags of jerky when i get to that neighborhood.  buzz.  

Quote from: 'ttwjr32' pid='36436' dateline='1270775176'


when you go to the seating you can take the copies of what you have done so far and ask
any questions you might have and they will help you along the way. take a notebook and pen
as they just advise and dont do anything for you. just tell you the further steps and papers you
will need to proceed. if you havent started they will go thru the process step by step
