All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

"Good girls"

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Hi Kennyg, welcome to the brotherhood, and if ever we are we will.( just speaking for me and mine )

I think that, if 'my good girl' happens to turn into a 'bad' girl, this will make her a 'GOOD' girl in my eyes.....I think !!!!!:angel::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Rob, you devil you :icon_biggrin:

Welcome Kennyg ( you don't play the Sax .. do you ? ) ,
that is some very good advice , especially for the " Just starting out Guy's " . Which of course I would have to say ... your not . Unless you Copy'd and Paste it from somewhere . Anyway , enjoy our Forum .. if you not have done so already . It never hurt's to have a nother Kraut as myself here .:icon_cheesygrin:

So true stuart my EX found that out big time.


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