All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

"Good girls"

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--- Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='9076' dateline='1248017548' ---
Welcome Kennyg ( you don't play the Sax .. do you ? ) ,
that is some very good advice , especially for the " Just starting out Guy's " . Which of course I would have to say ... your not . Unless you Copy'd and Paste it from somewhere . Anyway , enjoy our Forum .. if you not have done so already . It never hurt's to have a nother Kraut as myself here .:icon_cheesygrin:

--- End quote ---

The sAx, no... oops :icon_cool:

Thank you, though. No, I did not c&p my post, I wrote it down on the fly when I read the term "good girl". Ever since my bad experience, I have tried to understand the Chinese "ethics" more in-depth, and it helps me a lot in private and business matters. Of course I know I am just scratching the surface and revel in stereotypes, but it still helps to have a few rules-of-thumb at hand.

Maybe I should take it as a bad omen that my first experience with a Chinese girl was already such a bad one, but I refuse to believe that this is representative - my Chinese teacher, for example, is a genuinely nice lady, shame she is married already :icon_cool:

Say, where in Germany are you coming from?


Hi Kenny ,
I'm from good old Kaiserslautern .
I also remember you now from the Official Forum . I'm glad you have learned from you first incounter with this " Good Girl " named MeMeMe and could laugh it off . That is pretty funny , well afterward I say it is ... not during .
Wish you better luck the next time , we did leave some of the GOOD Girl's . I think there is enough for everybody .:icon_cheesygrin:

Well thank you Kenny again for your great Post and info . Maybe you like to share some of those cute quotes you have in your collection , we should all learn from these .

That is my ex wife, mememe. He found her pretty quick. lol


--- Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='9205' dateline='1248096710' ---
Hi Kenny ,
I'm from good old Kaiserslautern .

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Ruhrgebiet/Dusseldorf area calling :icon_cool:

--- Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='9205' dateline='1248096710' ---
I also remember you now from the Official Forum . I'm glad you have learned from you first incounter with this " Good Girl " named MeMeMe and could laugh it off . That is pretty funny , well afterward I say it is ... not during .
Well thank you Kenny again for your great Post and info . Maybe you like to share some of those cute quotes you have in your collection , we should all learn from these .

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So true. When it started to turn out for the worse, I just kept shaking my head in disbelief. Yes, it is surely a matter of common decency to pay for accomodation, food, drinks, sweet little gifts and all that. I am kind of an old-fashioned gentleman in such things, and I am surely not cheap.

A few anecdotes? No problem.

What about this, for example?

Ms. "Yin MeMe" buys herself (yeah right, "herself",... from a 500 € salary, as I found out later, most of the nice things she had were presents from other suitors and from her ex-husband who still had "nice evenings" with her) a new 500 € iPhone, a 1.000 € digicam, a 500 € Ferragamo handbag, all in quick succession...

 ... and then tells me that she must stop sending me SMS or calling me ever again unless I pay for her mobile bill...
... and furthermore tells me that I should better come up with presents that are more expensive than the things she buys for "herself", otherwise she would lose her face to her friends for having a poor and shabby man...  what can you say?

I also always liked the occasions whenever she "invited" me to something.

In the beginning, she would just tell me in a friendly manner to pay so that we could get on... no problem, I thought. In the later days, the "invitations" (things she always wanted to do but needed a sponsor for) became more exclusive and her manners got worse - she would become more fierce and tell me to "get out my credit card, pay and don´t look like a looney to the staff".

She also tried to convince me that if she paid ANYthing, even 2 yuan for jiaozi, she would lose her face because "only cheap sluts pay for anything for their men". So guess if she got me anything for my birthday :icon_cheesygrin:

Oh now, dear reader, you might think that it is my fault to hook up with a woman who is either rich or from a high-level family and I should consider offering her the wealth she is used to.

Oh so wrong.
She comes from a lower-class family. I didn´t mind that.
She is divorced, has a child, is 36. I didn´t mind that either.
She has a low-level job, a low salary. Who cares?

But she IS one of the women who know "the West" only from TV, she is surrounded by a lot of filthy-rich corrupt government officials in her job.
So she thinks that for some reason she "deserves" all that for herself and my poor 200m2 loft is not good enough for her (who lives in a poor quarter on half that space with 3 generations), that my 6-digit salary is "not enough to provide her the lifestyle she is accustomed to, and anyway, she knows older men who earn more money".

--- Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='9205' dateline='1248096710' ---
Wish you better luck the next time , we did leave some of the GOOD Girl's . I think there is enough for everybody .:icon_cheesygrin:

--- End quote ---

Hehe, thank you! If your precious one knows someone friend or family... remember I am still available :icon_cool: No kidding! I have found out that the "personal recommendation"-thing goes a long way in China and is often more promising than the internet-thing!



--- Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='9339' dateline='1248190280' ---
I know for sure I couldn't live with someone like this. I'm not even sure if I can stay to long even with a visit to? I've seen this many times in the west. One of the main reasons I turned to China for a woman. I say she gets this...

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That´s easy to be said. In hindsight, it is also easy for me to think: "As a reasonable man, I should have heard the warning bells ring loudly".

However, the first few times I was together with her, she was truly the sweetest and nicest and most attentive woman I have ever met, with exactly the kind of qualities I would expect from a Chinese lady, so despite minor niggles, there was absolutely no reason for me to expect anything bad.
Ok, admittedly, she is by *far* the most beautiful woman I have ever seen close-up (even though she has the dressing sense of a circus pony), no kidding, so that may have blinded me a bit as well.

It was only during our last time together in ShangHai (about 1.5 weeks) that things really turned out uglier by the day. So, I did not suffer through all that crap for long, I have my pride and I know when it´s enough. Oh, and this also goes to show how quickly Jekyll can turn into Hyde.

And then, of course, this was the end.



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