All About China > Chinese Culture And Festivals

holiday this monday

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Vince G:

--- Quote from: 'rockycoon' pid='35985' dateline='1270182556' ---
Willy, I have a back-hoe you can borrow, you know how tiring digging is.  We can "back fill" tomorrow....:icon_cheesygrin:

It's an extend-a-hoe, for the "really deep ones". :icon_cheesygrin:
--- End quote ---

That's funny, I was going to say the same thing... Give Rocky a call he has the backhoe and the rock hammer.Ted, don't worry Arnold's only looking to get spanked... again?

Chonger, actually I'm very touched that chinese people do this. To even think, knowing generations later you will be visited is amazing.

My wife is going back to Wuhan on the 17th.  As is her family custom, it is 3 years now that her father has passed and they are going to take the tombstone and set it upright. I asked her why and she didnt know. She said she was going to ask Mama.  She is a nurse and of course doesnt get all of the holidays off although she is eligible as senior nurse but good heart that she is, she lets the younger ones go to some of them.
China has more National holidays than any other country I know of.  Seems at least one a month sometimes two.


good pics thanks for sharing with us. i do think cremation is the only way now in
China. in every city.  i remember my first tomb sweep 8 years ago i was at ah as
i thought it was more like a july 4 event rather than a visit to honor someone who
has passed away. and it was really wonderful to see that many generations in the
area. going back so many years just thought the same as vince when i went the first


--- Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='36005' dateline='1270203861' ---
Chonger, actually I'm very touched that chinese people do this. To even think, knowing generations later you will be visited is amazing.

--- End quote ---

Vincenzo ... I'm fascinated by history. In China's villages, there's usually a "Village/Clan Book" or "Zupu" containing the history of the residents. I found the one for my Dad's village but it didn't contain any information about my ancestors. I don't know who has the "Family Book" or "Jiapu". It's a personal history book that passed from generation to generation.

However, I did find the "Hum Red Book". It's a two volume set that was published in 2009 by the Hum Association. On one page, it shows my family history from the 13th generation to my current 22nd generation. My name's in the book. On another page, I can trace back from the 13th generation back to the first Hum in Taishan in the year 1398. From there, I can trace back further to the first Hum in Guangdong in the year 901.

[attachment=1928] [attachment=1929]

Here's the ancestral shrine in my grandfather & Dad's house.


Here's the ancestral shrine at my great grandfather's house.


Unfortuately, each time a new house is built, the earlier generation's name is deleted from the shrine. Any reference to them and earlier names has to come from the "Jiapu".
While we're on this subject, how far back do you [ all Forum Brothers ] know about your ancestors ???

It would be fascinating to hear about your history and pay a tribute to your ancestors at the same time.


Interesting stuff... In the book on page 499, ...What does the box with i think the symbol for ''Boy'' underneath signify??  



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