All About China > Chinese Culture And Festivals

holiday this monday

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Chong that is really cool.I will ask my wife if she knows anything about this.


--- Quote from: 'David5o' pid='36037' dateline='1270255882' ---

Interesting stuff... In the book, ...What does the box with i think the symbol for ''Boy'' underneath signify??  


--- End quote ---


Are you referring to the empty square box underneath some of the characters ??? If so, it just means that the name is unknown. If not, I'm not sure what you're referring to. I can't read Chinese. My wife interpretes for me.

Here's the interesting stuff. My grandfather's real name is Hum Him Wing and his brother's name is Hum Lin Fook. But according to the book, they're listed as Hum Dong Gat and Hum Dong Hay. That's because every male in their generation ( 20th ) took the good luck name "Dong" after they married. Every male in the 19th generation took the good luck name pronounced "Liu". Every male in the 18th generation took the good luck name pronounced "Moon" ... etc etc etc. I was wondering why all the 1st to 20th generation had the same first character writing.

So really the Red Book only shows the Good Luck names. Their real names from birth is only found in the Jiapu. Starting from the 21st generation are the real birth names like my father's and mine's.


Yes that's what i was referring too, and guessed that's probably what it meant. Couldn't ask Lucy as she is sleeping, it's the early hours of the morning here!!!  Like your wife, she is my interpreter...


Maxx ... It would be interesting about your wife's history.

Sad to say that only male names were recorded. Only the recent generations have included 'daughter's names'. On the house ancestor's shrines, only the wife's surname was written beside her husband's.

Chinese families believed that daughters belonged to the husband's family after they marry; thus, any history information about them was not recorded.

For example, if my Mom wanted to find out ancestral information about her family ( Lee ), she would have a hard time because she's considered as a 'Hum'. Her brother, on the other hand, would have easy access to any "Lee" book/information.

When I went to search for my Mom's grandparent's gravesite, villagers asked me ... "Why ?" ... It's because I'm a 'Hum', not a 'Lee'

back to topic

Sophie reminded me about Qing-Ming this Monday, :s and then said just before she signed off, be a few days...

Now I know that this can go on for a while, there will be no need to worry about why not answering, or not getting in touch...cheers guys:icon_biggrin:

Told her I would say a special prayer for her father and her for her grief...:heart:


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