All About China > Chinese Culture And Festivals

holiday this monday

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Chong i showed my wife what you posted (the pics) and she said her father
has that also which i will want to see when we visit there this summer. they
live in baotao and my wife doesnt like to go there during the winter but i will
find that very interesting


You asked how far back we can go with our ancesters. Well about 5 years ago, my sister and i started tracing back both my mothers and fathers family. With a few gaps here and there, we managed to get back on my mothers side to the 11th century and on my fathers side to the 14th century.

Seems my mothers family originated (as far as we know to date) from France, and later emigrated to southern Scotland. Later moving down and setting up home in York some 70 years later. We had a lot of trouble getting further back on my fathers side, they seemed to of just suddenly appeared in Colechester. Which means that they came from mainland Europe, or it's a case of another minor name change. We have had a lot of those, and they can be a real bugger to get past.... lol!!



You seem to be following the family trend ... did you change your surname to "50" ... hahahahaha.

Thanks for your story. You must be proud ... and also curious to find out more. What reason did you want to trace your family's history 5 years ago ?

Today, I visited my great grandfather's gravesite on my mother's side. I also discovered the names of my second great grandparents and my third great grandparents. This came about by meeting [for the first time] my Mom's first cousins while walking Qing Ming.


You wouldn't believe how many derivatives of ''King'' we have come across.....  At the moment our family name has gone back to ''Kingsman''  but have also had Kingsmen, Kine, Kines, Kings, etc etc. It only takes a recorder from the past to miss spell, or make a mistake and your in for some multiple searches around the name your looking for.

We have only come across one name change on my mothers side to date, from Titchiner to Titchner

Oh, and by the way it's 5o not 50 ...hahaha!!


I hear what you're saying.

My ancestors go by either Hum/Hom/Tam/Tom/Tan. It was common for immigrants coming to Canada in the 1940's-1950's to buy adopted surnames from settled families to ease the country's entry.

My Mom has various IDs with either Hum/Tam/Tom.


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