Author Topic: Who do the woman do this????  (Read 9302 times)

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Who do the woman do this????
« on: April 04, 2010, 01:47:01 pm »
My question is...

Why...Why do the women make you you fall in love with them, and when they know you are hooked - BIG TIME..they end up finishing with you?

First it was Kathy (keren)..:@....And Now it's Sophie (Ying)...:@...:huh::@:huh:

Okey, I understand the abrupt way it ended with Kathy...Family first !!!...

Sophie, I sort of understand, because she 'read' about Anne and my 'Cohabitation', so I understood when we originally broke up......... but for the last 10 days we got back together and sorted it...
But not this time...

For the last 5 days she wanted us to write up a prenupt.......Not those words she used, she opted for the words 'Marriage Agreement'.  So in a sense it was not a normal prenuptial agreement concerning sharing of money etc.  I was about us as a couple, well I will attach it to read for yourselves, if you want to...

It is numbered, the only thing that was left to do, was sort them into their rightful places together, for example: (1).  We will love, be honest, sincere etc etc.

Yesterday morning (mine), her night-time, we were chatting, and she was telling me her mother getting onto her and also her friends about us...:huh:...After some words she decide to end it, sp I am now again going to be searching...I know there wll be those who will tell me, "You should not have finished with Anne", PLEASE DON'T..I know this...:huh:

What hurts,  thinking about it now.  is realising they, get you by the short and curlies, steal your heart and then BAM when you least expect it...

Going to now take my time and look for someone 'Real/Genuine'...NOT going back to China for at least a year...DECIDED...My heart will not take another beating like the last 2...

Here it is Could not attach

I, Robert O'Donnell agree to marry Zhang Ying, also known to me as Sophie.

These words I will NEVER go back on, I Pledge this to you Zhang Ying.

1)    I will always Love you.        
The same towards me.          
2)    I will never Hurt you.            
The same towards me.      
3)    I will never Hurt or Hit Peter.
The same towards me.
4)    I will always Respect You.      
The same towards me.  
5)    I will always love Peter, your Family, and your Culture.
6)    I will always be Truthful to you.
The same towards me.
7)    I will always be Honest to you.
The same towards me.  
8)    I will always be Sincere to you.  
The same towards me
9)    I will always treat you with Grace.
10)  I will always treat you and your family with dignity.
11)   I will always be the one you can rely on.
12)   I will always look after you when you are ill.
The same towards me.
13)   My home will be your home.
14)   My Family is your family.  
The same towards me.
15)   I will always make sure you are Happy.
The same towards me
16)   I will always make sure NO-ONE ever hurts you.
17)   I will never let my family hurt or bully you or Peter.
The same towards me
17)  I will protect you and Peter with my life.
18)   I will never quarrel with you.  If we quarrel we MUST have good communication to sort out right away.
The same towards me.
19)   I will always be there for you when you need me.
The same towards me
20)   I will always have integrity.
21)   No sex for 2 years, unless we are married.
22)   Kissing and hugging allowed for a minimum of 10 minutes before the wedding.
23)   Once I get there, we cannot search for another person.
After marriage each other is loyal,each other is responsible
24)   When the menstaution comes, you will rest for a week.
25)   I will not argue with you during this period. I will not make you angry
26)   We belong together for a lifetime, I hope we stay together forever.
27)   You can go back to Education or work. After the wedding we are always together, I'll be with you for all time.
The same towards me.
28)   We must teach each other our languages for 1 hour each night, for each person.
29)   If your mother is sick, you must accompany her.
30)   Our Children cannot affect our marriage.
The same towards me.
31)   We will prey daily, and go to church every week.
32)   I wil at least try all the food you cook for me.
The same towards me.
33)   We will go for a walk after dinner each night.
34)   You must watch at least 1 film with me per week.
35)   If there is something I think is NOT right for you, we will advise & consult, the final decion our own.
The same applies towards me when in China.
36)   When your mood is good, I can point out your shortcomings.
The same towards me.
37)    You will love my Children/grandchildren like your own.
The same towards me.
38)    If we have children, you will love it/them as much as you Love Peter.
The same towards me.
39)    After marriage sex allowed 2 or 3 times a week.
40)    We will learn Cooking, Neutrition, Gardening, Doing Business from each other.
41)    Computer for only 1 hour per day after marriage.
42)    I will provide your Study expense.
43)    If your Mother falls ill, we share expenses, for helping.
44)    We bear expense if mother wants to come and visit.
45)    If once married your not happy, we both go back to China together.
46)    The wife is always right.
47)    You must look for hidden love token everyday.
48)    We plant flowers together, grow vegetables, fruit trees, doing housework together.
49)     We go to park every Sunday after Church.
50)    We go together every Saturday or whatever day you wish, go shopping and browsing
51)    Once a month must take pictures of each other and as family.
52)    Every week write our blog together.
53)    I will not participate in the pornographic place.
54)    I will not use bad language or curse at people.
55)    Daily expense for each day registered.
56)    Each other is Loyal and Responsable.
57)    Once married, marriatal affairs are not allowed.
58)    Smile everyday & be Sweet Tempered
59)    Together, we study hard - A man of great Culture.

I agree to all of the above mentioned items...For the sake of a happy and harmonious marriage.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 01:56:00 pm by Scottish_Rob »

Offline RegnisTheGreat

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RE: Who do the woman do this????
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2010, 02:05:04 pm »
Hi Rob,

I'm sorry. What happened? I been away for two weeks and i just read this. I thought everything was going good with Anne?


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RE: Who do the woman do this????
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2010, 02:41:55 pm »

Do you really call this a relationship?? seems to me more like a business contract or transaction.
If you can't trust each other to be the person they portray to be, then your just pissing in the wind. Love stands little chance without trust , ...and visa versa!!

Jeez,  ....i've never seen anything like what you've just posted!! Be thankfull your out of it Rob, she would have led you a dogs life of rules!!



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RE: Who do the woman do this????
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2010, 03:01:47 pm »
Rob - I had much the same thing. I thought my lady and I were a good couple but when I did some digging I realised Miss Wu probably never loved me much at all.

I don't know what was going on in her head, and I suspect I never will. I guess that Miss Wu is very unlikely to meet another man who loved her as much as I did. She will most likely end up like one of my sister's many friends who have spent all their life searching for Mr 100%. Well ladies, I am sorry but he does not exist.

As to me, my gut instinct was right. I have to learn to trust my gut instinct. And I think I have to behave a bit more like a jerk. Women seem to love jerks :icon_cheesygrin:.


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RE: Who do the woman do this????
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2010, 03:57:20 pm »
Mike thats for that...

David I know mate...

But most importantly...I think (although I said) I would agree to this...
The thing that has to be looked at, is that THESE are all things that I (You) do in a marriage anyway??

So why she was wanting this I have no idea...:huh:   Except maybe because of the Anne thing, she was playing with my mind....AND, if she was then that is cruel...
« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 03:58:25 pm by Scottish_Rob »

Offline David E

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RE: Who do the woman do this????
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2010, 06:46:37 pm »

With "tongue-in-cheek" I can see why this relationship forgot to include a couple of critically important points in "the list"

1) You forgot to define how long each day you get allowance to clean your teeth

2) You forgot to define how long each day you have to go to the Loo

3) You forgot to define exactly what you will have for each meal for the next 10 years.

Mate...this could never, never work under such contractual crap !! Yes, I know, these things on your list are what basically happens in a Marriage anyway......but you cant define it to this extent...humans dont work that way..and neither do emotions !!

If Mike is right...I suspect you are better off out of it, it seems a very dark place to be always to be seen as an "unclean unbeliever"

But I suspect Mike is not right, and this Lady (?) was in love with the IDEA of a Western Husband...but the reality (family, moving out of China , language etc, etc) got in the way of dreaming.

And you were the collateral damage !!

The short answer...DONT fall in love with any Woman you have not know my view that you cant do that anyway !!! You have got to put the brakes on until you can get the chemistry right.

You have fallen in love with 3 women in about 6 months...step back and take a hard look Rob...thats not healthy. Maybe you think every contact you have is a potential wife. Maybe you should get to be friends first ??
Let the wife/love thing happen in due course...not let it be the prime driver.

Back on the horse Mate :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:


Vince G

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RE: Who do the woman do this????
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2010, 08:48:45 pm »

Rob, very nice of you to write what you will do for her love. Just, WHAT WAS SHE GOING TO DO FOR YOURS?

Sorry Rob, the only list I would have made? I can't even print it here. :@

Don't let a woman or anyone play a game like this. It makes you appear weak and they will play on that.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 08:50:55 pm by Vince G »


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RE: Who do the woman do this????
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2010, 10:12:26 pm »
21) No sex for 2 years, unless we are married.
22) Kissing and hugging allowed for a minimum of 10 minutes before the wedding.
39) After marriage sex allowed 2 or 3 times a week.
Well, there goes the farm.....:@

Time to wait a little, then get back on the horse.  Keep in mind that
you are a professional and have never thrown a race.  Don't start
here. keep going my friend.:icon_cheesygrin:

by the way, ask her how much time are you allowed to fix the
« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 10:19:53 pm by rockycoon »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Who do the woman do this????
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2010, 10:38:04 pm »
Rob,  The avatar is returned just for you.  

What have I been telling you on the phone.   She would have been pulling your strings to the end of your life.  And well before then you would have been screaming WHY?

Why did I not listen to my friends.  Why was I so wrapped up with a women I had never met. Why have I spend so much time talking with her, no not talking more like begging her, to keep me when everyone was telling me that is was really over.  Why Why Why.

You could not even get this word into the title of the thread.  

But I guess everyone is saying WHY - when you came on here four months ago with all the great stories about Anne - who you met.  Then suddenly all your great stories concern kathy, Sophie or whatever you want to call her.

For goodness sake make this the last entry on this woman and move on.   I do not think that there is anyone of the brothers who want to hear in a few days you saying  'Ok fellars we have managed to sort it once again.'   Because each time you split you are putting yourself through such turmoil.   There was no way you would have found the resourses to get back here in June.

Take a week at least away from here.  Plan what you CAN do in your life and if that still includes getting back to China all the better.

But it will need work from you to achieve it.  Set yourself a reasonable target and go for it.

You know you have always had the backing of the brothers even when they have been thinking 'WHAT A PRATT'.

That will never change -  I dont mean being a pratt!!!  I mean the backing from the brothers.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

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RE: Who do the woman do this????
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2010, 10:42:47 pm »

Please be glad you are out of it. It sounds like she has a couple issues to deal with herself. Just look at #46 The wife is always right.  
I was wondering when this one was going to be there on the list. I am just presuming that she drew up the list and wanted you to agree to it. I can understand how you feel buddy. Get up, dust yourself off, take a step back and take a deep breath before plunging back into the waters again.

Dave C
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Offline odysseus007

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RE: Who do the woman do this????
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2010, 10:47:05 pm »
Momma used to say, "Naughty boy, no supper for ya tonite!"
Now Sophie says "Naughty Rob, no sex for 2 years!"
In case of any dispute, refer to clause 46....

Ever watched the movie Sophie's Choice? I'd pick Momma anytime, lol
I think your lawyer would have a good time with her. :icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 10:49:49 pm by odysseus007 »
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: Who do the woman do this????
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2010, 12:21:20 am »
Rob old buddie.  I know your lonely and would love to get married, I'm the same way, but don't give up the ship yet.  Don't
wear that big heart of yours on your sleeve.  I say, wait a while, then go to china and let Willy or Ted introduce you around
to a good woman.  They are brothers and will help you find just the right mail order contact.  And that
was the silliest pre-nup I have ever read.  That one has to go down in the books (it should be listed in "Just for a laugh")  I sure
hope you did not think of signing that one.  Whoever does sign it is really in for it.  I'm dumb as shit and even I can see that...:icon_cheesygrin:  Anyway, don't give up buddy, we are all here for you.


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RE: Who do the woman do this????
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2010, 03:25:33 am »
she also left out when to  shower shave and s***   this woman just needs to
GO AWAY and be done with. she is a control freak and the marriage would have
been hell.   MOVE ON to greener pastures  what were these people telling her to
move on for they havent even met you yet.  i would be happy if i were you because
your now out of it and can move on.

Offline metooap

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RE: Who do the woman do this????
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2010, 04:07:44 am »
Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='36098' dateline='1270403221'

My question is...

I agree to all of the above mentioned items...For the sake of a happy and harmonious marriage.


Once you complete this list - where is the happiness?

Some of the items on your list are shall we say "noble.' And you should be lauded for your efforts. However, love and marriage should be a two way street - not a express way - where you are completely run over.

The bottom-line - and it seems unanimous here - is maybe, just maybe you have been saved - if not from yourself - from someone whose values, wants, and needs are different from yours. So stand-up - and move on.


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RE: Who do the woman do this????
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2010, 04:12:52 am »
I have seen this list before , it is a how to get rid of your boyfriend list , from another forum , regards Robert .Maybe one can alter it to also be signed by Western women ha ha
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