Not to write to who? you mean, not to write to her about other women? I would not write about others if I had a girl, but isn't this
wearing your heart on your sleeve? This makes her a very sensitive person, don't you think? I think I would like mine to be a
little tougher, where she kicks my butt if I screw up and lets me limp around for a few days...:icon_cheesygrin:
You know, where I don't have to say I'm sorry every five minutes, or opens her own car door for instance. Or does not have to
be told "I love you" all the time, as she knows I do. :icon_confused:
There goes your pub time Rob....:dodgy:
I mean, you wouldn't get upset too much if I mistakenly called you an irishman would you?? :icon_cheesygrin: