All About China > Chinese Culture And Festivals

qing ming holiday this past monday

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in downtown Guangzhou this past holiday many people were flying kites in the brisk breeze that was going on AT NIGHT and they had little lites tied on the kites? so i went talking with a few and they said during this time it is accepted to fly the kites and the lites are the gods lanterns which i thought was interesting and something new i learned as i have never saw that all these past years coming in and out of China. so i thought i would share that.

It was about this time last year that Peter and I saw this same thing in Changsha.

Is this an anual holiday guys? I have not heard of this one before. I have heard of the chinese flying kites at night with lites but I didn't know it was a holiday. Is this what it is called too, "Qing Ming"?

Dave C

qing ming holiday is the one were they honor the dead relatives Dave
once a year

Yes and they close the American Embassy. :@


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