All About China > Chinese Culture And Festivals

qing ming holiday this past monday

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Take pictures Ted, take pictures....

All these wonderful things happening there and no pictures to see them with...:icon_cheesygrin:

i know what you mean Rocky i walk around see many things
 but i ever have my camera with me. always tell myself i should
 carry my camera but never do. just recently i saw my first graffitti here
 in china which was a first for me to see

I am afraid to ask what it said...:s  I have a small sony digital camera, its a DSC-W230 and is wonderful, will even work underwater
when I go diving and takes movies.  Darn thing is so small, it fits nicely in a shirt pocket like a pack of ciggs and takes about 1000
pictures.  It is also inexpensive and you can download the pictures to your computer.  The underwater housing is a little more
expensive, but it's good down to 200 feet.  I will take some time and download some photo's for you.  A friend there in China told
me the water is dirty and very cloudy there.

depends were you are Rocky as far as the water goes. ive been to places
were the water is crystal clear and in some places dirty. but eve so in one
part of guanzhou a lot of the festivals and holidays takes place near the water
here by the white swan hotel


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