Author Topic: Can man say it's love?  (Read 5905 times)

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Offline Sylvain D

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Can man say it's love?
« on: April 08, 2010, 05:03:15 pm »
Hi there, brothers.
I got one or a few questions in fact, because those last days, Liyan and me are talking more and more about future, and sometimes, I know I can worry and be a little bit "upset" about few things.
Liyan told me that she wanted to have a house in fact, just for her, in China, because she always wanted to have one...
But we talked before about having one in France, buying one together, in fact. Man can easily understand that =====> are we rich? Of course not... we're more poor than rich, for sure... (haha)
but well. She told me "your car, your studio, it belongs to you before and after the marriage, it will always be all yours". I said that for my car, yes, and about my studio, well, my parents bought it, it belongs to them, but they donate it to me, but well, for sure, it is "always" theirs. But that I was very happy to begin my new life with her in the studio, before thinking about a house. And that means, saving money, both.

But Liyan told me that she wanted to buy a house before getting married... :s so that, if one day, she doesn't want to show me anymore, then, she would go there.... (ok, as we were on QQ, I became disapointed for a while)...
as I said to her that if everything would be Ok, we could be married for July, how would she do to buy a house in China, where would she got the money, and if she could buy a house, would that mean that she would marry me, and each month, she "SHOULD" save some money, only for "her" and not for us? why marrying so if she wants to have only HER house and not a common house?
I tried to explain her that yes, having a house in China is quite nice, ok. But as we will live in France, first, that would be better to begin here, saving money together for the house in France, and not her, saving money only for her, and me, saving money for both.
I tried to explain her too, that, without job, that would be very hard to save some money.. In fact, I told her, "how would you do if I had bought myself something very expensive before marrying you, and then, when we live together, each month, I need save money, but I have no job?" and then she found the answer..."if one day we have nothing to eat and that you still save money for you, then I leave you because you are a very bad guy...."
it was a bit "harsh" and bad, because... to me, if someones buys something before wedding, very expensive, and needs to save money while being married, just for his own person (just understand, it is only personal, just for you, nobody else), then, how would man say, that this is also LOVE to be shared when being married, related to that??
To me, and I think I maybe am "right", if man loves someone, he would share many things with the other one, and not say "this is mine, this is yours, you save money for you, i save money for me"... that is very very bad... where is the project, in that sentence, to say than man wants to say "I want to live and to share WITH you"?
I also asked Liyan "if you had that house, now, in China, would you even let me live with you there, or would you say "I never want to see you in the house"... ==> of course she gave the righteous answer, and she realized that yes, thinking about having her own house in China is "very difficult", as she is getting married.. and it seems that it is "worrying" her... but well..  as I told her, we could buy one later in China, when we would go there in maybe 15 years...  I know that many things can occur, but well... that's just an idea. And yes, if she had one house in China, if she should give some money each month, while living in France, with no job for a while... how would things go, then? And if she could find some job, later, and that we could buy a house, would she really save money for OUR house and HER house?

Anyway, if my studio is "mine", I am very happy to think that Liyan can live with me everyday, I am very happy to think that I can share it with her", but thinking about money, sometimes, just makes me "thinking" that there are some persons who feel like "personal" before thinking for 2...

Did or does some of your Girlfriends/fiancees/wives talk to you about that before or recently? and what do you think about that?
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RE: Can man say it's love?
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2010, 07:06:42 pm »
Sly , all Liyan wants .. is some security of some kind and have something to fall back on if things don't go the way they should or are planned . You can't really deny her that . On the other hand , it sounds like .. for being that close on getting married .. two teenagers being undecided what to do next . You must take a stand and tell Liyan it will be in France first and that it will take both of your effort's to get a Home there and then .. only then will " WE " concider .. if the funds allow it years later to buy something in China . Period . She also MUST understand your Daughter needs you and can NOT leave France because of your Ex . As two Adult's , you have to get things clear now and not after the wedding .. otherwise it's better it stops right here .
The funny part is , after you did all the fighting for Liyan .. you think she would put in equal effort for you .
Sorry to say Sly , but this put's you two back quite a few steps again .


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RE: Can man say it's love?
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2010, 07:40:38 pm »

You have to make it very clear to her that you are only working towards a shared life, and NOT two single lives!!! Any apartment that you Both buy in China will be for the benifit of ''Both of You'' not just  Liyan. The truth is, that anything you have now or in the future, should be considered as yours and hers (shared ownership)....

If you start going down this path of ''His and Hers'' your heading for some real big problems later on!!!



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RE: Can man say it's love?
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2010, 08:10:46 pm »

an important part of being in a relationship is planning and working together. asking you to buy a house before being
married is a totally unreasonable thing to ask of you. the importance of that for her is right but if that was so important
why hasnt she bought one already???  is marrying a western man her only option to obtain this?? some harsh words here
but it must be said. if you two care about each other you WORK TOGETHER and as the years go along then you both work
and save and buy the house in China at a later time. You two will be living in France and there will be lots of time to buy
that house in China. I would hold firm in this and not go out and do something that you cant possibly do right now. If she
cannot understand this then she is not the right one and you should move on. the only stipulations when you get married
is that you both  LOVE,RESPECT,CARE for each other not put unreasonable demands on the other. seems to me that your
now 3 steps back not 3 steps forward

Offline Bee964

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RE: Can man say it's love?
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2010, 08:43:36 pm »
Don't start dividing up your property before you get married. This is not a healthy thing to do in any relationship. She seems to have an issue with thinking of things as "ours". If you two are planning on marriage then you both should be thinking of things as "ours". Reread your post. I got the impression that she was calling herself a bad woman and you should leave her and find someone else.

Dave C
Quote from: 'Sylvain D' pid='36416' dateline='1270760595'

But Liyan told me that she wanted to buy a house before getting married... :s so that, if one day, she doesn't want to show me anymore, then, she would go there....

.. In fact, I told her, "how would you do if I had bought myself something very expensive before marrying you, and then, when we live together, each month, I need save money, but I have no job?" and then she found the answer..."if one day we have nothing to eat and that you still save money for you, then I leave you because you are a very bad guy...."
it was a bit "harsh" and bad, because... to me, if someones buys something before wedding, very expensive, and needs to save money while being married, just for his own person (just understand, it is only personal, just for you, nobody else), then, how would man say, that this is also LOVE to be shared when being married, related to that??

This is the parts that I am talking about in your post Sly. She seems to be calling herself a very bad girl because she wants to buy something expensive before you marry and then save money after the wedding but keep the house in china for herself only.

Dave C
« Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 08:52:33 pm by Bee964 »
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.

Offline dude

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RE: Can man say it's love?
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2010, 12:32:37 am »

Don't marry your girlfriend out of desperation! From what you posted, the two of you are on different pages, in life! Like the guys posted above maybe you need to take a good look, with a CLEAR mind, at this relationship and think what the future will be like.......You've been here, to China, a few times but it seem's the confusion is growing for you bro! It should be the other way around! When I chat with you on QQ, it seem's you aren't very relaxed and comfortable about all this...a desperate person will try to control everything every step of the way! You need to find a lady, that your comfortable with and need not worry about everyday! Just my thoughts....:s


Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Can man say it's love?
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2010, 01:17:33 am »
The fact is, I know what I want... but I think that being engaged and buying something expensive just for ourself and not for "both", is maybe not really like saying we are two but only one, each one on two different sides.
And for sure, as life "should" begin in France, i don't really understand why Liyan would like a house in China before getting married...
Ted, I totally agree with you, and that's what I tried to tell Liyan yesterday.
And if she really wants one house in China before getting married, well, I'd then have to say I can not work for 2 and save money for "3".
maybe she'll tell me something about it tonight... wait & see...
and sorry about the 24 hour rule. however, I believe that sometimes, man can "understand" most things the same day something is said... and not to wait & analyze one full day, before saying something... but maybe am I wrong...
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Offline Chong

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RE: Can man say it's love?
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2010, 02:12:51 am »
Numerically, be prepared to pay $ 450,000 RMB for a new fully builted apartment in GZ ... significantly less for an older one. I paided $ 400,000 in Kaiping. 1) My wife and I made the decision together. 2) Her parents will live and take care of the place for us while we're in Toronto. 3) it's a "vacation" home for us/friends during our future visits to China and 4) I can afford it. Note : As a foreigner, it's complicated to get your name as part of the house registration ownership. Investigate this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with Jim, don't marry out of desperation. You're engaged but take your time to decide if you want to get marry with Liyan. Is she REALLY THE ONE ???


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RE: Can man say it's love?
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2010, 02:33:57 am »
depends on the area here Chong as property is pretty high.
 that price will get you a smaller one maybe 60 meters. if not
 a little smaller  unless you go outside in the country parts of
 GZ which really isnt were i would like to be  altogether different

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Can man say it's love?
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2010, 03:38:00 am »
But I don't want to have a house yet in China... how man could pay both a house in France & China, if Liyan will come to France, and not having any job (and for sure she won't get any before many months....), and with only me working, so...?
and saying that she's the one, yes, I just hope she knows I'm not a king. I'm just myself.
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Offline Chong

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RE: Can man say it's love?
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2010, 06:00:02 am »
Quote from: 'Sylvain D' pid='36474' dateline='1270790253'

The fact is, I know what I want... but I think that being engaged and buying something expensive just for ourself and not for "both", is maybe not really like saying we are two but only one, each one on two different sides.

You wrote the above.

Quote from: 'Sylvain D' pid='36484' dateline='1270798680'

and saying that she's the one, yes,

Now this ..... Are you sure Liyan's the one for you ?????? I'm not trying to put doubts in your head. We just want you to REALLY THINK BEFORE COMMITTING MARRIAGE.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 06:07:29 am by Chong »

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Can man say it's love?
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2010, 07:18:16 am »
Chong, because I know Liyan and me can talk about many things, we both can also understand and have "fears", sometimes. Everyone can also understand that, and I know that Liyan can "worry" about many things. First time she will leave China, first time she will live in a foreign country for x time, and leaving many things in China. I think i maybe should "understand" her more because of so many things.
I know too that Liyan really loves me, and she is honest. She also showed and still shows it to me many times, even if we are so far away one from each other.
I also know that most of time, money is always one of the main problems everyone who is married/engaged or in a simple relationship, has to deal with. and can cause many problems.
About buying a house in China, as she told me "it is a dream", she wishes to have one, but well.. maybe because she is also thinking about many things, maybe is it a little bit "confused" inside her mind... maybe wanting to do many many things, fearing that one day, I would not love her more, then, she would have her own home, and not having to go to her papa and mama's home, nor than her bestfriend's papa home, too. Just hers... I think that, for that, in fact, I must understand.

But well... as I can see on David's signature, man can read "communication is the key"
« Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 07:19:26 am by Sylvain D »
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Vince G

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RE: Can man say it's love?
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2010, 07:43:14 am »
One of the reasons I looked to China for a partner is because of the western woman's attitude of "What can you buy me?" I've had my fill of these women.

You care for her and will make excuses for her, but seriously take a look at the whole picture before continuing onto marriage.

I know my lady has not asked for a house in China or here. She did offer her home as "ours" when in China. We will have a place here too of course. She has her place I have mine and they both become OURS. There is no words expressing "in case it doesn't work"?
« Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 07:43:52 am by Vince G »

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Can man say it's love?
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2010, 08:36:48 am »
Vince, I agree with you, and anyway, that's also what I'm looking for. Just to have "ours", and not only "mine" and "hers" when being engaged and married.
maybe some little update tonight, when I'll have talked to Liyan.
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Offline Chong

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RE: Can man say it's love?
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2010, 10:23:01 am »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='36491' dateline='1270813394'

There is no words expressing "in case it doesn't work"?

Vincenzo ... You hit it right on the dot !!!

If a woman asks for a house, in case the marriage doesn't work, ... is she really the one for you ???

Sly ... my last words on this topic ... if you buy a house for her ... 1) make sure you buy it after you two marry and 2) have your name registered on the deed also.