Author Topic: Sex issues  (Read 7654 times)

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Offline Martin

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RE: Sex issues
« Reply #45 on: April 14, 2010, 02:09:22 pm »
I agree with Ted on this one.  That being said, I have not always waited for marriage.  And by not always, I mean never.  That being said, how they were in the current wife, or my ex wife...was not a deciding factor in whether or not I would marry them.

From my own personal experience, sex is a lot of fun.  However, making love to the person you are completely in love with, who you share a deep emotional bond with, this kind of lovemaking is more amazing than anything else.  Words can't describe it, but I have always felt that there is a big difference between sex, and making love to the woman you are married to.


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RE: Sex issues
« Reply #46 on: April 14, 2010, 02:15:01 pm »
good point Martin  its either SEX or MAKING LOVE IF YOUR WORRIED about sex with
your wife then are you really in love with her??????


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RE: Sex issues
« Reply #47 on: April 14, 2010, 05:04:07 pm »

I think that's the point that Hans was making, That prostitution isn't always black and white!!  There are just so many reasons why Prostitution is the oldest known profession... but one things for certain, you can't have a profession without clients!!!

There are also many different kinds of marriages too. Sure, most wouldn't be to our own personal liking or cup of tea, ...but they are still very much all around us. It's a personal choice at the end of the day!!  Most if not all the marriages myself and the Bros on the Forum are looking for, is for the want of a better word, a ''conventional marriage''. What both of you are talking about in your posts, is just that ''conventional''!!

I don't think that how well a lady performs in bed is going to be a deciding factor, in whether you would marry or not in the vast majority of cases, But don't run away with the idea that this is a ''man'' thing. The ladies can also have concerns and need to know things too!!!!
I agree with you 100% Martin, there is an enormous difference between ''sex and ''Making Love'', chalk and cheese in fact!!

For myself, i need to know that the woman i am going to marry is the RIGHT one, and would want her to know that i'm the right man for her (and that includes intimacy) . In my case, we have lived together a considerable time, enough to know just that.... There is no way i would jump head first into marriage,'s just too dammed important to screw up!!!

One last thing, i too am among the older members here, ...not as old as some, and unfortunately nowhere near the!!! But i wouldn't say that i'm old fashioned in my thoughts in the majority of issues being discussed on the Forum. I also have no religious beliefs to steer me in any particular direction, just my own uncluttered (i hope) mind.... lol!!!
