Thanks for the heads up...some last minute changes have been made to my trip and I will now be spending my entire trip in Zhongshan.
While I filed a complain with chnlove, I am going to follow through with my plans and give them the benefit of the doubt as to the entire situation. It may just be a complete misunderstanding? Or I may find that I was taken for a ride...who knows? But I do know one thing that I have mentioned already. I really do like this lady if she has represented herself as she really is in person and I would be a fool to not at very least give it a chance. In reality I have nothing to lose since I am going there already, but everything to gain if it works out.
So by Thursday night I will be in Zhongshan China and if the rainy weather lets up some it should be a great experience.

Any members here live in Zhongshan?...PM me to get my contact information and where I will be staying. I will need to have a translator for a day, maybe 2 for a non-relationship reason who can assist me with completing some paperwork. If any members here can assist me, I will pay you for your services.