Jim has good advice. At some point you will need to end the relationship or make a decision to trust and not "test." When that time should come, is something you will have to decide.
And as far as her integrity with you goes, I think it may be a question of whether she is immature in those areas and will grow out of them, or she has definite character flaws that won't change. I forget what age you said she was, but if she's in her 20's still, it really could be immaturity. From my experience (and I could be wrong), a Chinese person at age 30 is more like a westerner at age 21. There seems to be a longer development. And I am not saying this in a derogatory way, just stating the situation as I see it. I am theorizing it is because they have not been exposed to as much growing up as the west is. This has some positive aspects to it as well, as teenagers today are exposed in the U.S. to way too much that they are not ready to digest.
Anyway, my 2 cents for what it's worth... 
Scott after a couple of days and discussing this issue with my friend who is a translator with that agency, and she does knows Gina enough is that immaturity is playing role in this. To pinpoint, she is closer I would say to dealing with someone who is around 21 years old. Now I have adjust my approach/thinking. I've been treating her like someone in their 30's by assuming she should be aware of certain logical issues.
I quoted your post, because you did hit what could be the issue, or at least part of it.
Perhaps I am being a little too controlling. I don't want to use the money issue like a club, as it destroys the whole intent of why I am doing it. Having said that there is a point at which to cut the money off if some things are not what they should be. I guess it's a matter of raising the bar of tolerance/patience with her. Figuring out how much to raise the bar now.
My translator friend did hit me just right last night with a peace of wisdom of tolerance and running to soon from a situation. In short she said that if I keep running from every situation that isn't to my liking then I will always be doing this and finding no one. That statement hit me right between the eyes. She knows me relatively well to say that to me.
My decision is to stay in it and let this play out more.