Author Topic: Dining Etiquette in China - For The Western Man With A Chinese Girlfriend  (Read 4430 times)

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Offline Irishman

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i agree it is to much fun and entertaining at times to control yourself  now chinese mermaids is something i would like to see
did you get pics of that Paul?? that would have been cool.  someone told me when i get to bejing to go to the hooters to see
some great looking women  why? all you have to do is get a snack go to the local park and just sit and watch  lol!!!!  im more interested in the everyday course of life events that you see.

i even saw my first graffitti in gz a while back which i should have taken a pic of because it was gone the next day 

You wanna see Mermaids Ted, well you can see them right there in GZ!
Go to the zoo (not Chimelong one) and the aqua park has mermaids swimming around with the fish, pretty cool!
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.


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i will have to check that out when i return to GZ

Offline Axiom

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That has got to be one of the funnest jobs ever

Offline jeffm

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It's amazing to me too that with some of their unusual etiquette that using the toothpick improperly is considered rude or impolite.  I used to cover my mouth but after awhile I said to heck with this and use the toothpick like I always do.  I follow most etiquette, but on some things I think screw it I'm American and I'm doing it my way.  The toothpick thing I'm defiant on lol.
Watch what people do not what they say

Offline Bee964

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  • Dave & YanLing
HA HA your right,

In some of the restaurants I eat at it's the customers that should be hosed down first!  Saying that I love these places, lots of  noodle slurping and shouting, burping and the rest of it. Throw those chicken bones on the floor, who cares! The Chinese know how to enjoy a good meal with friends laughing ,drinking and backslapping even a bit of singing if your lucky!  I'm not too fond of the private rooms I always have a much better time in the "public "area's. It makes such a change from eating in posh English places where you have to worry about which fork to use.
I was in a fish restaurant in Beijing a few weeks ago and it had a huge fish tank in the middle of the dinning room with all the tables arranged around it. Nothing unusual there I thought, very pleasant sitting eating your food and watching potential meals swimming by. That was until the two girls with mermaid tails got into the tank and started diving and swimming about. I have to say it got my attention. After all its not everyday you see Chinese mermaids!
China is too wonderful to get uptight about.

Why do I get the vision of the food fight scene in National Lampoon's "Animal House" in my mind as I am reading this thread? :o ??? 8)

Dave C
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.


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no food fights in China they wouldnt waste the food lol!!!! im like you Jeff i just use the toothpick
the same as i did in usa to hell with it


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the spitting at the table is what gets me  lol!!!


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and the putting of cigs out on the floor