Author Topic: K-1 Visa (Fiancee Visa) I-129F  (Read 14787 times)

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Offline maxx

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Re: K-1 Visa (Fiancee Visa) I-129F
« Reply #30 on: July 25, 2010, 11:36:52 pm »
What me and my wie did.Was just got on Skype together.And we went threw the questions one at a time.


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Re: K-1 Visa (Fiancee Visa) I-129F
« Reply #31 on: July 25, 2010, 11:47:02 pm »
Ted,  Thanks if this next person does not do well with it I will PM you.   It has been real messed up but I think we are close to finishing.  It come down to the where she lived over the past 5 years and where she worked for the same period.  She didn't want to report all of it but I insisted.  My part has been finished for several days.

Maxx, Thanks.  You can see my issue above.  She basically has this issue with people thinking she is or was poor.  So she is afraid that the addresses will reflect badly on her.  I have told her and keep telling her that the people reviewing the paper and those conducting the interview could care less.  The only thing they want is truth and accuracy.  Then you have the Chinese v.s. English issues and culture issues.

The reason she didn't want to used the Shaoguan address is because she was afraid that they would think she went back to her previous husband.   Finally got her past that.  I think we should have it sent off in the next day ot two.


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Re: K-1 Visa (Fiancee Visa) I-129F
« Reply #32 on: July 26, 2010, 03:29:04 am »
well you can explain to her by the standards of living in the USA she is poor and that means absolutely nothing to immigration
and the process nor procedure.

the worst thing she can do is to lie about something because if it is discovered there is no grace period to start over again but
the chances of her ever coming will be slim and none and slim is out of town. all the subsequent applications would be denied also.

just tell it like it is and it will be approved within time as you know that wheel turns slowly until it gets to a certain point and then
it just moves along really fast. if you turn it in within the next week or so then the interview should be in or around May of next year
at the earliest.

AND PHOTO COPY each and every paper you mail in your packet and send it registered receipt required mail. so you have that receipt.
unless of course you have an attorney doing it then they track all that stuff.


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Re: K-1 Visa (Fiancee Visa) I-129F
« Reply #33 on: July 26, 2010, 05:49:33 am »

I was a little frustrated last night and think I said more than really wanted to publicly on this site but it has been said.  Don't get a bad image of what is happening here.  It is simply a struggle to understand two different cultures though it isn't really difficult to understand the motivation.  I am pretty sure we are on the same page now.  I will let this friend help her and if it does not work and was ask her to call Sara.  I should have thought of that before.  Peggy really likes and trusts her.


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Re: K-1 Visa (Fiancee Visa) I-129F
« Reply #34 on: July 26, 2010, 12:11:52 pm »

right now i dont think i will or can help you. i will fly to Guangzhou tommorrow morning and then i have to do my own battles
with the consulate because i want to get an emergency visa for Sara to go to the USA with me as we were just informed my
mom passed away at 320 am this morning. so it will be interesting what develops with this request. hope you understand
but wanted to give you heads up as there are many arrangements needed to be made.



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Re: K-1 Visa (Fiancee Visa) I-129F
« Reply #35 on: July 26, 2010, 01:10:03 pm »
Ted , so sorry to hear that . My Condolences to you and your Family . Hope you'll receive the Emerg. Visa with no problem .
We'll help Willy while your gone , don't worry .


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Re: K-1 Visa (Fiancee Visa) I-129F
« Reply #36 on: July 26, 2010, 05:43:33 pm »
thanks you know its like taking care of a baby  lol!!!!


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Re: K-1 Visa (Fiancee Visa) I-129F
« Reply #37 on: July 29, 2010, 11:17:02 pm »
Now I have another question.  It relates to the G-325A that needs filling out on Peggy.  Is it important to show a solid work history for 5 years or can it be spotty like she has not worked consistently over the last 2 years?  I am being told by one person to claim 1 company for 2 years and leave it at that.  I am not comfortable with it.  Anyone got any ideas?

Offline maxx

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Re: K-1 Visa (Fiancee Visa) I-129F
« Reply #38 on: July 30, 2010, 12:10:38 am »
Shaun do what makes you feel comfortable.If it was me I would write down exactly.What company Peggy worked for.And how long she worked there.When it comes time for the interview.They may ask Peggy what her job was when and where.And if she tries to remember what you wrote down instead of the facts.It could trip Peggy up.And that would be a denial.For the visa.

At my wife's interview they did ask her about what kind of work she did.and how long she had to go to School to be a plastic surgeon.The reason they asked the question was.To make sure the answears matched what was written down.And to see how much English she could understand.

Shaun I know I have told you this before.I'm going to write it again.For the benefit of the other members.Who are reading your thread.Under no circumstances should you be fooling around.With U.S immigration.If the person doing the interview.Thinks something isn't right.They will grill the lady until she brakes.Either in Chinese or English.

You have every right in the world to Fear these people doing the interview.If you screw this up and GZ denies the visa.Your lady will have to reinterview over and over again.I know one lady who had to go to GZ 6 times.Before she got a visa.If you screw this up enough.You can get the lady blacklisted.If your lady gets black listed.It could take up to five years.To get this straightend out.If it cannot be fixed.Your lady could become permanently black listed.Which means she will never see the U.S. As a legal immigrant.Make sure your lady answears all the questions honestly.Make sure you answear all the questions honestly.

For those of you who think you cant get around the system.Because you know your congressmen.Or your senators.Those congressmen and senators.Cannot help you with your ladies visa application.U.S. consulates are like there own little country.They operate on there own set of rules.And they are not afraid to exercise those rules.And they are not afraid of your congressmen or senator.The only people they answear to is the president.And the state department.And the state department doesn't really have any control over what a consulate will do.Or wont do.

Shaun Gz doesn't care if Peggy has worked consistently for the last 2 years.All they are looking for.Is to make sure everything matches.On the paperwork and at the interview.By the time my wife had her interview.She had Ben unemployed for about 9 months.My wife's interview probably took all of ten minutes.And like I said before.All they were doing was checking to see if my wife really knew me.And that all are paperwork.And my wife's answears matched.


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Re: K-1 Visa (Fiancee Visa) I-129F
« Reply #39 on: July 30, 2010, 03:34:53 am »
just fill out the paperwork CORRECTLY and ACCURATELY if she didnt work then she didnt work
its pretty simple. if she is DENIED a visa for something that doesnt match up then you dont get
a DO OVER FOR FREE you pay ALL the FEES again and start from scratch.

you are not there to impress them with all this information about what she has done. you are there
to just tell them how her life has been up until this point and i would make sure it is accurate.

accuracy makes it very simple to remember!!!!


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Re: K-1 Visa (Fiancee Visa) I-129F
« Reply #40 on: July 30, 2010, 06:35:46 am »
Yes thanks guys.  I have been telling her this but there are other influences here.  Now I can show her what you said and we can move forward.

All of this hedging and the desire to cover up facts to look good concerns me somewhat. I can't tell if it is her or the outside influence.  There is a lot I would like to say here but I am not comfortable with it right now.  I may get back to the subject.


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Re: K-1 Visa (Fiancee Visa) I-129F
« Reply #41 on: July 30, 2010, 07:02:12 am »

you really need to nip this in the bud and do it very fast as this could and will cost everything. if the outside influence
is not from the USA and actually thinks they know all about it because they know someone or did it themselves then i
would highly critisize what exactly they are trying to get you two to do. because if they are advising these things then
they are not the people you want helping you and Peggy. they KNOW NOTHING!!! to be advising these ideas to have
you to do.

ok enough said its your money and time  by the way weres the care package  hahahaha!!!!!!
i ate all the jerky lol!!!!!!


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Re: K-1 Visa (Fiancee Visa) I-129F
« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2010, 04:15:16 pm »
Hey all.  Things are a little better this afternoon.  The outside influence was her sister.  I was trying to be nice.  But Peggy and I are on the same page now.  It was causing me some serious concerns with me but I think we have it all sorted out.  Peggy is a good woman but not a confident woman.  Her sister is a type A and runs over her all the time.  Peggy gives in just to keep from getting a butt chewing from her.  She was stuck in the middle because I chewed too over the lies.

Id I understand things correctly as of right now we have the sister so angry that she told Peggy that she will not help us anymore.  She has good input most of the time but sometimes...

Thanks for all of your patience and good words.  It was good for Peggy to see through cut and paste.

Offline mustfocus

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Re: K-1 Visa (Fiancee Visa) I-129F
« Reply #43 on: July 30, 2010, 04:45:14 pm »
Actually it's a bit of fear and losing face...  She's worried that she won't get in if her information doesn't make her to look like a stellar citizen.  Unfortunately that means that people in a similar situation won't look at the consequences.  If you explain things to her in that context, things like this tend to clear up for them...  Remember we're looking at it from our perspective and they're looking at it from their perspective... but if you alter your point of view a bit, you can often see where they are coming from and what to do to avoid the problems...
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen


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Re: K-1 Visa (Fiancee Visa) I-129F
« Reply #44 on: July 30, 2010, 10:10:28 pm »
well im glad it all worked out. i to listen to what Sara says she reads or has been told
and really 75% is usually wrong. but it makes for interesting conversations.