All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

What Music chinese Women like ?

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I know it's been a little slow the last couple of days , so I took a look at the " Other " . Oh Boy , that was interesting to say the least .
Take look at this and somebody help this fellow . He must still think Chinese live behind that Great Wall of their's .


paris, United States

   Posted: 27 Apr, 2010 02:13:19  Starter
  I need to know if any music from outside china is allowable.If so what types.My lady says she listens to coutry music.I was also wondering if this ment country and western or music from their country(chinese folk music).I think since China Shark Mike lives there he may be able to answer this.I was wanting to send my lady some cds but wasnt sure what was permisable

Sorry to bust in but this one has been on my mind all day.  Do you think the Chinese know about Elvis?  Would many of the recognize his music?

The lady I talk to likes Faye Wong

I think whether or not they like western music is going to depend on their eglish ability

Otherwise they would most likely listen to Chinese music, from pop to rock but in of course Mandarin or Cantonese

How about some of the other pop stars such as Madonna, Gwen Stefani, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, have they heard of them? (I got this list from one of my daughters that is a huge Elvis fan) I was listening to Alan Jackson one evening when the lady I went to Singapore to meet popped into my hotel room and she asked who I was listening to. She had never heard of him.

Dave C

Well if she likes country music Arnold then I hate to say it but she might like Willy. :huh:


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