All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

What Music chinese Women like ?

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Brian Mc:
Greetings Brothers,

As far as the liking western music goes I hear it all the time here in wuhu. All the clothing stores for younger people have speakers outside blaring rap crap punk and junk all the time, drives me nuts.

The ladies i work with all have english songs as their ring tones on the phones , but of course they all speak english, all the students like english music.  I have asked students what music they like and many say R&B jazz, rock, hip hop, country, etc. So all kinds of western music is popular in Wuhu, I even have students young ones that like western classical music.

As for Zhen she likes rock country and even scottish folk music.  You brits may have heard of The Corries from Scotland, she likes them too.  She doesnt understand the words but she likes the music.


Zhen and Brian

You will find that the youngsters will be listening/playing the English/western music while the older generations will still favour listening to Chinese fare, whether modern or traditional. The English/western type stuff got more and more popular during the time i was living over there...

There tastes seem to follow whatever is currently being played in the west or what is recent in China!! ...there not far behind the times these days!!!
As for the western artists they know about, the more famous they are in the west, the more chance of  the Chinese knowing about them!!  
The same goes for the styles of music, ...the artists will promote the styles they are part of.

Thank god not too many of the Chinese listen to ''Country''!!   Can't stand the stuff myself, always seems there singing about ''somebody's killed me dog'' or ''some-one's run off with me girl/wife'' ...Bloody cut your throat type music!!  Even worse is this ''Rap'' what a crock of crap that is, ....and mostly sung (if you can call it singing) by street thugs/crooks  and dope pushers!!


Willy The Londoner:
Great programme on TV today 60 minutes of Hip Hop!!!!!


Hey guys. This thread made me remember a collection of Chines songs I put together a long time ago. Most of the music is 5-10 years old but my wife still enjoys them.

I need to ask a favor. Since I  made this post the bandwidth of my web account has really gone up. I have had to upgrade a few times. Feel free to browse and play and grab the songs you are interested in. But please don't download the whole directory so you have your own copy. It blows my bandwidth limit and they shut down my account for a couple days. This directory has been there for years and will be there for years to come.  OK?

slow loading but some good music here i think


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