All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

What Music chinese Women like ?

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The modern Chinese stuff is quite good, but God that traditional singing is something else to listen too!!! A cat's choir comes speedily to mind!!!!! Bloody awful is an understatement!!
And how any Westerner can sit through a traditional Chinese Play, is just totally beyond me!! It comes under my Tried it Once, ....Never Ever again experiences!!! ...haha!!!


I speak everyday with Sophie on Skype, we are teaching each other our languages. :icon_biggrin:

She loves to listen to my music and hearing me singing along. :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin: I told her she will have to sing to me also...:huh:  She sent me a song last week "Dulce Vita" it was in Chinese, guys it was absolutely amazing..:icon_cheesygrin:

This morning Peggy and her granddaughter were dancing an playing to an America rap CD that was absolutely horrid.   It was also stuff I had never heard before, not that I listen to rap.  I detest it but I hear it all of the time.  I smiled and danced with them a little just to see the granddaughter laugh and smile.  I'll have to talk with Peggy about the CD.  Some of the language was quite questionable.  Of course I am sure she does not have a clue.

Notice that there is one word completely missing from this post in reference to what we are talking about.  I do not used it in relation to rapping.  It just isn't what it is called.


Your lucky you could understand anything mate!!  just call this stuff, ...Unadulterated Crap!!
Originally devised for misfits and the very easily pleased, by the scum of this world, that can't speak in any coherent language....



All I could really understand were the F and S words.  That was how I could identify.   Oooo..... did I really say that?


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