All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

What Music chinese Women like ?

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It would take us quite a few drinks before you got u... :o I mean before I got up there too.   ;)

I am at a loss on this one....on my ladies Qzone site she has.....are ya ready, Taylor Swift (American Country Singer) playing in the background.

So, to be honest I have not a clue what her style is, since she has sent me all sorts of tunes from almost depressing Chinese piano love songs to Japanese POP and now....Country music...Of course the song from Taylor Swift is her latest hit called "Smile" and I have to admit I do like it, even though I am not a fan of country. The even funnier part is that its all in English, so I wonder if she knows the translation?

Growing up in Germany , all we listened to was English R&R and MoTown back in the 60's . Now I listen to Chinese Music a lot and I mean a lot . I don't know what they singing about , I just love their Tunes ( their Instrument's from long ago ) . Of course when my Wife sings , it's heavenn no matter what I hear or what language .


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