All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

What Music chinese Women like ?

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Just wanted you all to know , I'm going by my experience here . Qing's Brother , Cousin both play English Music in their Car ( cd's ) . In Park's Visited one hears English Music coming from Boomboxes from young People . Older People Dance to Walz's and Polka Music . Our Translator in GuangZhou listens to English Music . In Beijing , our Guide even played English Cd's for us . So for sure City Folks are familiar with western Music . On the Countryside , that's another thing of course .. I assume .

I asked Peggy if she had heard of Elvis.  When I spoke his name she said yes.   When I typed it she asked me what Elvis was so I translated the name into Chinese and she said yes she knew quite a bit about him.  Sent her a couple of pictures and she recognized them.

We didn't get into any other musicians.

Vince G:

--- Quote from: 'shaun' pid='37800' dateline='1272507616' ---
Well if she likes country music Arnold then I hate to say it but she might like Willy.

--- End quote ---

I thought I was going to read "She might be a Redneck?" :icon_biggrin:

I have heard (or read) of Elvis impersonators, so they must know of him, maybe the older generation?

Willy The Londoner:
Dont know about Elvis but there are a great number of youngsters going around with one glove on their hand - Michael Jackson style.  Did he always wear that one glove so as not to leave DNA?

Country music - did I miss out on a whole batch of women when I was single?   Now I know what one meant last year when she said that she was going down to the 'Ol Oprey'.  I thought I was in for something special - But no such luck.   She went out for a session of line dancing -Chinese style.


I have studied singing with my neighbour and I can now do a good rendition of 'Gleen Gleen Glass of Hume" and a cool version of 'Clying"

Elvis was popular when the great wall was closed i have heard more
i dont know him  but seems evryone knows micheal jackson

the glove was just oe of his strange and odd behaviors but i think
his most stupid one was the veil out of all the strange things he did


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