All About China > Chinese Culture And Festivals


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You mean if the driving tester doesn't jump out and run like hell...haha  :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

we didnt hear how she did on the test  i guess no news is good news


I am still very confused about the Chinese Labor Day.  I was first told, Peggy's sister I think, that the holiday was 5 days long and the Chinese government was closed for all 5 days.  Then I think you told me that it was only 1 day, Monday and the the offices would be closed Sat-Mon.  Then twice, Saturday and Monday Peggy told me she had to go to the government offices in Shaoguan.  :huh:  And I am not sure but I think the sql errors are because the server doesn't know when to be opened or closed.  Much like me right now.

Since you live there can you shed any light?

Willy if you have an understanding of this help us please Oh Most High Huevos War Lord.


Willy The Londoner:

--- Quote from: 'shaun' pid='38546' dateline='1273706615' ---

I am still very confused about the Chinese Labor Day.  I was first told, Peggy's sister I think, that the holiday was 5 days long and the Chinese government was closed for all 5 days.  Then I think you told me that it was only 1 day, Monday and the the offices would be closed Sat-Mon.  Then twice, Saturday and Monday Peggy told me she had to go to the government offices in Shaoguan.  :huh:  And I am not sure but I think the sql errors are because the server doesn't know when to be opened or closed.  Much like me right now.

Since you live there can you shed any light?

Willy if you have an understanding of this help us please Oh Most High Huevos War Lord.


--- End quote ---

All I can say is that the my Bank was closed on the Saturday and also the Monday.  

My wifes niece had her staff working on the Monday in her small factory!

I am  as confused as you Shaun but that is a normal state for me.  I have been here for only 11 months so far so obviously not enough time to work out the complexities of the Chinese mind.:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:


Originally May day (or Labour day depending on where you are from and this is not the North American one) was 7 days long.  Then they broke it up because having a week-long holiday was really disruptive to the economy (and the weeks leading up to it getting fubar'ed).  So as I understand it, labour day is now a 3 day holiday.


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