Author Topic: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!  (Read 6110 times)

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Offline David E

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The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« on: May 05, 2010, 06:22:01 am »
I was so angry to read a post in another thread about the so-called attitude of Chinese Women towards finding a Western Husband.....and rather than hijack somebody elses thread, I thought I would start one of my own so I could have a rant about this mis-conception.

It was suggested that Chinese Women looking for a Western Husband are looking for a meal ticket for life and that we should not take any sh*t from these "princesses" who are out to rip us off.......

On behalf of my is her reply....:

"I spend a lot of my time in a panic to learn good English in the hope that when I get to Australia to be with my beloved David I will be clever enough to get a job so that I can feel I make a financial contribution to our relationship"

And here are my comments on her views....:

I know that this woman would crawl over broken glass to make our life together easy and happy, I know that she will work heroically to make this happen. This is a humbling experience for me and I will support her to the absolute limits of my own ability.

Despite her misgivings, I can tell you all that she owns 2 apartments in Chengdu that she will sell before she leaves for Australia.

This should make her somewhere in the order of 800,000 RMB and together with her savings she will bring about 1,000,000 RMB to Australia !!!!...not bad from a "poverty stricken lady looking for a permanent meal-ticket" !!

It matters not to her that I have more money than we can spend in 2 lifetimes...she is dedicated to contribute all she can to our future.

Is this one of those "gold-diggers" referred to........I think not !!!

Such words as spoken in the other post are offensive and dangerous...and so far from the truth to be utterly misleading


Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2010, 06:37:54 am »
I think that todays remarks will have caused much more offence than any other thoughtless comments made by this individual in the past.   And there have been plenty of them over the past months especially since someone apparently stood on his toy train!

I just hope the moderators do not remove the offending posting otherwise this thread will not have a great deal of meaning to anyone just coming to it later.

Let the comments flow for or against  (I doubt if he will get many of support) but at least with Teds thread and this one we are likely to have a lot more movement on the forum.

« Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 06:38:28 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2010, 07:02:48 am »
I agree wholeheartedly with David...Insulting and childish....

My lady is like Davids wife, she works her socks off everyday, knows my financlial position and does not want me to spend anything on her.  She is concerned that we will be financially stable once married, and has already talked about finding work once we do.

Gold diggers...I think not...

Offline Neil

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2010, 07:13:03 am »
Censorship is a slippery slope.  

But, on topic:  Nina and I had a failed relationship.  I just want to say that she offered to send me back all the gifts I had given her.  I of course refused.  She was in no way in it for the money or a meal ticket - her life is busy and difficult and tiring, yet she is very proud of her accomplishments and very proud of her lifestyle and culture.  

As a group, we encounter a wide range of ladies.  Sure, someone is bound to run across the odd scammer or gold digger.  There's a bad apple in every bunch.  One thing I have learned is that you can't blindly place labels on any demographic.  To do so is to teeter dangerously close to the edge of racism and bigotry.  

Other than to say: Chinese ladies are beautiful.  :icon_cheesygrin: irresistible as chocolate

Offline ssetho

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2010, 07:26:43 am »
David - I agree with you 101%. Before we were married, my wife refuses to take money from me. She said I will only spend my husband's money, you are only my boyfriend (at the time). After we got married, she still refuses to take money from me!!!! I have to literally force her to take money from me.

Offline Chong

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2010, 07:43:39 am »
Quote from: 'Neil' pid='38090' dateline='1273057983'

As a group, we encounter a wide range of ladies.  Sure, someone is bound to run across the odd scammer or gold digger.  There's a bad apple in every bunch.  One thing I have learned is that you can't blindly place labels on any demographic.  To do so is to teeter dangerously close to the edge of racism and bigotry.  

Neil hit it right on the dot. The individual who made the statement on Chinese women can interchange the word "Chinese" with "Japanese, Thai, Russian" etc etc etc ... He might as well write "all women". The fact that he's looking in Japan right now ... he's fooling himself. He's always going to have this attitude in the back of his mind.

One's own bad experience or perceived experience does not indicate the whole group's.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 07:47:46 am by Chong »

Vince G

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2010, 08:35:52 am »
Of course there are women that are looking for a meal ticket? An easier life, I don't doubt there are. Not mine and I would say not ours for the others posting here. I have read these same statements about gold diggers in other "forums" and heard it from other people. I defend my stance that not ALL are.

Like David E's my lady owns a few places. When she does move here to the states, if she sells them or keeps them is up to her, their hers, as far as I'm concerned. I also know if I dropped a load of cash in her lap it wouldn't be spent, she's not a princess. I am not stupid enough to find and fall for a woman that is out for money only. Any woman wants to be financially stable in marriage. But it is not the main objective.  

I take the other thread not as insulting but an opinion. Same as the other sites and family members. I will continue on proving them wrong.

Offline Martin

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2010, 09:28:08 am »
I can honestly say that my wife was also not looking for a meal ticket.  Quite simply, she was looking for happiness.  Before I married her, she owned two successful business' in Guangzhou.  One was a manicure shop, and one was a beauty salon.  Both were fairly close to each other.  I don't know exactly how much money she made, but I do know that when her parents bought a new home, she gave her parents half of the money to purchase the place.  And by Chinese standards, this is a very modern three bedroom home.  

While she ran her two business', she employed at least 6 women that I saw.  In anticipation of moving to Canada, she sold her shops, and has focused her time learning English.  I suspect that if I asked her the same question David E did, I would probably get a very similar answer.

I also have to agree with what Neil said.  Statements like this are bordering on racism and bigotry.  Is my wife a gold digger?  Absolutely not!  She has stood by me while the economy fell apart in North America (and globally), which because of my line of work, has delayed our immigration process considerably.  If she was digging for gold, she would have bailed a year ago, in search of someone with more money than me.  She would not have given up her successful business' either.  She would not have dedicated so much of her everyday life to learning English.  Looking for happiness and a life long partner does not equate to being a gold digger in my estimation.

Offline Rhonald

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2010, 10:53:10 am »
Okay Brett's statement "A Western husband is a meal ticket for life. We should not be putting up with any ?#%! from ladies who think they are princesses." although flamatory, also had a partial truth. But that was only the last part of his statement - the part of not putting up with princesses. I agree with that part. But since most roads are a two way street - although in China sometimes 4 ways :icon_cheesygrin:, the ladies neither need to put up with any of us Dandies. I can also imagine that many Westernmen are not meal tickets but narrow minded individuals looking for what they are told are obidient servants.

I have enjoyed Bretts narratives on his Japan trip and sometimes find he has pearls of wisdom to offer - but just like a real pearl -Natural pearls are formed when a microscopic irritant or parasite enters a bivalve mollusk accidentally and settles inside the shell - he does irritate people.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 10:54:08 am by Rhonald »
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Offline Philip

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2010, 11:34:39 am »
making wild and unfounded generalisations about an entire nation of people or even an entire subcontinent of people is certainly not the kind of tolerant forum most of us are looking for. Whether you are talking about Chinese women, Indian people, Haitian people, Western women or Chinese men, basing your generalisations on your bad experiences or on anecdotal evidence is not exactly an intelligent reaction.
I might even venture to say that this forum has  lost one of its most valuable contributors when we forgot to exercise just this tolerance.


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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2010, 01:34:52 pm »
are there women looking for meal tickets---SURE  are there princesses--- ABSOLUTELY but as it has been
said there are those everywhere and in every country. to paint the whole picture black is just pure wrong.

and when it doesnt work absolutely it is on both parties whether the language barrier or even the expectations
from one or both parties.

but i would think if you wanted to generalize something and put a lot of blame on why many dont work WHAT
about the agencies themselves?? wouldnt you think if you actually fish boned the problem and picked it apart
then i would think a lot falls on the AGENCIES and the TRANSLATORS that are employed by them. and i would
suspect and fully assume that they do not act on their own as one is told when they get caught with their pants
down. the agency will tell you that the translator will be dealt with  yea right  probably told to be more careful
next time. what about the women who are on some agencies that are just PICS and nothing else. so i think the root
cause of most of these bad tastes that people get are generated by the AGENCIES and not the actual women themselves

and as far as looking for a BETTER LIFE ------ arent we all doing that?????  living here and working here i see the
discrimination all the time so what choices do they have but to search and try to find a better LIFE and a LOVE of
their life outside the country. i dont think they should be put down for that.

sometimes i believe that when people start this journey they dont think about all the SACRIFICES that are needed to
be done to make it succeed and when you dont have that open mind and are willing to SACRIFICE yourself then right
away it becomes the womens fault and she is the problem. the bar of expectations should be set so that BOTH parties
SACRIFICE in the journey. WHEN you DONT do that then you get the close minded comments that the women are
golddiggers or just want this and that never does that person look at themselves and say WOW maybe i should have
done something different. they just throw the blame at the opposing person.

PATIENCE, UNDERSTANDING, SACRIFICES  are what is needed to make this a successful journey!!!

for all the new ones starting remember this at all times and you will be fine!!!!!


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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2010, 03:57:27 pm »

Does anyone actually listen or take notice of anything the perpetrator of this thread has ever posted here?? Unlike Rhonald, ....I have never once seen any ''pearls of wisdom'' coming out of this guy!!

Like all people that think so highly of themselves, this guy has never listened to a single word of wisdom from the brotherhood, unless it tied in with what he was saying in the first place....

It will not matter one jot, whether he looks for Japanese ladies or Chinese ladies, or any other nationality, with his attitude he will find nothing, except possibly the gold diggers he talks so much about!!!
One thing he should realise, the Japanese ladies have had far more exposure and  experience of western men than the Chinese ladies have, and they know how to use it!!!  

One thing is for sure, he lives in his own little world, where he is King, and where he can look down on others. He thinks he's smart, and if he is, sure don't include ''Street Smarts''

The Brothers here should not have to substantiate that your wives, fiances, ladies are not gold diggers to this guy!!  I'm most certainly am Not!!  Besides he's never listened to you before, so why would you think he will start now??

« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 10:19:15 am by David5o »

Offline Buzz

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2010, 04:27:50 pm »
My issue is similar to David.  Why do we feel the need to defend and say what the ladies are NOT!!!!  Again there are two ways of looking at everything and everybody.  One is to look at what they are,  and another way is to look at what they are not.  The very name of this thread is a negative  way to look at life and ladies.  I do not have to defend my wife, or ask that she defend me.  All I have to do is love and accept the lady as she is.  Nothing more, nothing less.  David is right, this person is so full of himself and so empty of goodness, that he will never find happiness without first looking within.  I like the spirited debates we have had in the past.  But in those debates, we were all in a positive position, looking for what is good and the best in each other and others.  I refuse to debate this issue, in a negative way.  I refuse to debate the qualities of my wife.  I have a great treasure, the love of a beautiful lady.  I dare say the person in Japan, will never have the piece of mind and clarity of heart to have the same.


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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2010, 06:17:40 pm »

I've just re-read Philips post, and i'm now intriged as to who the Forum has lost, and why??
Perhaps you can expand on this Philip??


Offline David E

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2010, 06:37:13 pm »
The purpose of opening this thread was NOT to justify how good are our Chinese lovelies :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

It was an attempt by me to put something on the record about my own Lady, so that newbies looking in would not be influenced by a general accusation that Chinese women were looking for a meal ticket.

I felt pretty sure that many other Bros can also testify as to the integrity and honesty of their Ladies.

To leave an allegation of such deception on the part of Chinese women un-challenged would give the wrong message to anyone beginning this journey.

There are many of us here who have met Chinese women and the relationship did not succeed at the first....or in somecases more.....attempt.

I dont remember reading about anybody who claimed that the failed relationships were due to the Lady in question being a gold-digger and just looking for a meal ticket.

Of course, there are such women out there....not only Chinese...and there are some bad guys also. So always the advice here is about keeping eyes and ears open, be careful and there are many, many such bits of good advice throughout the Forum....but not to be put off by generalisations about all Chinese women.

We post continually about this search being difficult and expensive for all sorts of reasons, I felt very strongly that we should not give the impression that the difficulties were all about money !!!
