Author Topic: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!  (Read 6108 times)

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Offline ron

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2010, 09:43:01 pm »
Just wanted to say that this  forum has given me more information than anywhere on the inrenet I have learned from other peoples experiences what to look for what not to look for.I am very glad and aprecative for this site and all the people who have taken time to post their experiences whether good or bad Thank you all for the information and the stories and the humor as well


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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2010, 10:23:01 pm »
sometimes we will not agree with what one member has posted but i dont think we
need to chastize them personally for making the statement but rather make the
appropriate comments in regard to what they have posted. you know as to why we
disagree. bashing the poster is not constructive and there is really no need for it.

some people just have different views on certain happenings in their life and that is
there god given right to do so or to have and when posted here we should as a group
collectively refute what they said without making it a personal attack

ok just my thoughts


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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2010, 10:37:09 pm »
Quote from: 'Philip' pid='38104' dateline='1273073679'

I might even venture to say that this forum has  lost one of its most valuable contributors when we forgot to exercise just this tolerance.

I was not going to say anything on this thread because many of you already know my thoughts about Brett.  However, Philip, you are certainly not talking about Brett are you?  Most valuable contributors?  I hope you mean China Shark.

I think most have discounted what Brett says.  His offensive comments were more of the same kind of stuff that has spewed from his mind from the beginning.  So not much has changed.

Today was the first time I have seen him in another light though.  It is kind of sad.  His last comment was him justifying himself and telling us we are all wrong.

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2010, 02:00:44 am »
Some of you may be wondering why Paul Todd hasn't posted for a long time. Some people leave this site kicking and screaming about the damage caused to their ego when someone disagrees with their worldview. Others, like Paul, leave in a quiet, dignified way when he is disheartened by some of the general views expressed. I hope he doesn't mind me speaking for him.
In my view this debate is not just about the offence caused to our spouses and partners. Implying that Chinese women are golddiggers offends all Chinese women. It is all too easy to make sweeping generalisations about a group of people who are not us. Brett feels qualified to make these comments about Chinese women because he had one bad experience and because he has left the dream of China behind and thinks the grass is greener in Japan. But until he stops taking easy shots at an entire group of people, rather than reflect upon his own actions, he will not really evolve and he is doomed to keep repeating the same mistakes.
I hope for myself that I will be able to leave my prejudices at the door and take people as I find them.
My two cents


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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2010, 02:09:48 am »
I wasn't going to say anything however whoever wrote that was very depressed, and burned out on women.  The ranting showed
that if read carefully, this person has been burned and is taking it out on the forum.  I have never met nor have I ever found a
Chinese person that does not work their asses off, trying to make all ends meet just like the rest of us.  I for one have a lot of
respect for them.

As for people leaving the forum, lets not forget it is summer.  There are a lot of "other" things to do out there other than sitting
on a computer all day.  Like swimming, fishing, hiking and all the other outdoor sports.  It's just a lul because of the weather.  I
wouldn't get to excited over it.  Get out and get a tan so you look like Juan the pool boy.  Those jailhouse-tans arn't getting it...:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Bee964

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2010, 11:28:11 am »
Holy crap! What happened? Take a week off and all hell breaks loose. What did Brett say now and in which thread? I take it he had some comments about his experiences with chinese women. I had one bad experience with one chinese woman but I would never try to suggest they are all the same. Yes, the one I went to meet was a gold digger but I would never suggest they are all the same just because of her. There is a little more to the story than just this though.

Dave C
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Offline Rhonald

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2010, 12:21:13 pm »
Quote from: 'Philip' pid='38104' dateline='1273073679'

I might even venture to say that this forum has  lost one of its most valuable contributors when we forgot to exercise just this tolerance.

I sure hope Paul Todd does return. I totally agree with you at how valuable his articules are. I haven't stopped eating apples yet and I sure hope Paul can look past the few rotten apples that fall far from the tree. Not all of us here make fruit cakes.

Thanks Phillip for sharring and if you have personal contact to Paul then give him my best.

But if he has decided to part ways then I wish him well. After all, he did have a way with Hats :icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 12:24:21 pm by Rhonald »
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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2010, 06:21:19 pm »
I knew exactly who Philip was talking about and I seen the reply from another, on this issue...Paul Todd is a good guy! Unfortunately there are those that , in their own minds, know it all...WRONG!!!! Then there are the Brett's.over-moderate true posts and leave this person to post. David E. I agree with your thread and I wish you the best!
« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 06:25:07 pm by maxx »

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2010, 06:50:46 pm »
Then there are the Brett's.over-moderate true posts and leave this person to post. David E. I agree with your thread and I wish you the best!
Over moderate what posts?  Be more specific.  i am tired of people being able to hurl shit without pointing to something a little more specific.


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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2010, 09:23:55 pm »

Mike makes a good point.  But this is for another thread.

Offline ron

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #25 on: May 06, 2010, 10:51:45 pm »
For what it is worth bretts comments about gold diggers wasnt very apropriate.This isnt getting anyone anywhere.Obviouslt he was out of line and he should have a pologised for his comments about women in china wanting a meal ticket.That should have been an opinion he kept to himself.To see how upset everyone is is a very sad thing.I guess even posting on this sunject is sad that it has to come down to this.If its joking thats fine if it has to do with constructive advice that should be fine.I hope we can get beyond this guys its not worth losing friends over.Thats my take on it from what I have read.I dont mean to be little anyone or disrepect anyone but this should be a closed subject it isnt helping anyone is it?    Thanks for your time     Ron

Offline odysseus007

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2010, 11:26:50 am »
C'mon ! Brett is not the President or the Chairman of the Federal Reserve ! There's no real need to analyze and debate and prove or disprove one of his many comments, eh? Actually Brett's statement may even be meant as flamebait to liven up this forum. If that is his real intent, then Brett is a genius. He's created almost as much controversy as if somebody wrote : "Brett is a Brat" (is he?:icon_biggrin:)

Any logician will know that when you say "all chinese women are gold diggers", just one contrary example can prove them wrong.

Same for the statement that all foreigners are meal tickets.... heck, look at all them poor Greeks, their country is damn near bankrupt.... and so many unemployed Americans too....

As for the third part, of course we shouldn't put up with any "princesses", and I take it he equates the term with pampered gold diggers. The only interesting point for debate is what constitutes a gold digger?

Is Zhang Ziyi one? She is worth millions, probably richer than most of us here, but she hangs out with an Isreali billionaire.... hmm. Frankly, my deah, I don't give a damn ! I almost wish she would post a profile on CHN just so Brett can be her meal ticket  :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: May 07, 2010, 11:50:25 am by odysseus007 »
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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2010, 12:20:04 pm »
Gold Diggers!!
Sure they are out there.  Some are not really gold diggers.  They are simply women that want a better way of life. and they find a western man that can support her and make her happy.
She could not find this in her own Country.  And she loves this man and will stay with him and love him for all of his life. As he will do for her.
The love is there and it is genuine. and both people are truly happy, And will live a good life together.
And this woman is called a gold digger simply because she started out poor.
My wife was very poor. But I love her just as much regardless. In fact i am happy I can make this woman so happy. She certainly makes me happy.
The love is genuine. You don't find this very often.
So stop worry about your damn money.
Accept the priceless love the woman wants to give you.
Jimmy Henson

Chet Sams

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #28 on: May 07, 2010, 03:04:07 pm »
I find this funny. I assume Brett made some stupid comment again. Nothing new. And yes he doesnt listen to a word no one says. Been watching it. Seen it with my own eyes. Only reason i assume he made the comments. Is well he got bit. We saw the slap in the face post bout his girl doing wrong but he such an angel in disguise. People posted anyway. Instead of leaving it alone. And maybe letting him fade away. Then the Japan report comes to play. Mainly photos of the land around. Ok to post. No one minded. Till he struck again. And noticed this posting. Amusing. But eh whatever. Now i gotta go to my limited internet. Since internet in Wendover NV DOES not exist for me. Unless i go out of the way to make it happen. Hehe.
I find this funny. I assume Brett made some stupid comment again. Nothing new. And yes he doesnt listen to a word no one says. Been watching it. Seen it with my own eyes. Only reason i assume he made the comments. Is well he got bit. We saw the slap in the face post bout his girl doing wrong but he such an angel in disguise. People posted anyway. Instead of leaving it alone. And maybe letting him fade away. Then the Japan report comes to play. Mainly photos of the land around. Ok to post. No one minded. Till he struck again. And noticed this posting. Amusing. But eh whatever. Now i gotta go to my limited internet. Since internet in Wendover NV DOES not exist for me. Unless i go out of the way to make it happen. Hehe.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2010, 03:04:24 pm by Chet Sams »

Offline David E

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RE: The Gold-diggers....or not !!!
« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2010, 06:23:21 pm »

Whatever were Brett's motives in saying such an irresponsible thing about Chinese women and meal tickets and Princesses does not matter, only he knows exactly why he said such things..

Most of the experienced Bros will treat such words with a laugh !!

But please dont miss the point here...........there are many Newbies who look in the the Forum from time to time and use it for information as they begin this complex task of finding and winning a Chinese wife.

After all, all of us were Newbies at some stage and gobbled up all the information that we could read here and used it (or not !!).

We should remember our responsibility to them and not let them get scared or confused that Chinese women, in general, are a risk financially.

Dont forget also, that if we were talking about Russian women, the comment would probably be more correct.....but I am sure that the vast majority of Chinese women dont fit this category....and I personally didnt want it to go unanswered.

« Last Edit: May 07, 2010, 06:24:34 pm by David E »