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Offline wilson

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New plans for love
« on: May 18, 2009, 03:35:53 am »
I have put this post up as I would like all of you to know what we are planning. I realize that this is my first post and this may raise some eyebrows. But whatever your suspicions please remember I am not asking you for anything

I have been a member like you of Chnlove and have been disappointed with the service. Unlike some of you I have not found my partner on the site despite being ethnically Chinese and speaking Chinese. Also I should add after spending a lot of money

A few of us from Singapore have unfortunately had the same unpleasant experience and as we know each other we decided to work together to set up our own agency.

It is a marriage service and the intention is to make it affordable for the users and to aim for the highest level of security to prevent scamming and churning.

While it seems most of you have already found partners many have not and we hope you will also become members of our agency when we launch.

We are in the process of accumulating ladies profiles from local agencies and we understand some of you may want to start your own local agency in China. If you are interested in this we can send you a starter pack which will detail things we would require from you and what your investment in setting up your business is likely to be.

We will have a central translation desk and other operational support services to minimize your initial investment.

In addition we will also offer welcome services, independent of the local agencies, for men travelling to china to meet their partner and we will be looking for personnel for these positions.

For an operation this size there will be other opportunities that will arise and we will inform you as these come up but again if you want to explore where you feel your expertise may fit please do not hesitate to contact me

We have targeted the soft launch for ………………….and we will give you progress reports but if anyone has a serious inquiry please contact me

Offline China Shark

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2009, 06:22:56 am »

Yes you will raise a few eyebrows but that is the true beauty of this forum. We can speak our minds and let the chips fall where they may. I personally am interested in your idea and think you might have a hell of a shot a doing it right. Not condemming Chong's idea of the Brother and Sister idea yet it started to transform itself into Chnlove with a new face, it started to snowball into just making money towards the end of the thread. I hoping Wilson that your intentions are honorable and you really have the means to get this thing going. I'll be honest if I wanted to I think I could start a very small service right out of my apartment utilizing a few of my biligual male and female friends. If the bottom line isn't about just money I'de be all for helping anyone out to start it up or possibly work the welcoming committe thing in Shenzhen. I say go for it and try to keep the motives as altruistic as humanly possible. I'm not saying money shouldn't be made, just that the matchmaking should be the first and foremost priority. Good Luck.
China Shark Mike
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!

Offline JimB

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2009, 01:17:47 pm »
I am not trying to be a jerk here but, you come on having never been here before and tell us we should trust you and "maybe" you can have jobs for some of us. Not just an eyebrow raised but a couple of red flags.  You are going to get some profiles from "local agencies" I would think that you would probably use some of the same agencies as Chnlove are.  I have no love for Chnlove and I could have been burned badly by them I got lucky and have found my lady.  So tell me how you will be different and why should we trust you? Because you say you "aim for the highest Security"?  How specifically will you do this?  I do not mean to be Mr. Negative here but it is so easy to just say these things, burn a few people and move on.    Besides we know Chnlove is going to be around for a while.  It is the agencies that are bad and Chnlove has done a poor job of policing them.  What will you do different?

Thanks and if you are truly sincere, good luck. I mean that.  Our Brothas deserve a 100% up front honest place.
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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2009, 01:40:11 pm »
Well said Jim couldn't have put that any better myself........

Offline wilson

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2009, 01:46:59 am »
Dear all,

Thanks for your responses and I will try to address them.

Yes - We are going to be a new company and we will have an issue with credibility at the start. We have no comment on the service that other companies provide but what we would like to do is to ensure that people have a site which they can trust to meet their life partners.

We will use local agencies that may have more than one affiliate and we will also open our own offices as we develop our business.

We are going to have a central translation to ensure quality and genuine response and if the local agency wishes to do their own translation then we will monitor their activity from us very closely. It is our intention to encourage webcam contact and direct contact so you can have an online date.

While value for money is what we wish to achieve more importantly we also want to ensure that you the user do not travel hours and miles and spend a lot of money and invest emotion only to find your angel is a dragon. Also remember there is a cultural divide and we would like to be that bridge

There will inevitably be confidence tricksters and insincere people but we will have safety procedures in place like background checks, interviews, etc. Remember this applies to the gentlemen as well as the ladies and even if it is detrimental for short term profitability we will be cautious.

We feel it is the process and if that is right then the barriers to scamming will be high. But no matter how high the barrier if someone is intent to try to cheat then they will look for a way. We will just have to ensure they are identified quickly and culled

Can we guarantee no con artists? We have not found a 100% fool proof system but if you have some suggestions that are practical then please tell us.

We are a business and if we do not make money we will not be going for long. But we do not want the pursuit of profit to compromise our ethics and morals.

Our group is Euro Asian compromised of a few of us based in Singapore and we have senior positions in reputable international companies. We are not asking you for anything but we are letting you know we are around and please check us out when we launch.

We will have opportunities for you in China and you don’t have to trust us any more than you can trust anyone on the internet but please do not damn us because we attempting to launch a better service for you.

Hi Mike, Thanks for your encouragement. We will update information and let everyone know where we are with the process. I you continue to have an interest we will let you have access to Beta test our site and you will be able to do due diligence for your analysis.

Best Regards,



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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2009, 06:11:27 am »
I gotta go with Sarge on this one.  Why should we pick your agency over Chnlove?  Why should we invest in your venture over starting one on our own?

Information is power, and information is what is needed here.  Do you have a webpage url that we can look at?

Offline wilson

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2009, 06:32:52 am »
Hi Martin,

Thank you for your very kind offer, but we have not asked for any investments. We will be launching our site in July and we are letting you guys know what we are doing.

I agree information is power, and we will be keeping you informed of developments hereon in.

There is nothing to stop you starting your own venture.

Quote from: 'Martin' pid='3301' dateline='1242727887'

I gotta go with Sarge on this one.  Why should we pick your agency over Chnlove?  Why should we invest in your venture over starting one on our own?

Information is power, and information is what is needed here.  Do you have a webpage url that we can look at?

Offline JimB

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2009, 01:07:09 pm »

I am sorry if you took offense at what was said.  It surely wasnt meant that way.  If you knew us you would know that we are an honest bunch of people who state their opinion in an open honest fashion.  But never to be mean or spiteful.  While you did give a couple of specifics you are still stating right from the Chnlove book.  "Interviews" etc.  The question was what will you do different from them.
You are quite right that you can never 100% stop someone from trying to scam, but in security it is called "Target Hardening" which means that you make it so difficult for someone to scam your people that it is easier for them to go somewhere else.  You see, scammers are a lazy bunch.  They want money the easy way, life the easy way, etc.  . If they have to jump through too many hoops. they will go somewhere easier.
Maybe you should go back and get all of your info together, then come back and tell us.  if you are for real, I do not think you will have a more loyal bunch than right here. But if you are not, we will pull the plug fast.
This is not meant as an affront to you or your business.  We just protect our own.  Please consider it in that manner.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline wilson

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2009, 09:48:44 pm »

No offense was taken and please do not worry about that.

I fully endorse what you say about the gentlemen on this site and that is precisely why I have posted our plans here and that is to get your opinions which we value.

In an Introduction service there are only so many way one can organize it but as you say it is the petty wanton scams which seem to be prevalent is something that we want to eliminate. We also want to put the two people in “front” of each other as quickly as possible and to try to smooth the cultural misunderstandings that arise which can drive a wedge through an otherwise beautiful relationship.

As we see it if we remove the reason for scams then we start to minimize the probability. In this regard, direct contact should remove the temptation of expensive translated letters by individual agencies. Hopefully we can get this model right.

Our China relationship mangers will be responsible for the integrity of intention of the ladies and they will do the standard check and interviews but also look at past history of marriage, relationships and on an ongoing basis on line behavior.

This may sound like a bit of corporate mumbo jumbo but we intent to work in partnership with the gentlemen and try to stand beside them as a friend and advisor. In this way perhaps we can steer some away from the obviously unsuitable or mismatched relationships.

There are also some men who will have to be culled from our service and we will do this as ruthlessly as we do with the ladies.

None of these measures will keep out the determined scammers and the worst is when someone travels around half the world to find they are not meeting the person they expected to meet. We will care enough to try to work with you on your trip to China.

In the final analysis, I and my partners are the same as you and we are putting in place the service that we would like to receive.

I believe there are some of you who would are interested at the idea and would like a lot more information. However we are in the process of formation and there is only so much we can reveal at this point in time. Please be patient and keep a lookout on this thread for updates.

Jim, look at our progress reports as we post them and please do be our Devil’s Advocate. Your opinions and comments will make us better

Best Regards,


Offline Irishman

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2009, 03:09:51 pm »
Wilson, best of luck in your venture.
You come across as a decent guy rather than a sleaze trying to make a quick buck of the back of desperate men.
If your website is all you say it is here then my hat is off to you sir.
Please do update us with the url when it goes live.
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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2009, 12:18:14 am »
I guess , Chnlove will feel the Heat ... one way or the other ? That it must do something about those aweful Agencies or else ?  

Good luck Wilson , with your Venture . Looking forward to see how much differnet it is going to be from Chnlove and other's ?

Offline wilson

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2009, 05:27:30 am »
The name of our service is Shifu Lem’s Introductions
The website is currently under development. The theme will be done on the 24th of May. We will have the following features on the navigation bar
1)   Home
2)   My Account
3)   Browse Profiles
4)   Tips
5)   Site Help
6)   Forum
7)   About Us
8)   Webcam (By appointment)
Premium services include:
1)   Compatibility match
2)   Personal relationship consultant
3)   On shore Buddy service
4)   Cultural Induction
5)   Wedding Planners
6)   Visa Services
7)   Language and etiquette training
There will be an associate no frills site for chat. In this site there will be no representations but we will try and cull out all the scammers.
Keep your eyes on this thread for more progress updates

Offline JimB

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2009, 09:29:55 am »
I like the webcam idea.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline wilson

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2009, 03:53:00 am »
Dear All,

I realise it has been some time since my last post but please be assured that much progress is being made daily and our service is coming up.

I have updates but am reluctant as it seems the santuary has been disturbed by the presence of Chnlove. I would like to ask your advice do you think I should keep up with the progress reports. Your advice is invaluable
« Last Edit: June 04, 2009, 04:23:41 am by wilson »

Offline Irishman

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2009, 07:34:28 am »
Wilson, sure, updates are welcome :)
I'm mighty curious too see your new project .
Chnlove will be around when you go live too, you are going to have to live with that I am afraid!, the brotherhood here is still strong an friendly though (and interested I'm certain!!).
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