Author Topic: New plans for love  (Read 17597 times)

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Offline JimB

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #30 on: August 26, 2009, 12:12:32 pm »
Where is the office in Beijing.  I am now here in China for 2 months.  I am married now, but would be interested to see your services first hand so I can knowledgeably tell my brothers what I have seen.  Please contact me soonest.

Jim Burk
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Offline Irishman

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #31 on: August 26, 2009, 12:42:26 pm »
I like Aunty Huang, she writes pretty good, very interesting read :D
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Offline wilson

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #32 on: August 27, 2009, 12:28:26 am »
Dear David,

Yes you are right the situation is temporary and the profiles that have no photos or details will not be allowed on – it seems that some agencies had a few problems with loading and we have to rectify this. In our desperate bit to load the profiles we seem to have hit the language road bump. Our China Head is sorting this out and we should have this rectified when you next look.

So all data fields should be filled in

You hit the nail on the head of one of our biggest concerns is scamming and we take this very seriously.

We do not endorse Photo Shopping as we see this as akin to scamming but we have to draw the line somewhere and we are promoting the web cam service to counter this very thing. Both the men and the ladies should have a good idea of who they are talking to and we feel this maybe the best way to see the “natural person”.

Offline maxx

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #33 on: August 27, 2009, 12:32:37 am »
Wilson I took a look.It would not let me look threw the gallery without registering.I think if you would run the gallery for a few pages without a account.You mite draw some more members.

Just a thought.

Offline wilson

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #34 on: August 27, 2009, 12:39:27 am »
Dear Irishman

We are lucky to have Aunty Huang and in our opinion she not only does she have a interesting turn of phrase but also we feel that her advice is solid as well. We think she will be a good draw to our site
Dear Maxx,

The site is designed to allow visitors to view our gallery of ladies without registering. You can browse through by clicking on the "previous" "next" links on top.

If you want to view each lady's profile in detail then you need to register.

However if you are experiencing something else do let me know.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 12:42:46 am by wilson »


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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #35 on: August 27, 2009, 12:56:44 am »
Wilson , I noticed ... that you only show Height in centimeter's and weight in kilograms . No one or very few will know these in America if not from a Euorpean or Asian Country . You must include Feet and Inches and american pounds , if you don't want them all write to Customer Care all the time asking the same question over and over .
« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 12:57:48 am by Arnold »

Offline wilson

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #36 on: August 27, 2009, 12:58:38 am »
Dear Jim

Congratulations on your marriage and from everyone at Shifu Lem we wish you and your wife a happy marriage.

We do not have an office in Beijing. Our Shifu Lem HQ is in Hong Kong and we are supported by an Operations centre in Harbin and Guangzhou. Our Head of China is based in Hainan and/or HK.

In fact we are currently underrepresented in Beijing but we are working on coverage and this will be resolved in the near term

I am based in Singapore and HK and travel to China. We are negotiating offices in Guangzhou but we have not committed to these yet and it will depend if we want to centralize in China.

You are welcome to contact any of our people but in China you will have to speak in Chinese with them as their English is limited, except of course for our Customer Service who do speak good English. By the end of next month we will start our Buddy service and we will have bilingual people. If you want to ever speak with me directly I will be delighted to give you my contact details.

Dear Arnold,

Oops we left that out, that feature will be added in as soon as possible. Thank you for your suggestion!
« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 01:02:13 am by wilson »

Offline JimB

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #37 on: August 27, 2009, 07:02:07 am »
Ok Wilson, if I can do anything from here let me know. I do not speak Chinese well, but my wife of course does.  She can translate.  
I agree with Maxx, you should allow a certain number of looks before registering as that will get the hook in.  I would more likely and in fact have registered after looking at a few profiles.( Of course before I met my wife)  Before registering you cannot do anything but look. Maybe a one page look or something along those lines. And yes, Aunty is a good thing. Except why did she not want to write for you?  Are you that bad that you had to convince her?  I would think saying that once would be enough.   Plus make it clear why she didnt want to write.  I understand your intention of that but it might put something in the back of your mind when reading it.

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Offline wilson

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #38 on: August 27, 2009, 11:21:51 pm »
Dear Jim and Maxx
Thanks you have made a good suggestion on getting registrations - we are having a management meeting on this and examining practical and likely ways to move in the direction you suggest. Unfortunately it needs a programme change and perhaps we just open the entire profiles for viewing - I personally dont see a downside as it also fits well with our policy of openess and transparancy. I will keep you updated
Jim, we have two services where you could fit well and these are 1.Buddy and 2. Tours. The first Tour will be in October but not in Beijing and if you are still there and can spare 10 days for sightseeing in China this is something perhaps you could do.If you are hoing to stay on in China longer then yes definately we will have a lot of things going on.

Offline Martin

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #39 on: August 27, 2009, 11:36:31 pm »
Wilson...great looking site.  It has a nice feel to it.  If you want to mention our forum in there, as a place for men to go to get help in their journey, please feel free.  We are here for all men seeking, or in a relationship with a Chinese lady.  We have no affiliation with any dating site, so we are strictly a help/support forum.

Offline wilson

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #40 on: August 28, 2009, 01:04:30 am »
Dear Martin
Thanks a lot - we have worked hard on this and it is nice to get feedback like yours.  We have not added a forum as we did not want to be distracted at this stage and your offer is most welcome as people who are looking online do feel isolated and like to discuss on fourm's.
I will take this to the management committee meeting and I think they will approve.
We also have a Tour website starting to coincide with our official launch on the 090909 (or 999) - yes it is a little joke for us but i assure you not for our Chinese staff; and we could also add a link there.

Offline JimB

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #41 on: August 28, 2009, 01:22:36 am »
Wilson, Thanks for the offer, but I do not think I am well enough qualified.  What I did mean was that I have a few good contacts in Beijing and Xi'an. they are certified tour guides and all speak, read and write English as well as learning Korean and French.  My strong suits are in management and physical security with some IT management as well. I am really more interested in seeing your set up when I get the opportunity. I may move to Beijing in the near future but not at this time.  
Your web site looks good.  With the changes that are talked about it should be a success.  I also agree with Martin.  I think your site would be welcome as long as it is as you say it will be.  As you know, we will be honest and fair in our evaluation. Even those of us who are married are here to help each other along the way.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline wilson

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #42 on: August 28, 2009, 02:24:38 am »
Dear Jim
Thanks for your comments. To be candid we are unlikely to set up in either Beijing or Shanghai because of the expense but we might run tours or other operations there.  We will have an office(s) in Guangzhou and Harbin because these are places that suit our principals. As you know we are also in HK and this is our corporate HQ.
If you do move to Beijing and you are interested in doing something with us just give us a shout and we could always discuss in greater detail how we could work together.

I believe in the brotherhood and trust we will be evaluated fairly in our operations. On the other hand if we are seen to be deviating from our promises and ideals please do not hesitate to remind us.


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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #43 on: August 28, 2009, 02:52:44 am »
Wilson , I have a question . As your Forum and Chnlove will indeed be most competitive toward's each other . Do you also , are going to try to win " US " over from Chnlove ? You know most of us here are Member's there and most of us that found their Love there are going to be loyal to them for good . Now ? I know this is all Business , but to us it is to give something back that they gave us in return .
Or are you going to work side by side ( as friendly Companies ) or is it to steal all their Business from them ?
I like your sight very much , looks great , but I will never be convinced to honor another sight , as I do Chnlove .
So , you think there will be a mutual understanding among all three of us in the future , without somebody wanting to take control of the other ? In other word's , I wish you success of course , but not at Chnlove's cost . I very much like your input on this subject .

Offline maxx

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #44 on: August 28, 2009, 10:36:01 am »
Arnold I understand what you are saying.But I think we have more then payed back Chnlove what we owed them.Me and you have ben helping CHnlove for years.

I think it is time for something new.after all the bad stuff the agency have done to the members here.And chnlove covering for the agency.They have ben given more then a Chance to correct the agencies buissnes practices and they havent.They make excuses

I hope Wilson's site puts Chnlove out of buisness. Wison has  a nice site with a good feeling to it once they make the changes we suggested.

Arnold if Qing needs help with the interview let me know.We can work something out in PM messageing