Author Topic: New plans for love  (Read 17602 times)

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #45 on: August 28, 2009, 11:18:32 am »
I dont want to see chnlove put out of business...however, I would love to see some of the agencies put under.  I think chnlove needs to do more to fix their problems.


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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #46 on: August 28, 2009, 11:28:38 am »
Quote from: 'Martin' pid='14584' dateline='1251472712'

I dont want to see chnlove put out of business...however, I would love to see some of the agencies put under.  I think chnlove needs to do more to fix their problems.

This is the way I feel , Martin . This Co . has given me something that no other has done . Anybody scamming anywhere should be put out of Business . If Chnlove is to fail , it's their own doing ... or not doing .
« Last Edit: August 28, 2009, 11:29:46 am by Arnold »

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #47 on: August 28, 2009, 12:25:13 pm »
Arnold, I feel somewhat as you do and mostly like Maxx does, Zhou was once a member of Chnlove but not when I met her here in the states so in a way Chnlove has helped me, and at the same time I was scammed more then once on Chnlove by the agencies.
Wilson, what I have seen of your site I like so far and I'm sure it will be even better if/when you include the changes that were said, now I also know that you are just starting out and there aren't many women signed up as yet but I have noticed that most of your ladies are in a 20 year range of 30 to 50 years of age and a few younger and older, I'm not saying this is good or bad but, it does seem that most of the men looking overseas are looking for this age group, my question is , was this on perpose or did it just happen this way?

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #48 on: August 28, 2009, 07:29:50 pm »
Wison I forgot to ask you something would you send me the information on how the women is to sign up for your agency.I have a sister in law.That needs a husband.

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #49 on: August 29, 2009, 05:36:27 am »
Competition is good for everyone.  It will make Wilson's site more attentive to their customers and Chnlove will maybe clean up its act with the Agencies once they see that it is really doing them more harm than good because people will head to Wilsons site.  It ChnLove doesnt then they deserve to go under.
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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #50 on: August 30, 2009, 08:30:48 am »
Dear Arnold,
We were members and users of Chnlove’s service and the reason why we started Shifu Lem is because we were burned – when we discussed this among ourselves we felt that we did not wish these experiences on anyone who is truly looking for a partner.

Our services are designed to be responsive and personal and we look to put partners in front of each other asap so they can develop their relationship. We do not shy away from responsibility and we have both a moral and emotional responsible towards our members – we are looking for engagement not distance

Chnlove have their business model and ethics and good luck to them, we are not focused on them. Our focus is on the service to our members, our business growth and the welfare of our employee partners

From what you say you are a good friend of Chnlove and after you have seen and heard the experience of our service I hope you will be a good friend of Shifu Lem as well

Dear Michael
We wanted a truly representative age distribution but as you have noticed there is a concentration in the 20 year age distribution.
The short answer to your question is that this is not intentional but it just happened this way. We are reluctant to force the issue as we don’t want to interfere with the “natural’ growth of our business.

We have also declined to accept many ladies as they did not pass our 'tests' at the interview – these ladies have been in the younger age category.

Dear Maxx
We do accept ladies selectively directly on to our site and normally this is because we feel there is a lady who is really a good person but is unlikely to get attention because of her situation - ie young lady with more than one small child; With your sister in law we could ask our China Head to interview her and take her on the Matchmaking programme.
Please ask her to e-mail our head of China operation, Miss Huang Xiaoyun on and she will contact your sister in law directly to see the best way to represent her
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 08:37:28 am by wilson »


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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #51 on: August 30, 2009, 12:58:25 pm »
Wilson , first ... I don't like anybody scamming anybody , don't matter who they are . Chnlove has done many good things to a lot of people . It's the Agencies that are the problem . So , yes I like Chnlove and I will mention that also in my Book .
 Let me tell you here , why I feel a little upset with you and your new site .
I went there to check it out and the first thing I noticed was... there was NO Forum ? Why , I thought ? When it hit me , you came here and befriended all of us ( or try'd at least ) so we could become the part that was missing on your site . Sound's simple , just HI-jack this Forum and make it your's to use at your site . If I'm wrong , then tell me why you had not thought of a Forum , when Chnlove had their's ? You are building your site after them after all , but without all the fake this and fake that , and offering better service . Which of course could or will make your site successful . But , I feel you were sneaky ( with the plan ) to take us to your place . Which you could have done in a more business like fashion , by telling us the Truth of your intention's in the first place .

All I need is a suitable answer from you , tell me .. us .. so I can put this aside , because I do not like to be used and I'm sure nobody else does .
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 12:59:16 pm by Arnold »

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #52 on: August 30, 2009, 08:45:06 pm »
Has anyone found out about costs involved yet.  All I can see is a charge of $2600 and $3900.

Maybe my girlfriend and I should start our own agency in Zhuhai and I can meet and greet all the visitors personally either at the ferry or airport for less than that sort of money.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline wilson

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #53 on: August 31, 2009, 02:29:21 am »
Dear Arnold

I apologize if I have upset you – this was not my intention. I have always had the same reason for posting and that is to get the Forum opinion which I knew I would.

We started Shifu Lem to provide a service that we wish to have ourselves and we did not model ourselves on any existing company. Yes we were scammed badly and this was our motivation.

The lack of a Forum is an omission which we recognized however as we are in the pre launch phase there are other more crucial changes to be made some of which have been detailed in this thread. This will be rectified and we will have our own forum in due course.

There is also a case to be made of an external Forum where criticism can be voiced more effectively and without vested censorship we have debated this as well but we are unlikely to take this route. If it does start it will do so on its own accord

It appeared to us that the majority of people on this site are married, engaged or attached and the value is your opinion from your experience as you have already made your selection and are unlikely to use another site. For users we have an active marketing campaign which we hope to attract and generate members.

Arnold, I am not using you or anybody here. I have been open and honest if you want to check me call me directly. I will take your call

Dear Willy

These are the cost of the Tours and this is run in conjunction with an Affiliate- this will be off the site at launch and it will have its own site but there will be a reference to it.

A full list of charges/prices is in the section Service List and subsection Price List.

There are a lot of couples who have done just as you have said and set up a Tour Agency’s. You will find after transfers, tours, cocktails, meals and hotel bills and not to mention matchmaking services, the charges are not outrageous.

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #54 on: August 31, 2009, 02:46:52 am »
i am one who doesn't feel that the lack of a forum would be a deal breaker for me.  case in point,
CHNLOVE has a forum and it still sucks.  let's say that the forum is less restrictive.  what comes with
that is a slipperly slope which also encourages free for all .... discussions, to put it politely.  so it's almost
a win/lose situation.  infrastructure needed to implement ie staff allocated to monitor the forums
and posts

i'd be more interested in beefing up some 'code of conduct' or rules
of operation, etc to ensure that the playing field is more level.  
many of our questions and apprehensions have to do with legitimacy
of the ladies, are we being played?, reasonable accuracy in photos,
etc etc.

if you're attempting to set up a competing service, i'd review the type
of complaints and questions raised here (vis a vis CHNLOVE) and
see if you can offer a product/service which improves on the
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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #55 on: August 31, 2009, 04:47:46 am »

Not neccesarily so that the majority of members here are married, engaged or attached. It is just that the majority of the information that is posted here comes from Members here who have been through the process (for better or worse !!) and have timely, relevant and sound advice for the "silent majority" of members who are new to the whole process.

Those of us who are unattached, clearly see that the problems we encounter........very well spelled out by Raymond .....are more about the Agencies themselves , rather than with CHNLove. Although it could be said that CHNLove is really accountable because of their failure to successfully impose codes of conduct and ethics on some of their representative Agencies....and their inability to do anything about the number of legitimate complaints raised by members here...myself included.

There is a growing awareness on this Forum that in so many cases we are being treated as Cash machines, and insulted and offended as a result.

If you dont have ruthless control over the behaviour of those Agencies who are effectively your front end troops, then you have no chance of any long term loyalty from all the men out here who genuinely seek a relationship...via an honest broker. Forums such as this one, quickly fetch out the bad bits and share them amongst us all...for the greater good !!

« Last Edit: August 31, 2009, 04:49:53 am by David E »

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #56 on: August 31, 2009, 05:14:03 am »
Dear Raymond

Your comments are interesting and I have alerted my management committee to them as you have hit bull’s eye and we have thought we had made the service levels explicit. Evidently not and we will be working to amend this.

Our model envisages that the couple in distance romance would like to see and speak to each other. We feel it is quite different to look at someone’s photo and see the person “live”. Our value proposition is the webcam chat and the time to determination of suitability. The quicker you can address the uncertainty the better.

Scamming and churning is a real issue and we have zero tolerance – we state this in our site. However we fully expect that we will be tested at some point. We feel the more a couple interacts directly with each other – webcam, phone, face to face the dynamics of scamming is altered and probability much reduced.

We will have to make this more explicit and we will be doing just this over the next few days. Raymond can I ask you for a big favor please? Can you look at and see if this is a good representation?
Dear David

We have an internal mantra which perhaps it is appropriate to share with you. It is honest representation - we try to present the ladies as they are. We are working towards getting all our ladies on webcam but there are logistic issues which we are slowly resolving.

I have posted a link in my response to Raymond and this is where we should move to.

The next is Honest Communication – we don’t like cheats or being cheated and we don’t want that – there are plenty of other sites where they can practice that. This also applies to men as well.

There is a balance between intrusion and advice and we will find this, we have spoken personally to all the ladies on our site and I am not sure how practical this will be in the future but our representatives will continue to do this and also to monitor relationships as they grow.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2009, 05:32:32 am by wilson »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #57 on: August 31, 2009, 06:10:56 am »
Quote from: 'wilson' pid='14990' dateline='1251700161'

Dear Willy

These are the cost of the Tours and this is run in conjunction with an Affiliate- this will be off the site at launch and it will have its own site but there will be a reference to it.

A full list of charges/prices is in the section Service List and subsection Price List.

to mention matchmaking services, the charges are not outrageous.

In have tried to find the price list as you state but cannot.  I just want to know how much credits are going to cost.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline JimB

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #58 on: August 31, 2009, 11:09:32 am »
I personally do not see where Wilson is using anyone anymore than any of us would do if we were starting a site of our own.  he is just gathering information for his use  from members here that have been there and done that.  Just see that we are his test market without paying for it. So what?  If you do not want to help then dont.  he is not forcing anyone here to help or answer.  the proof will be in the pudding as they say.  we will monitor him of course and if he or his site isnt what he claims then we will be the first to point that out.  Of course he is trying to befriend us, wouldnt you?  he is just a business man trying to get something going.  You cant tell me that Chnlove (or an agency) has not done that also.  but in a more underhanded way. At least Wilson is above board in what he is doing. Look those of us who are married or found their love have nothing more to win or lose.  We are just trying to protect the ones coming after us from having the same mistakes/problems that we have had.  That is the reason we are still here.  we certainly dont need any of this anymore.  I for one am not going to give all of my allegiance to any one site. Because as  i said before competition is good for us all.  That is what keeps prices down, makes the companies work harder to keep their word, etc.  
maybe he should have had a forum to begin with, but look at what Chnlove's forum has turned into.  Why was this place started to begin with?  Because if their forum was as it should be we would have not been needed.  And you know darn well that if he starts to screw with people we will be the first to start yelling about it.  he cant buy us all off.  Because we are independent and do not need anyone else.  we do not need funding or anything else.  If he is willing to put a link to our site from his, that tells me at least he has the confidence that he is going to produce.
As they say we shall see.
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #59 on: August 31, 2009, 11:59:24 am »
I for one am not knocking the project.  I just want to know how much it will cost because when I tell Xia how many are coming to stay for  New Year then I will probably be starting over again.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,