Author Topic: New plans for love  (Read 17610 times)

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Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #75 on: September 14, 2009, 06:03:19 am »
Quote from: 'wilson' pid='16571' dateline='1252917494'

Dear Willy

Currently visitors in China will not be able to view the full version of our site. Only men with existing accounts can access all the features. If you would like to, do send me an email on with your desired login name and I will create an account for you.

I am not a visitor to China - I live here but I will send the details.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #76 on: September 14, 2009, 06:31:15 am »
Quote from: 'Willy The Londoner' pid='16566' dateline='1252914282'

Quote from: 'wilson' pid='16557' dateline='1252904083'

Dear Willy

All our ladies are individually verified by our staff in China and this takes a little time. We are loading ladies from Guangzhou and then Dalian followed by Chengdu in the next priority listing.

The pipeline is full but we need to stick to our principals of what we promised. We are certain if we stick by our principals we will be rewarded by loyal clients – if we have client satisfaction we will have profit.

so there is no way in yet to see any ladies at the moment - regardless of where they are from.  That was what i was querying.  So how do your staff check then out.  Is it individually by going to interview each one or is it just to make sure that their payment has cleared!!

I know that I am synical but surely you are on here just acting as PR for the company you started.

It may be a long wait before you are up and running so thank God that there are another 1000 women on the Zhuhai Chnlove agency lists.


Dear Willy

Why not be cynical? We have said many times why we are here but when we get comments like we did from Phil – how valuable is that?

All comments here have been invaluable and we have incorporated nearly all of them. We are also certain if we do not stick by what we say we will be reminded of this and we are prepared to be judged by the high standards we have set.

So please kick the tyres, slam the doors and if there is a flaw we will soon find it and we will fix it.

But remember it is not only the quantity but also the honesty and security that you need – we will soon have the volume and we know for the uninitiated this is an important criteria and we also know you will look for much more.

Offline wilson

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #77 on: September 16, 2009, 03:52:31 am »
Dear Phil

Once again thank you and if you browsed our site recently you will have noticed

1.       We have incorporated your short header idea
2.       You can now browse unlimited ladies profiles
3.       We have a Pricing section in the navigation bar

Our landing pages are appropriate dependent where one comes from – we will looking to alter the entry page.

Yes you are right, even with these few changes, a visit to our site seems a much better experience. There will be more to come

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #78 on: September 16, 2009, 02:18:22 pm »
Quote from: 'wilson' pid='16782' dateline='1253087551'

Dear Phil

Once again thank you and if you browsed our site recently you will have noticed

1.       We have incorporated your short header idea
2.       You can now browse unlimited ladies profiles
3.       We have a Pricing section in the navigation bar

Our landing pages are appropriate dependent where one comes from – we will looking to alter the entry page.

Yes you are right, even with these few changes, a visit to our site seems a much better experience. There will be more to come

Looking good Wilson...I like being able to browse the profiles and then only being asked to join when I want to view the profile details. Very Nice!

Watermarks on the images! Good, protect your work!

Short header on profile pages is looking good!

Prices are easy to find! Good... Nobody makes apologies when charging for their services you should not be the ones to start!  

I know you're still looking at the home page, but consider this...there is so much market research out there now that states "Unless you are a Fortune 500 company that has a significant culture built behind a brand, it carries very little weight". Like I mentioned previously all the home page artwork and those value articles are nice...But, it's a vanity page for the designers and owners.

Hope everyone will forgive me for comparing lifelong relationships to fast food, but here is my example: When I go to McDonalds I am not interested in their corporate culture, civic pride, altruistic mission statement, relationship with the growers and unions, etc. I want a Cheeseburger and french fries (Product), they are cheap (Price), fast and clean (Value).

In your case: Provide gentlemen access to Chinese women looking for husbands (Product), make the service affordable (Price), protect the gentlemen from being scammed by the agency (Value).

Wilson, please PM me an email address, I have some articles for you to read.

Looking good....nice job improving things!


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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #79 on: September 16, 2009, 03:28:30 pm »

Congratulations on the new site. One thing that I noticed is that on your registration site you are asking people to send a lot of personal information to an unsecured web site. I personally will not be joining this site until I am hitting a https (secured) site instead of an http (unsecured) for registration. Otherwise site looks great.


Offline wilson

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #80 on: September 22, 2009, 04:56:37 am »
Dear Kethomps,

You make a very good point this is one thing we have looked at. We are in the process of obtaining a Trust Guard Seal to verify our  business and will be putting in SSL shortly as well.

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #81 on: September 24, 2009, 11:45:59 pm »
Dear Kent

You will be delighted to know we have done exactly as you wanted and we should really thank you again for pointing out an omission on our part. It is corrected and all pages which requires user details are covered by a valid SSL certificate.

You can now try us.
You will also notice we have gone one step further and provided a full anti scam guarantee, and we also have to thank one of the contributors for this suggestions

Offline MLM

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #82 on: September 25, 2009, 09:34:17 am »
Wilson, just checked out your site, with all the new improvements, good job, keep up the good work and good luck.

Offline JimB

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #83 on: September 25, 2009, 11:43:25 am »
It seems so far, Wilson has done everything he said he was going to do.  Now we will see if the ladies follow through.  Wilson, what city is the closest to Beijing do you have an office that i could visit?  I would like to see your operation in person.  That way I can tell my brothers what i saw.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline wilson

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #84 on: September 26, 2009, 01:19:44 am »
Dear MLM
Dear Jim
I think we covered this point before. Our corporate offices are in HK. Our operational offices is in Harbin, Our Partnership office is based in Guangzhou and our sales in Hainan Island and Changsha. We are cuurently examining a feasibility study for the upgrade of our office in Changsha and it is likely at this stage we will follow through.
In addition we will be opening offices with our partnership Tour business likely to be next month. For the location we are again looking at Guangzhou but we will almost certainly need to have offices in Beijing in time.
We have just been audited by Trust Guard and we now have their seal of approval. Our directors and principals are frequently travelling to and in China and possibly to Beijing as well. I will be in China next month to audit our afiliate and also to welcome a "love tour" group but this will be in Chengdu. However if you are in any of these places please let us know and we can always arrange for you to go and meet our people. Also if you are in HK or Singapore please let us know we can always meet for a beer.

Offline maxx

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #85 on: November 09, 2009, 07:52:58 pm »
Quote from: 'wilson' pid='14331' dateline='1251292996'

It has been sometime since I announced our intention to start our Agency. So it is time for me to give you a progress report and timetable.

We have been very busy and we stumbled many times to get to this point but we have a service and a website. But more than that we have a good team in place all of who have the same values and objectives.

We are loading our site and we are almost ready to launch. We will now Beta test over the coming weeks and there will obviously be things we need to modify, rectify, add and delete.

It would be a privilege for us to get your comments and I invite you to visit our site and have a look round and make any comments. Our site address is

Currently we have a total of 750 ladies of which a few profiles have been loaded and progressively increase over the next few weeks.

Our services are broken into the standard

Correspondence - translated
Webcam -translated
Personal Introduction Tours
We have some find Affiliate agreements and with our principal participations we have a fine management structure.

Please browse and let us know and if we should be privileged enough to have you as a member as a Beta tester for the next  2 weeks we will give you a 25% discount on the credits you purchase – so for every 4 you buy you will get 1 free. So if you register and purchase credits please send us an e-mail : and the head of our CS office is Angel

Look forward to seeing you on the other side

Since everybody is checking out different companies.I thought I mite as well bump this one back to the top.If somebody wants to try this one.Let us know how it goes.  is in no way assaociated with owner of this web site asked if he could post it here.The mods and administrater agreed so here it is.

Sorry guys.I don't know what happend my link is broken.But wilson link is working.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 09:07:40 pm by maxx »

Chet Sams

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #86 on: November 09, 2009, 08:19:04 pm »
Maxx take the n off the link. dead ends to nooooooooowhere.

Offline RegnisTheGreat

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #87 on: November 10, 2009, 07:47:10 pm »

1) I put down that I'm Canadian as a country. Then the province list comes up as French. Why? English and French are both official languages.
2) Since the site is obviously to date/relationship with Asian woman, why when you are asked what ethnicity you want to date there's choices like: Latin, Caucasion, Muslin, etc?

Offline wilson

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #88 on: November 14, 2009, 01:24:36 am »
Dear All,

Many apologies for not posting before and more often but as you can imagine we have been very busy. Our development is largely in line with our plans.
A few things you might be interested in and these are things that were discussed some time ago and we are launching these over the next few weeks
1. Our Sister company will launch matchmaker tours in China and there will be a set schedule for 2010.
2. A blog will be online in approximately 2 weeks and we will have a life coach as the expert blogger and ladies blogging their profiles as a way of presenting themselves. This will include a forum that many have asked we have on our site. The blog manager is a lady who has been in journalism and is an asset to us.
3. Our base ladies profiles are increasing and because of our stringent checks are increasing as a steady bit slow pace.
4. We examine our user experience constantly and we are making improvements constantly. Unfortunately there are a lot of small improvements to be made
5. Our blogs will include ladies from China and Singapore and then expanding to other Asian countries when we have the resources - so there will be different ethnic types on our site.
6. We are also in discussions with the Singapore authorities for certification and Gao Teng is our lead in this area- we are sanguine on the probability. This is not easy to get and there are only 9 official licences in Singapore. We hope we could be the 10th.
If any of you do surf our site and see someone you would like to get to know; drop Huang Xiao Yun our head of China operations a line and she and her team will take care of you

Offline RegnisTheGreat

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RE: New plans for love
« Reply #89 on: November 14, 2009, 02:08:08 am »
Wilson: question,

Admirer Emails - do they require the girl's approval or does the agency do that by themselves?